- Количество слайдов: 34
The Destiny of Great Britain Calling to be a ‘Father of the Nations’ Once more a great missionary nation
Britain’s Calling ‘to arise again as a great missionary nation to Europe and the world’ Peter Bos ( 2002) The Nations Called. Sovereign World 1950’s Jean Darnell’s prophetic picture of spiritual lights burning across the nation. 1990’s John Mulinde of Uganda’s prophecy Light piercing the dark cloud over Europe as we pray. (‘Light or Darkness over Europe. ’ Pillars of Fire Trust. )
Britain’s Rise and Fall Qualities which are redeemable • • • Leadership Paternal caring Social concern Creativity • • • Fallen characteristics /nature Misogyny: abuse of power Privilege of hierarchical leadership Arrogant empire building Empty ritual and tradition
Britain’s Christian Heritage Britain was once a great Christian nation
The Union Jack Cross of St George (England) Cross of St Andrew (Scotland) The CROSS OF JESUS at the centre!
Britain’s Christian Heritage 1 • Early Celtic Saints and Missionariese. g. Patrick, Columba, Aidan, Cuthbert • King Alfred acknowledged God as Sovereign over the nation • Edward the Confessor - Westminster Parliament, also Oliver Cromwell
Christian foundations were laid by the Celtic Saints Patrick, Columba , Aidan, Cuthbert Ireland, Iona, Holy Island
King Alfred the Great (871 -899) The first true British monarch, the only one to be called ‘Great’ He realised the value of diplomacy and ruled with Godly wisdom. statue at Wantage Alfred defeated the Vikings, threating them with kindness and Christian love. (King Guthrum was converted and baptised. ) Social reformer, belief in education -translation from Latin to English. Established code of law based on Book of Exodus.
Edward the Confessor (Bayeux tapestry) Anglo Saxon King and founder of Parliament at Westminster
The Monarchy Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Oath : to uphold Christian Faith 1953
The Legal System The framework of Britain’s legal system is completely Christian
Great Fire of London 1666 Judgement on pride, decadence, immorality, falling away. Prophets warnings fell on deaf ears.
Britain’s Christian Heritage 2 • Henry II- English Common Law : Christian legal system based on the Bible. • Protestant Reformation: break with Rome Henry VIII • Bible in English e. g. Tyndale Book of Common Prayer • Martyrs of the faith e. g. Latimer, Ridley and Latimer
Henry VIII Protestant Reformation : Break with the Pope (Rome) Establishment of the Church of England
Queen Elizabeth I - The Coronation Oath: to defend the faith D. G. REG. F. D. on coins = Deo gratia (by the grace of God) Reg. = Regina Queen) F. D. = defender of the faith
William Tyndale First Translator of the Bible into English Martyr
Martyrs of the Reformation Latimer and Ridley- burned at the stake in Oxford in 1555. Latimer declared as he was burning : ‘We shall by God’s grace light up such a candle in England, and I trust, will never be put out’
Britain’s Christian Heritage 3 • Preachers and evangelists: George Whitefield, John Wesley. • Sunday School Movement : Robert Raikes • Christian education system based on biblical teaching. • Christian input into the arts, music, medicine etc Literature e. g. John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’
John Wesley Evangelist and preacher
Britain’s Christian Heritage 4 • Evangelical social reformerse. g. Wilberforce (abolition of the slave trade) Shaftesbury (factory reform). Florence Nightingale (hospitals) Elizabeth Fry (prisons) • Zionism- CMJ (Christian Mission to the Jews) Christ Church, Jerusalem • Christian missionaries sent out all over the world e. g. Livingstone (Africa), William Carey (India) Hudson Taylor (China)
Wilberforce: social reformer Abolition of the Slave Trade 1807
Lord Shaftesbury. Victorian social reformer: factories, asylums Attack on a workhouse
Florence Nightingale : ‘’The lady with the lamp’ Hospital reformer and nurse during the Crimean War
Elizabeth Fry (Quaker) : Prison reform Robert Raikes: Ragged Schools
The Clapham Sect: Vision for Jewish Homeland Foundation Christian Mission to the Jews( CMJ) Christ Church, Jerusalem The first Anglican Church in the Middle East
Livingstone: African explorer and missionary Stanley finding Livingstone: ‘ Mr Livingstone, I presume’
William Carey Bible translator and missionary to India
Hudson Taylor Missionary to China
Queen Victoria and the Empire ‘The sun never sets on the British Empire’
The De-Christianising of Britain - in the last 40 years 1 • Christian festivals have been replaced by secular holidays. • Christian Broadcasting has diminished. • Christian acts of worship in schools have been replaced by multi-faith • Christian moral standards have been over thrown and ridiculed by the media. • Christian teaching on sexuality has been discarded.
The De-Christianising of Britain in the last 40 years 2 • The Christian concept of marriage as a life-long relationship between a man and woman has been rejected. • The Christian Sabbath has been eroded by Sunday Trading. • There has been an explosion of occult activity. • Reverence for life has been rejected. e. g. abortion • Church attendance has rapidly declined.
The Broken Covenant with Israel Between 1922 and 1946 a large part of the land promised to the Jews under the Balfour Declaration was given away by Britain to the Arabs. Jewish survivors of the Holocaust were prevented from entering Israel. The loss of the Empire was probably a result of this mistaken policy.
Unrighteous Laws passed in Britain ‘I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words and have rejected my law. ’ (Jeremiah 6: 19) 1951 Abolition of the law prohibiting witchcraft Deut. 18: 10 -13 a 1959 Obscene Publications Act Mark 7: 21 -23, Eph. 4: 18 -19 1965 Abolition of the death penalty for murder Lev. 24: 17, 1 Tim. 1: 8 -9 1967 The Abortion Act Gen. 4: 10, Job 10: 8 1967 The Sexual Offences Act Lev. 18: 22, Romans 1: 24 -27 1967 The Obscene Publications Act Col. 3: 5 -7, Romans 1: 21 Amendment 1968 Theatre Act Prov. 15: 26, 1 Thess. 4: 7 1969 The Divorce Law Mark 10: 2 -9, Matt. 5: 31 -32 1989 The Children Act – taking power away from parents 1998 Amendment to the Abortion Act Prov. 24: 11 -12 Jer: 13: 15 1994 Sunday Trading Act Exodus 20: 8 -10
‘If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. ’ (1 Chronicles 7: 14) ‘Righteousness exalts a Nation’ (Proverbs 14: 34) Ref: Babatunde W. (2002) Great Britain has Fallen. New Wine Press. Chichester. UK