The Developing teacher
I agree and disagree: I have attended 3 seminars in Yaroslavl this year I participated in EMF 3 in February I saw the EMF 3 videos with the key presenters I have seen at least 1 webinar this year I have done research into the topic of my interest I have seen at least 3 lessons given by my colleagues
Why do you want to become a better teacher? For your students? Yourself? For more money? For your institution?
Five circles of development You and your school You and your colleagues You and your students You and your profession You
You. The magnificent seven Stage 1 Read the description of the six teachers Stage 2 Award between 1 -5 stars according to how far you identify yourself with each Stage 3 Recommend one development activity which would benefit each of these teachers Stage 4 Add description of you in the seventh box, plus a rating and a recommendation for yourself
You and your students. Dear teacher…
You and your colleagues. Sharing board. Rules for use: Post one idea at a time Leave space for others Put your name on the material so that people will know who posted it Make it clear to use If you use something, thank the person who posted it
You and your school. Coffee stains. “Coffee stains” – small irritations at work (stuffy room, a poor quality CD player, mess from the previous class, a grumpy colleague)
Step 1 Make yourself a cup of coffee and try not to spill. Step 2 Make a list of 3 coffee stains in your work. They can be in class, in the classroom, or with specific people. Step 3 Complete the Pro-forma Step 4 Choose one of the stains to clean up first
Coffee stains What irritates me 1. 2. 3. What I can do about it When and how I can do it