Скачать презентацию The education system of Hungary The education Скачать презентацию The education system of Hungary The education


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The education system of Hungary The education system of Hungary

The education system of Hungary • Since September 1998 the duration of compulsory education The education system of Hungary • Since September 1998 the duration of compulsory education has been 12 years, from the age of 6 to 18. • Attending kindegarten is compulsory only from the age of 5: during the last year at kindegarten, children are prepared for school. • Basic education in Hungary is provided by the general (primary) school, during cycles of 4 years. • Children attend genaral (primary) school up to the age of 14, after which they have to choose another school.

Children can choose among secondary schools as follows: Technical schools Special technical schools Secondary Children can choose among secondary schools as follows: Technical schools Special technical schools Secondary vocational schools General secondary schools (gymnasiums) Students who are not planning to obtain a secondary school leaving certificate and wish to begin work right after the compulsory period of education, have the opportunity to attend a technical school.

 • The general secondary schools (gymnasiums) aim at prepration for universities and colleges, • The general secondary schools (gymnasiums) aim at prepration for universities and colleges, high level foreign language teaching. After the last year of the gymnasium, the students take a final examination. • Besides general education, secondary vocational schools offer the opportunity to learn a profession. In the 9 – 12 grades of secondary school, students are taught general subjects. From the 11 th grade on, theoretical and practical basic knowledge is taught in worksgroup. The vocational training ends with a vocational qualification.

 • The secondary schools are mostly state schools; a smaller number are controlled • The secondary schools are mostly state schools; a smaller number are controlled by various churches and there are private schools. Some foreign education intstitutions too exist in Hungary. • The schools which belong to the church are subsidised partly by the state. The amount of the money depends on the educational policy of the current government.

Higher education • • The term higher education includes training at universities and colleges. Higher education • • The term higher education includes training at universities and colleges. These are mostly state universities and colleges; a smaller number are controlled by various churches and there are private colleges. Some foreign education intstitutions too exist in Hungary. • There altogether 72 universities and colleges with 176 faculties in the country. • State-funded students can obtain their first degree free of charges at state universities and colleges. • The degrees available at univerities and colleges are as follows: - Bachelor degree, particularly at colleges: 3 -5 years, - Master degree: 4 -5 years; medical universities: 6 years, - Doctoral degree, Ph. D. , Doct of Liberal Arts (DLA): 3 years Universities genarally provide students with a master degree, and colleges with a bachelor degree.

Teachers • Teachers have to teach 22 lessons/ week. • The salary depends on Teachers • Teachers have to teach 22 lessons/ week. • The salary depends on the type of degree at first, but on time in the education too. There are 8 grade from A to H. • Average salary is about 110 000 HUF/ 450 EUR (net salary).