Скачать презентацию The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC 3 Projects Скачать презентацию The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC 3 Projects


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The Energy conservation Center Japan  PROMEEC 3 Projects for 2006 -2007 - Achievement and The Energy conservation Center Japan  PROMEEC 3 Projects for 2006 -2007 - Achievement and Future Plan – ASEAN EE&C SSN June 6, 2007 Yoshitaka Ushio General Manager, International Engineering Dept. The Energy Conservation Center, Japan ECCJ

The Energy conservation Center Japan 1. Confirmation of Target and Basic 2. Approach for The Energy conservation Center Japan 1. Confirmation of Target and Basic 2. Approach for Phase - 2 ECCJ

The Energy conservation Center Japan Level of capability to Promote EE&C Importance of Self The Energy conservation Center Japan Level of capability to Promote EE&C Importance of Self Effort es ng ss ine a us / B et Ch y us rg Mark Economy ne rio E Energy Va Situations Unexpected Conditions Policy Learning From ECCJ Phase - 1 Sustainable Basis To Be Built By “Continued SELF EFFORT” Phase - 2 Time 3

The Energy conservation Center Japan Target for Phase - 2 Effective Digestion and Ensured The Energy conservation Center Japan Target for Phase - 2 Effective Digestion and Ensured Sustainability to Implement / Disseminate What ASEAN Learned 1. Enhanced OJT Based on (1) Well Organized Local Core Team for Survey / Energy Audit / Seminar (2) Better Preparation for Survey / Energy Audit (3) Preparatory Activities (Pre-survey, etc. ) 2. Preparation of Tools for Implementation (1) Accumulation of Achievements / Experiences (2) Standardized Data, Information and Guideline (3) Easier Access and User-friendliness 3. Effective & Harmonized Inter-Project Activities ECCJ 4

The Energy conservation Center Japan Phase – 2 : Formation to Implement Local Activities The Energy conservation Center Japan Phase – 2 : Formation to Implement Local Activities Based on “Enhanced OJT” Member Focal Point & ACE Status Leader with ACE to coordinate Available Local* Expert ECCJ Assistance ECCJ Basic Required Scheme for Site Activities with Flexible Assistance by ECCJ Future Core Team For Implementation & Dissemination (*) “Local” means “National” and/or “Regional “. 5

The Energy conservation Center Japan “ASEAN Energy Management System” Developing to Sustain Phase-2 Activity The Energy conservation Center Japan “ASEAN Energy Management System” Developing to Sustain Phase-2 Activity Achievement and Experience Based Project Activities Sustainable System Provision of Tools & Information for E. M. Regist. Experts ASEAN Customers Information Service ASEAN Network of Cooperators One-Stop to System Advisory Service Energy Audit “ASEAN Energy Management System” Campaign/ Award System ECCJ Training Service Coordination 6 ECCJ

The Energy conservation Center Japan 2. Achievement in 2006 - 2007 The Energy conservation Center Japan 2. Achievement in 2006 - 2007

The Energy conservation Center Japan Project Team of ECCJ Mr. T. Nuibe Coordination K. The Energy conservation Center Japan Project Team of ECCJ Mr. T. Nuibe Coordination K. Yoshida Major Industries Mr. T. Kawase (L) Mr. H. Tanaka (L) Mr. K. Takeda Mr. F. Ogawa * Buildings Mr. Y. Ushio (L) Mr. A. Kobayashi** Mr. H. Amano Energy Management Mr. K. Yoshida (L) Mr. T. Sato Mr. F. Ogawa * Mr. A. Kobayashi** 8

The Energy conservation Center Japan Actual Team Formation & Features - Major Industries for The Energy conservation Center Japan Actual Team Formation & Features - Major Industries for 2006 – 2007 Country Lao PDR Thailand Myanmar Industrial Subsector Cement (2) Iron & Steel (1) Oil Refinery (1) Cement (1) 24 Participants 17 Participants 14 participants With Ptm & ACE Focal Point Local Expert ECCJ Features of Activities ECCJ Concentrated on “Cement Ind. ” “Steel Ind. ” Follow-up (Oil Refinery) & “Cement Ind. ” 9

