Скачать презентацию The Customer Service Model Dawn Canty-Saunders Marcus Скачать презентацию The Customer Service Model Dawn Canty-Saunders Marcus


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The Customer Service Model Dawn Canty-Saunders & Marcus Fedeli The Customer Service Model Dawn Canty-Saunders & Marcus Fedeli

Audience Question Ø My normal interaction with the SEWP Program Office is by: Ø Audience Question Ø My normal interaction with the SEWP Program Office is by: Ø Phone Ø E-mail Ø Chat Ø Carrier pigeon or Other 2 Conference ‘ 11

Support through Procurement Lifecycle ØPre-Order Support • Online Search and Quote tools and RFQ Support through Procurement Lifecycle ØPre-Order Support • Online Search and Quote tools and RFQ tracking • Answer questions on quotes and processes RFQ Agencie s Contracting officer approves purchase ØOrder Processing • Accept, check, process and forward orders (includes credit cards) • Reconcile and track orders Orders submitted to SEWP BOWL SEW P 3 SEWP verifies and enters orders in SEWP db SEWP submits orders to vendors ØPost-order Support • Process and post order status data • Assist in order resolution and QA checks on order satisfaction Purchase request submitted to CO Orders monitored for delivery Vendors Orders delivered Conference ‘ 11

Premier Customer Service Ø Customer Service Staff for Helpline and Order Processing • 10 Premier Customer Service Ø Customer Service Staff for Helpline and Order Processing • 10 Dedicated Contractor Staff with long-term experience • Direct access to 4 Civil Servants and 30 other contractor support staff Ø All interactions measured in One Business Day Ø 2 Contract Holder Relationship Managers (CHRMs) • Daily interaction with Contract Holders • Mediation, support and oversight of Customer – Contract Holder interaction 4 Conference ‘ 11

Training and Outreach Ø On-site Training on Contracts, SEWP Program, and Tools • Free Training and Outreach Ø On-site Training on Contracts, SEWP Program, and Tools • Free – that is right, the cost is $0 • In-depth: 1. 5 to 2 hours • 2 CLPs (Continuous Learning Points) • Worldwide • Any size audience • Contact events@sewp. nasa. gov / 301 -286 -1478 or see any SEWP staff member Ø Training Video • Same cost as the on-site training • Quick overview of main concepts • 15 minutes • DVD copies available 5 Conference ‘ 11

Frequently Asked Questions Online Knowledge. Base Ø Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) • 80% of Frequently Asked Questions Online Knowledge. Base Ø Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) • 80% of current helpline questions are answered in FAQ’s - Useful for non-office hours and for do-it-yourselfers - We are always happy to answer questions personally • Frequently asked questions are available on SEWP website with search function • Glossary – SEWP definitions Ø Help ticket submissions and tracking Ø FYI: Ticketing System is an example of Software as a Service purchased under the SEWP contracts 6 Conference ‘ 11

Quote and Pricing Assistance Ø Scope and Statement of Work (SOW) Review • If Quote and Pricing Assistance Ø Scope and Statement of Work (SOW) Review • If any concerns about an SOW and/or scope of requirements, submit information to help@sewp. nasa. gov for review and advise Ø If number of quotes received is less than expected, SEWP can assist in researching the cause and solution: contact help@sewp. nasa. gov Ø If quoted price is higher than expected or otherwise questionable, contact help@sewp. nasa. gov and we will research and provide recommendations 7 Conference ‘ 11

Order Process 8 Conference ‘ 11 Order Process 8 Conference ‘ 11

Order Process Overview Order Preparation Order submitted *Order Arrives Log Order (Q-App) -Via Email Order Process Overview Order Preparation Order submitted *Order Arrives Log Order (Q-App) -Via Email / Fax / PRISM -Assign ‘Received Status - Acknowledge Receipt - Attach Internal QC Checklist Order Processing *Pre-screen/ Classify Ready? Populate Internal QC Checklist We Examine Order for Required Info: - Contract Holder - Agency * - Critical Info. Check Further Info. Required -Issuing Agency -ITARS # (for VA) -Training (DOD) -Fair Opportunity Form (+$5 mil) CH verifies receipt 9 *Route Order *Process Order Re-check: - Req’d Information - Contract Holder - Agency Order sent to Contract Holder (CH) Conference ‘ 11

