The effects of immigration on the productive structure of Spanish regions Joan Martin-Montaner, Francisco Requena and Guadalupe Serrano
Figure 1. Foreign Residents in Spain. 1975 -2005.
Figure 3. Participation of Foreign Actives on Total Labour Force. 2005.
Figure 3 b. Participation of Foreign Actives on Total Labour Force. 2005.
Composition of Labour Supply by Education Levels and Nationality
Figure 4 b. Composition of Labour Force by Education Level. 2005.
Figure 5. Share of Workers by Sector and Nationality. 2005.
region c’s (1 × M) vector of factor endowments in year t (M × 1) vector representing the factor proportions mapping from endowments to outputs for industry i region c’s value added in industry i in year t
for industry i in region c and time t Collecting observations across regions and years, for industry i (Cxt x M) endowment matrix
HO model’s assumptions about identical prices and technology among regions, but industry-specific impact of changes in prices and technology on production Region-period specific interregional differences in prices and technology Region specific interregional differences in prices and technology
Period 1996 -2005 Spanish Geographic unit Provinces, NUTS-III Autonomous Communities (CCAA) NUTS-II Data Coverage Sectors 1 Agriculture 2 Energy 2 Extractive energy and other energetic minerals, oil and nuclear. 3 Electricity, gas and water 3 Manufacturing Industry 4 Construction 5 Services 4 Food, drink and tobacco 5 Textil, clothing, leather, fur 6 Wood products, ecl. Furniture 7 Paper, printing and publishing 8 Chemical products 9 Plastic, rubber 1011 Metal basic ind. & Other non-metallic mineral products 1213 Mechanical mach. & Electric and electronic equipment 14 Transport equipment 15 Miscelaneous other industries 16 Construction 17 Reparation and commerce 18 Hotels 19 Transport and communication services 20 Financial services 21 Renting and business services 22 Education, health and other services (rest) 23 Household services
Mean Absolute Prediction Errors (percent)
Table 5. Standardised Coefficient Estimates (1996 -2005). Beta Coefficients.
Table 6. Standardised Coefficient Estimates (1996 -2005). Beta Coefficients.
The estimation results can be used to decompose the change in output from time t-n to time t as: average value of factor endowments in t and t-n average estimated coefficient matrix in t and t-n
The estimation results can be used to decompose the change in output from time t-n to time t as: Contribution of changes in factor endowments RYBCZYNSKI EFFECT Contribution of changes in production techniques
Decomposition of Output Change. 1996 -2005