- Количество слайдов: 9
The division of labour and cooperation between Danmarks Nationalbank and Statistics Denmark Financial accounts > >
> > Quartely and yearly Statistics Denmark Yearly financial accounts S. 2 (Bo. P) MFI Interest flows Sec. Stat. S. 13 Business – Register Central Bank of Denmark Quarterly financial account 2 3/16/2018
> > Data from the central bank MFI – monetary financial institutions is used for Central bank § Other monetary Financial Institutions § Counterpart information for deposits and loans all sectors § Securities statistics with counterpart information both on stocks and transactions Quoted Shares incl. dividends § Debt securities incl. maturities § Investmentfund shares § S. 2 is used as it is, and we use the counterpart information for other sectors. 3
> > How the data is collected MFI is collected by sending a questionaire and the businessregister to the banks and other credit institutions. Securities statistics is collected by a privat company, which has a depository function for the securities. 4
> > MFI-statistics - Assets CB holdings of monetary gold and SDRs Coins & notes Loans – by sector and by maturity Securities other than shares – by sector and by maturity Money market funds shares Shares and other equity – by sector, quoted and unquoted Investment fund shares – by sector Financial derivatives Other assets 5
> > MFI-statistics - Liabilities Coins & notes Deposits – by sector and by maturity Securities other than shares – by sector and by maturity Money market funds shares Shares and other equity – quoted and unquoted Financial derivatives Other liabilities 6
> > MFI-statistics Further Breakdown by: Currency: DKK, Euro and the rest § Residency of counterpart: Denmark, Euro-area and rest of the world § When maturity then it is the original maturity In order to compile the MFI-statistics the Central Bank gets a copy of the business register in order to enable the monetary financial institutions to classify their customers more correctly 7
> > Interest flows Split on deposits and loans § the sectors in ESA 95 § Currency: DKK, Euro and everything else § Residency: danish, euro-area and the rest of the world § 8
> > Securities statistics ISIN-codes (Unique code for each security) Reference period Category: Share, bond, investment fund Face value Short description Issuer company number and sector Holder company number (blank if private person) and sector Holder country of residence Holder industry (blank if private person) Number held Market value for the stocks Transactions Dividends (if shares or investment funds) First and last paydate (if bonds) Coupon rate (if bonds) 9