- Количество слайдов: 16
The education system in the Belgian French Community (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles)
General overview 1. 2. 3. 4. The education system Steering of the education system and the decree « Missions » Structure of the education system in WBF Education in WBF and Technical and Vocational Training : § § § 5. 6. Full-time secondary education Dual Vocational Education and Training Social Advancement Education Advanced Technologies Centers Questions and answers
1. The education system n Some figures : – Total budget of the WBF : 8, 8 billion euros § of which some 70% for education (6, 1 billion) Ø of which 85, 5% for teacher’s salaries – Compulsory education : § 988 000 pupils § 110 000 teachers § 2839 schools
n Two fundamental freedoms in the Belgian Constitution : freedom of choice and freedom of organisation in education Education system characterised by coexisting education networks, depending on the organising authority. Those are either public or grant-aided.
2. Steering of the education system Early 90’s : international surveys (OECD, PISA) show important educational disparities in the system Reforms aimed at more equity and efficiency in the system : decree « Missions » , reform of teachers initial and continued training, Steering Committee…
n 24/07/97 : Decree on the missions of schools - Objectives of compulsory education (art. 6): § Promote self-confidence and the development of each student as an individual; § Enable all students to assimilate knowledge and acquire the competencies that qualify them to learn throughout their lives and play an active role in economic, social, and cultural life; § Prepare all students to be responsible citizens that are capable of contributing to the development of a society that is democratic, cohesive, pluralist, and open to other cultures; § Ensure equal opportunities to all students as regards their social emancipation.
– Structures for achieving those objectives : § Promotion of success at school § Competency frameworks § Participation council (internal structure of schools with representatives of school head, teachers, parents, and pupils) n 27/03/2002 : decree on steering – Implementation of the « missions » decree – Intended to improve efficency and equity in the system after OECD and PISA surveys – Set up a Steering Committee (common for all education networks) – Set up indicators for the system – External evaluations – etc.
3. Structure of the education system in WBF: – Compulsory and free of charge until 18 years old – Basic education § Pre-primary school : 2, 5 – 6 years old § Primary school : 6 - 12 years old – Secondary education § Common 1 st level (2 years) for pupils holding the certificate of primary education. Differentiated first level organised for the others. § 2 nd and 3 rd levels : - Transition stream : general, technical or artistical - Qualification stream : technical, vocational or artistical § Dual vocational education and training – Higher education (short term : 3 or 4 years or long term : min 5 years) – Social Advancement Education : all levels : from CEB to Master
4. Education in WBF and technical and vocational training n Full-time education : 40 sem/an 2 nd and 3 rd levels : § Transition stream : general, technical or artistical : 28 to 36 h/week § Qualification stream : technical, vocational or artistical : 30 to 36 h/week n The contents of the technical training are determined on base of jobs profiles, in terms of skills.
Transition stream (general, technical or artistical) n General education : no technical courses n Technical or artistical education in the transition stream : few technical courses : 7 to 11 h/week no training courses
Qualification stream (technical, vocational or artistical) n Technical or artistical education in the qualification stream : Technical courses : 14 to 18 h/week Training courses at 3 rd level n Vocational education : Technical courses and courses of professional practice : 16 to 22 h/week Training courses at 3 rd level
Certificates n EVERY student gets the CESS (the upper secondary education certificate : access to higher education) after the 6 years of studies or after the 7 th year in vocational education n Furthermore, the students in the qualification stream get a Qualification Certificate (access to the profession for the regulated occupations)
Dual Vocational Education and Training (decree of 3 rd July 1991) n wants to offer young people an alternative to traditional education forms of full-time education: combine general education (about 15 hours at school) and professional practice. Job contract is compulsory n In a CEFA (Centre d’Education et de formation en Alternance) n n Validation of learning outcomes and skills.
Social Advancement Education (decree of 16 th April 1991) n n n n Education system with modules Lifelong learning Wide range of training (secondary or higher education) adults (but the minimum age can be 15) Organised in day-time or shifts Validation of learning outcomes and skills Certificates : from CEB to Master, as well as professionalizing bachelors.
5. CTA (Advanced Technologies Centers) – Advanced equipements – Trainings for students, teachers, job seekers, workers – Inter-network structure – Link with professionnal sectors
5. Questions ? …Thank you for your attention.