The Energy conservation Center Japan Summary of Seminar-Workshop Numbers of Seminar Participants, 2005 & The Energy conservation Center Japan Summary of Seminar-Workshop Numbers of Seminar Participants, 2005 & 2006 Seminar-Workshop Country Lao PDR Host Country + ASEAN + ACE + ECCJ = Total 49 + 5 + 2 + 3 = 60 Ave. = 56 2006 41 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 50 Myanmar 49 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 57 Brunei 2005 Thailand 92 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 100 Cambodia 52 + 4 + 1 + 3 = 60 Ave. = 65 Indonesia 48 + 4 + 5 + 3 = 60 Philippines 34 + 3 + 1 + 3 = 41 10 ECCJ

The Energy conservation Center Japan Presentation Items from ASEAN Countries Country Industry EE&C Activities The Energy conservation Center Japan Presentation Items from ASEAN Countries Country Industry EE&C Activities Same presentation done in 2005 Lao PDR Hydro-power Iron/Steel Ind 2 -stg recuperator, VSD for water pump, Screw air compressor Malaysia Overview of MIEEIP project (PTM), Food, Glass, Textile, General Iron/Steel Thailand Iron/Steel Ind Daylight, cooling tower fan blade, air compressor replace, etc Food Ind. Philippines Iron/Steel Ind Cement Ind. Vietnam Indonesia Myanmar ECCJ Ceramics Ind Insulation, cond. recovery, steam leak, Solenoid valves, etc Same presentation done in 2005 VRM, 5 -stg NSP, Damper→VSD, Process A/M, Air leak repair (Kiln), O 2 meter for Air leak, Air press 7 Bar→ 6. 8 Same presentation done in 2004 Iron/Steel Ind. Slab preheat, slab hot charge, billet insulation cover, etc Pulp/Paper Ind. Oil Refining Same presentation done in 2004 Lower tower pressure, tower off gas recovery Cement Ind. 11

The Energy conservation Center Japan Actual Team Formation & Features - Buildings for 2006 The Energy conservation Center Japan Actual Team Formation & Features - Buildings for 2006 – 2007 Country Brunei Darussalam Philippines Vietnam Building Category Hotel (1) Office (2) Hospital (1) Supermarket (1) 20 Participants 11 Participants 15 Participants With ACE Great Progress in Improvement Pre-Audit by DOE Pre-Audit by ECC -HCC Focal Point Local Expert ECCJ Features of Activities ECCJ 12

The Energy conservation Center Japan Seminar-Workshop (1) Number of the Participants  Brunei Date of The Energy conservation Center Japan Seminar-Workshop (1) Number of the Participants  Brunei Date of S-W Number of Participants Philippines Vietnam 2006. 9. 09 2006. 10. 11 2006. 11. 09 60 60 85 No. of Presentation by Host Countries 2 3 1 No. of Presentation by Other ASEAN No. of Presentation by ECCJ & ACE ECCJ 4 4 3 4 4 4 13

The Energy conservation Center Japan Seminar-Workshop Presentations by the Guests from ASEAN ECCJ Thank The Energy conservation Center Japan Seminar-Workshop Presentations by the Guests from ASEAN ECCJ Thank you very much for the supports 14

The Energy conservation Center Japan Actual Activities & Number of Participants and Visits to The Energy conservation Center Japan Actual Activities & Number of Participants and Visits to Companies - Energy Management for 2006 – 2007 Country BD CM ID LP ML MY PH SP TH VN Activity Intensive Seminar. Workshop 42 28 57 38 46 26 30 Visits to Factories & Buildings etc. 3 4 2 2 4 1 st BOJ (EM) 1 1 1 1 1 Research Forum in Japan 1 1 1 1 1 Activities for Award System ECCJ 15

The Energy conservation Center Japan Actual Schedule of PROMEEC for 2006 – 2007 (3 The Energy conservation Center Japan Actual Schedule of PROMEEC for 2006 – 2007 (3 Projects) (As of Feb. 27, 2007) ECCJ 16

