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The difference between three types of locomotives: electric, diesel-electric and diesel one ПГУПС 2015 Выполнили студенты группы ЭС-104 Корниеко Е. С. Мушков Е. С. Павлов В. А. Пальмов Д. Д.
Diesel locomotive
A diesel locomotiveis a type of railway locomotivein which the prime mover is a diesel engine. Diesel locomotives are actually travelling power plants.
The diesel engine works by compressingair in chambers called cylinders. When air is compressed its temperature rises. The resulting heat ignites fuel that has been injected into the cylinder. The power produced during this process is then transmittedto the locomotive’s driving wheels.
Diesel-electriclocomotive In a diesel-electric locomotive, the diesel engine drives an electrical. DC generator (generally, less than 3, 000 HP net for traction). In diesel electric locomotives the startingengine of the diesel motor represents the electric generator setting all parts of the motor in motion.
Mechanical connection between the starting engine and driving wheels isn't present here. If to consider the concept, this type of the locomotive– electricas it has own generatingstationthat means that it can perfectly execute the work in unelectrified regions.
E lectric locomotive An electric locomotive is a locomotive powered by electricity from overhead lines, a third rail or on-board energy storage such as a battery. Electric locomotives range from the small type used in factories and coal mines for local hauling to the large engines used on railroads.
Electric locomotivesgenerally have two or more motors. Power is collectedfrom an electrictrolley, or pantograph, running on an overheadwire or from a third rail at one side of the track. Battery locomotives, used only for local haulage, carry electric storage batteries that act as their primary source of power.
Purely electric power has numerous advantages over diesel-electricpower, explaining the choice of electric locomotives for use in high-speed trains. Firstly, an electric locomotive needs to carry neither a generatornor fuel. Its mass is, therefore, lower than a diesel-electric equivalent. This results in a significantefficiencygain, as the electric locomotive’s smaller mass means less work is done.