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The Effects of Filtering Malicious Traffic under Do. S Attacks Chinawat Wongvivitkul Sudsanguan Ngamsuriyaroj The Effects of Filtering Malicious Traffic under Do. S Attacks Chinawat Wongvivitkul Sudsanguan Ngamsuriyaroj Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science Mahidol University, Thailand 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 1

Agenda n Introduction & Motivation n Proposed Work n Implementation n Experiments & Results Agenda n Introduction & Motivation n Proposed Work n Implementation n Experiments & Results n Conclusions and Future Work 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 2

Introduction § Do. S attacks have been well known for generating huge amount of Introduction § Do. S attacks have been well known for generating huge amount of adverse traffic to a target server and make the server unavailable for services. § Open Source IDS Software: Snort and Bro § IDS § Signature detection: based on predefined rules § Anomaly detection: learn first and then classify statistical patterns of incoming traffic 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 3

Motivation § Most studies used simulation tools, and only a few address the issues Motivation § Most studies used simulation tools, and only a few address the issues of server survivability under Do. S attacks § Questions § How to determine whether the incoming traffic is malicious in real time § How to create an anomaly detector using a simple statistics § How much traffic should be filtered out when the server is under attacks to make the server survives § No work does packet filtering interactively during the attack 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 4

Proposed Work n We propose a model to measure the effectiveness of filtering malicious Proposed Work n We propose a model to measure the effectiveness of filtering malicious traffic on the web server when under Do. S attacks Input Traffic Detection Analysis Normal output traffic Packet Control Traffic shaping Drop malicious traffic Packet Information Detection Analysis 27/8/2007 Reduced output traffic Dropped suspicious traffic Traffic Control APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 5

Proposed Work n Have two phases n Detection Analysis n n Traffic Control n Proposed Work n Have two phases n Detection Analysis n n Traffic Control n 27/8/2007 collect statistics of incoming traffic and classifies the status of the traffic. redirect traffic according to its status, and also filter traffic if the traffic is malicious APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 6

Detection Analysis Input Traffic Sent to traffic control Packet Recording record Packet Analysis read Detection Analysis Input Traffic Sent to traffic control Packet Recording record Packet Analysis read record read In_Packet Stat_Info In_Packet keeps information of individual packets Stat_Info keeps statistics of packets in In_Packet and classify the traffic according to its arrival rate 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 7

Traffic Control Packets from Detection Analysis Normal Output Traffic Normal Traffic Suspicious Traffic shaping Traffic Control Packets from Detection Analysis Normal Output Traffic Normal Traffic Suspicious Traffic shaping Reduced output traffic Malicious Traffic Read Drop packets Stat_Info 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 8

Traffic Control n Normal Traffic n sent to the target server with unlimited bandwidth. Traffic Control n Normal Traffic n sent to the target server with unlimited bandwidth. n Suspicious Traffic n sent to traffic shaping module so that their bandwidth is reduced before arriving at the target server. n Malicious Traffic n is dropped before having a chance to attack the target server 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 9

Implementation Attacker Modified Snort In-line Web Server Legitimate USER n Focus on HTTP traffic Implementation Attacker Modified Snort In-line Web Server Legitimate USER n Focus on HTTP traffic only n Modify Snort in-line for traffic classification, traffic redirection, and traffic dropping 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 10

Modified Snort In-Line n Packet capture/decode engine Do statistical analysis of each traffic stream Modified Snort In-Line n Packet capture/decode engine Do statistical analysis of each traffic stream n Detection engine n Compute the arrival rate at every 30 packets of one traffic stream n Classify traffic into normal, suspicious and malicious according to its arrival rate n Control engine n Add an extra module to redirect traffic to different paths according to its status. n Output engine n Perform traffic shaping by dropping suspicious and malicious traffic APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 11 27/8/2007 n

Modified Snort In-Line n Packet capture/decode engine add Input_traffic function in “detect. c” file Modified Snort In-Line n Packet capture/decode engine add Input_traffic function in “detect. c” file of Snort In-line. n Detection engine n add the P_analysis function in “snort. c” file n Control engine n add p_control function in “snort. c” file. n Output engine n dropping the number of suspicious packets according to it arrival rate n Example rule for dropping suspicious and malicious traffic n drop tcp any -> any 20000 (msg: "D=Http IDS Malicious access tcp deny"; ) n drop tcp any -> any 40000 (msg: "D=Http IDS Suspicious access tcp deny"; ) 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 12

Traffic Flows in Snort In-Line Snort-In-line Input Traffic Iptables (Send input traffic to Queuing) Traffic Flows in Snort In-Line Snort-In-line Input Traffic Iptables (Send input traffic to Queuing) Packets capture/decode Engine Detection Engine Control Engine Output Engine Packet Type Traffic Rate Threshold (pps) Normal < 65 Suspicious 65 - 1500 Malicious Alerts/Logs > 1500 27/8/2007 Output Traffic APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 13

System Configuration for Experiments n Attacker sends malicious traffic to the web server for System Configuration for Experiments n Attacker sends malicious traffic to the web server for 5 minutes n No background traffic generated n User makes a request to the server every 3 seconds until there is a timeout since the server was down 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 14

Experiment 1 Server Timeout without Traffic Control 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 Experiment 1 Server Timeout without Traffic Control 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 15

Experiment 2 Server Timeout with Traffic Control One attacker and filtering rate is fixed Experiment 2 Server Timeout with Traffic Control One attacker and filtering rate is fixed at 1/1000 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 16

Experiment 3 Server Timeout with Traffic Control One attacker and varying filtering rates of Experiment 3 Server Timeout with Traffic Control One attacker and varying filtering rates of 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, 1/750, and 1/1000 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 17

Experiment 4 Server Timeout with Traffic Control Three attackers and varying filtering rates of Experiment 4 Server Timeout with Traffic Control Three attackers and varying filtering rates of 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, 1/750, and 1/1000 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 18

Conclusions n We show the effects of filtering malicious traffic to the survivability of Conclusions n We show the effects of filtering malicious traffic to the survivability of the server under Do. S attacks n We show that a simple and fast anomaly detection is possible by using the traffic arrival rate n Future work: make Snort adaptive and can respond to different arrival rates with adaptive filtering rate 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 19

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Thank You Q&A 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 22 Thank You Q&A 27/8/2007 APAN 2007 - August 27, 2007 22