The dirtiest cities in the world.pptx
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The dirtiest cities in the world
The dirtiest cities in the world 2008 г. 1. Порт-Харкорт Нигерии 2. Нью Дели, Индия 3. Мозамбика Мапуту 4. Луанда (Ангола) 5. Ниамей (Нигер) 6. Нуакшот (Мавритания) 7. Конакри (Гвинея) 8. Ломе (Того) 9. Пуэнт-Нуар (Конго) 10. Бамако (Мали) 11. Уагадугу (Буркина-Фасо) 12. Москва (Россия) 13. Банги (центральноафриканская республика) 14. Дар-Эс-Салам (Танзания) 15. Нджамена (Чад) 16. Браззавиль (Конго) 17. Алма-Ата (Казахстан) 18. Багдад (Ирак) 19. Мумбаи (Индия) 20. Адисс-Абеба (Эфиопия) 21. Мехико (Мексика) 22. Порт-О-Пренс (Гаити) 23. Антананариву (Мадагаскар) 24. Дакка (Бангладеш) 25. Баку (Азербайджан)
The dirtiest cities in the world 2016 г. • • • 1. Chernobyl Ukraine 2. Dzerzhinsk, Russia 3. Haina, Dominican Republic. 4. Kabwe, Zambia. 5. La Oroya, Peru. 6. Linfen, China. 7. Mailu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan. 8. Norilsk, Russia. 9. Ranipet, India. 10. Ore Dock, Russia.
1. Chernobyl Ukraine • Chernobyl occupies in the ranking 1 st place and received the title of the dirtiest city in the world. Probably there is no man on earth who has not heard about the accident, which occurred at Chernobyl. During the tests carried out by the Chernobyl reactor core melted, and there was a terrible explosion. From that 30 people were killed immediately on the spot. 135 thousand people were evacuated. Since then, the city no one lives. We also remember about the bomb, which had once been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and so the explosion, which occurred at Chernobyl led to a hundred times greater release of radioactive substances. This tragedy will forever remain in the hearts and minds of people. And the consequences of this accident can be seen to this day.
Dzerzhinsk, Russia • Once this city was a center where engaged in the manufacture of chemical weapons. After illegally charged and discharged into groundwater were tons of chemical waste. People in this town do not live to old age. Men at the best live to 42 years, and women a little more - up to 47 years. It is estimated that the death rate in Dzerzhinsk has long exceeded the birth rate at 2, 6 times. The prognosis is not very optimistic. It is sad that in the ten most polluted cities in our country is just 3 lines in the world.
Haina, Dominican Republic. • In this area is a factory producing car batteries. Waste of this plant are very dangerous, because they have a very high lead content. The amount of this substance is so critical that the rules do not exceed several times or even tens or thousands of times! It is difficult to imagine. The most common diseases in the area: congenital deformity, mental disorders and diseases of the eye.
Kabwe, Zambia. • In the last century in this city rich deposits of lead were discovered. The air is so polluted with heavy metals exceeded the norms by 4 times. Residents reap dire consequences ingestion of hazardous substances: vomiting, diarrhea, blood poisoning, chronic kidney disease, and even muscle atrophy.
La Oroya, Peru. • This small mining town has long since become subject to emissions of toxic substances released into the atmosphere due to the work of the local plant. In the blood of local children found the amount of lead, which has long exceeded all norms. As a result, children are forced to suffer from serious diseases. And on the vegetation in this city long forgotten. Everything here was once growing, acid rain destroyed.
Linfen, China. • Linfen, although not the most polluted city in the world, but in the country, perhaps, that he is the worst environmental conditions. The air contains harmful substances such as lead, carbon, ash, etc. The content of these substances have long exceeded all acceptable norms. We can say that to blame the Chinese themselves. Everyone knows that the country is in dire need of coal, so throughout the mines are hundreds, sometimes illegal and completely unregulated. Alas, the city of Linfen has become a kind of mine. As a result, people suffer, to give serious and incurable diseases
Mailu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan. • In the immediate vicinity of the village is a huge radioactive substances. The level of radiation in these areas exceeds the norm by more than tenfold. Since in this area frequent occurrences are considered to landslides and floods that occur because of earthquakes and heavy rains and mudslides, hazardous materials spread across the region with lightning speed. As a result, local residents and the surrounding neighborhoods are suffering from cancer.
Norilsk, Russia. • orilsk city, which is a huge number of plants and factories, which melted heavy metals. As a result, harmful substances such as nickel, strontium, copper, etc. constantly hovering in the air. Residents of the city not to be envied. Snow, more like mud, and the air with the taste of sulfur. But this is not the worst. The mortality rate increased, the lifetime is much less than the national average, and the disease is almost everyone. In Norilsk no longer come to the foreign tourists, because even a short stay in the city that may affect the well-being that will recover and then it will be very difficult.
Ranipet, India. • In this area there is a large tannery dealing with leather tanning and coloring. Salts of chromium, sodium chromate, and other harmful substances are used for the plant, and subsequently tons of hazardous waste disposal and recycling, instead, are in groundwater. Drinking water, ground water and the soil becomes unusable from that, people do not just get sick, there are many cases fatal. However, local farmers continue to work on poisoned ground, watering their crops contaminated water.
Ore Dock, Russia. • The Russian city opens rating with the dirtiest cities in the world. According to estimates about 90 thousand people are considered potentially contaminated. And all because of the harmful substances such as mercury, lead and cadmium that pollute everything. These substances are contained in everything, so what man needs: drinking water, fauna and soil. As a result, local people can not fully receive the necessary water, cultivating crops, it is simply dangerous to health. Even contains many hazardous substances in excess of the norm in an unacceptable amount of time in the blood of local children. But not getting any better. With the extent of contamination more each year
Result Unfortunately, little is being done to improve the environmental situation in the most neglected areas. Pollution equaled in scale with diseases such as AIDS or malaria. Experts estimate that 20% of the disease on the planet caused by the results of a negative environmental impact. I want people to realize that even in some areas we can not save the nature, but we can save lives, can prevent an ecological catastrophe, where it is still possible. And each of us can make a contribution to this.
Presentation made: • Grishin M. and Grishin A.