The Energy conservation Center Japan Summary of Achievement in 2006 – 2007 (1) 1. The Energy conservation Center Japan Summary of Achievement in 2006 – 2007 (1) 1. Main Successful Progress in Local Activities Based on Organized Local Team with Their Efforts and in Preparation of Tools for Energy Management (1) Teams Consisted of National & Regional Engineers (2) Pre-Audit in Building Project (3) Actual Improvements Realizing in Factories and Buildings Energy-Audited in The Past (3) Preparation of Tools for E. M. with The Target to Establish “ASEAN E. M. System” (4) Start-up The 1 st ASEAN Award of Best Practices in Energy Management ECCJ 17

The Energy conservation Center Japan Summary of Achievement in 2006 – 2007 (2) 2. The Energy conservation Center Japan Summary of Achievement in 2006 – 2007 (2) 2. Required Future Improvement Identified Ensured basis of actual implementation through the following with some specific targets (1) Further enhance OJT in site Activities with more involvement of local persons (2) Deepen understanding of process principle for industries (3) Proceed with in-depth analyses having wider viewpoints based understanding of the concept on environmentally friendly sustainable buildings (4) Introduce training & workshop to disseminate / improve Inhouse Database and Technical Directory ECCJ 18

The Energy conservation Center Japan 3. Proposed Future Plans after 2007 ECCJ The Energy conservation Center Japan 3. Proposed Future Plans after 2007 ECCJ

The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Major Industries) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (1) The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Major Industries) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (1) 1. Follow-up survey / Energy Audit / Workshop under Enhanced OJT at 3 Countries (max): (Purpose) Enhanced implementation & dissemination of improvements Country A - Industry 1      Country B - Industry 2 Country C - Industry 3 - One country one industry. Audit place should be conveniently within or near the capital city for saving of time. - Industry is to be proposed, but preferably selected from rather light industry, for example, textile, food, ceramics and plastics. 2. Preparation of “Technical Directory for major industry” (with ECCJ/ACE – EE&C-SSN) - Successful cases resulted from PROMEEC activities should be registered. ECCJ 20

The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Major Industries) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (2) The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Major Industries) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (2) 2. Preparation of “Technical Directory for major industry” (continued) - Revise web-page so that readers can access more easily to the subjects. Expansion with Inputs from PROMEEC activities and from Invited “Technology Suppliers” 3. Discussion and study to develop In-house Database including Benchmark / Guideline for individual industries - Strengthen PR activity on every opportunity so as to make industry recognize a significance of DB/BM/GL through Training / Workshop for Participants of Activities ECCJ 21

The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Buildings) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (1) 1. The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Buildings) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (1) 1. 2. Follow-up Survey / Additional Energy Audit in 4 ASEAN Countries (Singapore and other 3 countries) - OJT for the local engineers (More involvement of the local engineers and giving the opportunity for the engineers from other ASEAN countries to join the audits) - Identification of the present energy consumption and their own benchmark (Target) - Identification of the barriers and the actual implemented measures recommended by their own team or the Japanese experts through the energy audit - Recommendations for EE & C - Identification of Barrier and Measures Local Seminar-Workshop for dissemination in Singapore and other 3 countries (Inviting the presenters from the host Country (at least 2 successful cases) and other ASEAN Countries (4 cases)) ECCJ 22

The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Buildings) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (2) 3. The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Buildings) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (2) 3. Development of Technical Directory by all the ASEAN countries (Previous PROMEEC audit results, the information and data from the ASEAN Energy Award, etc. ) including information from Invited “Technology Suppliers” 4. Improvement / Utilization of In-house Database / Benchmark / Guideline for Building by all the ASEAN countries (Previous PROMEEC audit results, the information and data from the ASEAN Energy Award, etc. ) 5. Continued Joint Activities with “ASEAN Benchmarking” 6. Continued activities for the support to the evaluation by BOJ for ASEAN EE & C Award System of Best Practice and Energy Management for Buildings ECCJ 23

