The Degree Centralities are equal left and right, but total strength of the ties of E is higher in the right pattern than in the left. What does it mean in co-authorship networks? At first glance scientist E is more centralized in the right side network than in the other network. Additionally, let us take into consideration theoretical background:
In Fig. 1 we have counted the number of collaborators of a scientist A on the basis of equal strengths of the ties between the pairs of collaborators. However how to measure the number of collaborators on the basis of unequally weighted ties?
Let us additionally compare the original measure for Degree Centrality with the Complex Measures of Degree Centrality both in the bibliographic and in the Web network. For demonstration of the differences between the original DCx and the CDCx we have selected from the whole COLLNET network two triads for calculation of the Degree Centralities of the nodes and the Group Degree Centralization, Fig. 5:
In this paper the new Complex Measure of Degree Centrality is applied to a bibliographic co-authorship network and its reflection on the Web. These new measures show the whole network on the Web won by Web Visibility Rates has a more centralized structure than the bibliographic network. The presented new method should be empirically tested in future analyses of bibliographic citation or co-authorship networks as well as in analyses of Web networks.