THE ELATIVE AND THE SUPERLATIVE • Russian • English • Spanish
Degrees of comparison The positive degree – absence of comparison (tall, beautiful); The comparative degree is marked by two kinds of forms; synthetical forms with the suffix “-er” and analytical forms with the auxiliary word more, e. g. : taller, more beautiful; The superlative degree is also formed either synthetically with the help of the grammatical suffix “-est”, or analytically with the help of the auxiliary word most, e. g. : tallest, most beautiful.
Elative is a superlative form that is not translated as superlative but with "very/highly", expressing a high degree but not the absolutely highest degree. =the absolute superlative, denoting a high or intense degree of a quality, but not excluding the idea that an equal degree may exist in other cases. E. g. : They were greatly elated at their success so far, and at their providential reunion. ("Tom Slade with the Boys Over There" by Percy K. Fitzhugh)
The superlative degree Absolute, unrestricted superiority. E. g. : She is [the] most beautiful [of all the women here tonight]
ЭЛАТИВ – это значение безотносительно большой меры признака, выражаемое формами превосходной степени, особенно при их экспрессивном употреблении: мельчайшие подробности, чистейшая ложь, умнейший человек, красивейшая девушка. СУПЕРЛАТИВ – значение реально самой высокой степени качества, выражаемое формами превосходной степени: высочайшее здание в мире, глубочайшая впадина.
The elative in Russian, English and Spanish Умнейший человек (напр. в группе, но не на Земле) The cleverest person Pedro es el estudiante más inteligente del grupo.
The superlative in Russian, English and Spanish Высочайшее здание в мире The most highest building in the world Es un edificio altísimo en el mundo.
The list of References Ривлина А. А. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. Режим доступа: http: //bgpu. ru/site/content/kafs/engphil/rivlin a/grammar. html http: //www. studyspanish. com/lessons/super. h tm http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Superlative
Thank for your attention! Baturina M. LG-09 -2