The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Energy Management) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (1) The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Energy Management) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (1) Basic Direction of Activities (1) Smooth Operation of “ASEAN Award System of Best Practices in Energy Management for Industries and Buildings (2) Start-up The System to Utilize The Existing Implementing Organizations (3) Preparation / Development of Handbooks and Directories as Follows 1) “Energy Management Handbook” (Completion) 2) Preparation for Trial Use of The E. M. Handbook with In. House Database and Technical Directory at Cooperation Factories and Buildings 3) Development of e-Directory and Other Handbooks (4) Preparation of One-Stop Guidance, etc. ECCJ 24

The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Energy Management) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (2) The Energy conservation Center Japan PROMEEC (Energy Management) Proposed Activities in 2007 -2008 (2) The Following Activities at 6 Countries (Max. ) 1. Intensive Seminar-Workshop (1) Introduce and Discuss Functions / Programs of “ASEAN E. M. System” with Training and Advice to Utilize Tools (2) Encourage Participants to Join Programs / Activities of PROMEEC and “PROMEEC Family Network” 2. Visit to Factories and Buildings (1) Same Purpose as Item 1 (2) Advice on Trial Use of E. M. Handbook or Follow-up at Awarded Companies 3. Research Forum in Japan (1) Improvement in Operation and Evaluation Guideline of The Award System by Analyses of Results of The 1 st Competition (2) Improvement in Functions, Programs and System of “ASEAN E. M. System” Considering User-friendliness ECCJ 25

The Energy conservation Center Japan Proposed Procedures & Conditions to Apply to the Countries The Energy conservation Center Japan Proposed Procedures & Conditions to Apply to the Countries for Local Activities Purpose To ensure the Building Local Core Teams for enhanced implementation and dissemination of the activities in future Proposed Procedures as Follows 1. Proposal by Focal Points with Requests for - Specific Project(s), and - Specific Industries (Major Industries), or - Specific Buildings (Buildings) 2. The proposal to be submitted to ACE until May 31 st, 2007 (with clarification of requests and compliance with PROMEEC required Conditions) 26 ECCJ

The Energy conservation Center Japan Required Conditions to Call Application of Countries for Local The Energy conservation Center Japan Required Conditions to Call Application of Countries for Local Activities Proposed Procedures as Follows (Continued) 3. Selection of the countries & project categories) (Avoid to select the same country & project as implemented in 2006 – 2007 for Major Industries and Buildings) 4. Discussion/Finalization (Inception Workshop) Required Conditions for Proposal 1. Ensured Organization of Local Core Teams - With clarification of the expected organization and roles of core Members - Local restrictions to discuss, if any 2. Ensured Preparation for Follow-up Survey / Energy Audit and Seminar-Workshop ECCJ 27

The Energy conservation Center Japan Basic Plan and Schedule of PROMEEC for 2007 – The Energy conservation Center Japan Basic Plan and Schedule of PROMEEC for 2007 – 2008 (3 Projects) ECCJ 28

The Energy conservation Center Japan The Second East Asia Summit was convened in Cebu, The Energy conservation Center Japan The Second East Asia Summit was convened in Cebu, the Philippines, on January 15, 2007 Japan’s initiative entitled ”Fueling Asia –Japan’s Cooperation Initiative for Clean Energy and Sustainable Growth” proposed by Prime Minister Abe 1. Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation - Receive 1, 000 trainees and dispatch 500 experts in five years. - Establish Asia Energy Conservation Collaboration Center. - Make full use of yen loan and JBIC loan facility. 2.   Promotion of Biomass Energy 3.   Clean Use of Coal 4. Eradication of Energy Poverty 29

The Energy conservation Center Japan Asia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Collaboration Center contributes to The Energy conservation Center Japan Asia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Collaboration Center contributes to promoting the efficiency use of energy in Asian counties through international cooperation on information service and One-stop window service for a variety of inquiries related to energy efficiency and conservation. Contact Us :  http: //www. asiaeec-col. eccj. or. jp/ 30

The Energy conservation Center Japan Thank You Very Much The Energy Conservation Center, Japan The Energy conservation Center Japan Thank You Very Much The Energy Conservation Center, Japan New !! http: //www. eccj. or. jp (“English” – “Reference”) Reports & Useful Tools developed through ECCJ’s International Cooperation