Order Submission Information On fax cover sheet or e-mail text area include the following: Order Submission Information On fax cover sheet or e-mail text area include the following: Ø Include a Point of Contact (POC) • POC will be notified of all updates related to this order • If Contracting Officer (CO/KO) provides e-mail address, he/she will also be kept automatically informed of all updates Ø Zip code of the CO/KO’s office Ø Order Number (if credit card, provide order number to track with) Ø Expected delivery date Ø RFQ Number 10 Ø VA: Include ITARS or reason ITARs is not needed Conference ‘ 11

Order Preparation Ø Order is e-mailed or faxed from customer to SEWP Program Office Order Preparation Ø Order is e-mailed or faxed from customer to SEWP Program Office Ø Within minutes, order is entered into system • Initial Tracking Number assigned (referred to as the Q Number) Ø If initial review uncovers any problems, the order is put into Problem status: • Contract Holder is automatically notified • Customer will receive a phone call and/or e-mail explaining the issue • Problem notification occurs within one business day but typically within 3 -4 hours 11 Conference ‘ 11

Typical Order Problems Ø Wrong Contract Number • Contract number does not match the Typical Order Problems Ø Wrong Contract Number • Contract number does not match the Contract Holder’s name • A GSA contract number is provided instead of a SEWP contract number Ø Vendor is not a SEWP Contract Holder Ø Support Service Contractor issued order but is not authorized Ø For Veterans Affairs: there is no ITARS tracking number Ø For Department of Defense, the KO is not trained Ø Order is not readable or is missing pages Ø Order modification sent in but we cannot locate the 12 Conference ‘ 11

Scope Review Check Ø Orders over $100, 000 are reviewed by upper management to Scope Review Check Ø Orders over $100, 000 are reviewed by upper management to verify the order is in scope Ø Rarely an issue • Most common issue concerns services Ø Orders over $5 Million require Fair Opportunity backup • A Fair Opportunity Form • Or the SEWP RFQ (Request for Quote) number 13 Conference ‘ 11

Step 1: Order Entry 14 Conference ‘ 11 Step 1: Order Entry 14 Conference ‘ 11

Order Entry Ø User Delivery Date • Customer’s expected delivery date, if provided • Order Entry Ø User Delivery Date • Customer’s expected delivery date, if provided • Defaults to 45 days • Contract Holder must either meet the date or provide an explanation and negotiate a different date Ø Order status is set to ‘Entered’ Ø Point of contact(s) (POC) selected Ø Order Sequence Number (OSN) is assigned • Unique number used for tracking • When referring back to order for any issues or mods, it is helpful to note the OSN 15 Conference ‘ 11

Order Processed E-mail The following SEWP Order has been entered at the SEWP Program Order Processed E-mail The following SEWP Order has been entered at the SEWP Program and forwarded to the Contract Holder CDW*G Delivery Order Number : CBCL 751 Order Status : ENTERED Expected Delivery Date: MAY 13, 2011 Contract Number : NNG 07 DA 35 B / CDW*G Award Date : 03/21/11 Mod Level : 0 Control Number (OSN) : 134319 Total Amount : 2812. 6 Surcharge Amount : 12. 6 Agency Number (or ITARS) : 549990 CO Name : CO Phone : Either contact us at help@sewp. nasa. gov or call us at (301)286 -1478 if you have any questions. Thank You, SEWP Staff 16 Conference ‘ 11

E-Mail Notification Ø Indicates order has been processed and forwarded to the Contract Holder E-Mail Notification Ø Indicates order has been processed and forwarded to the Contract Holder Ø OSN provided (Control Number) Ø Calculated Fee listed Ø Contract Holder must verify receipt Ø Customer does not need to reply – Thank You’s are not needed Ø Any questions / issues should be sent to help@sewp. nasa. gov or alternatively orderhelp@sewp. nasa. gov 17 Conference ‘ 11

Order Evolution & Tracking ØSEWP Logs History of Order from Original Receipt through Shipment Order Evolution & Tracking ØSEWP Logs History of Order from Original Receipt through Shipment ØOrder Status Can be Obtained on Website (under ‘Order Info’) 18 Conference ‘ 11

Order Status - Shipped Ø Contract Holder has shipped all products Ø Contact Contract Order Status - Shipped Ø Contract Holder has shipped all products Ø Contact Contract Holder (cc help@sewp. nasa. gov) if shipment not received Ø All products requiring shipment should be fulfilled Ø Shipped status does not imply service related items; e. g. installation, training, warranty; have been fulfilled 19 Conference ‘ 11

Shipped E-mail The following information concerning Order#: Shipped E-mail The following information concerning Order#: "742 P 15030" and osn: "133383" was provided by Contract Holder Rep. "Analisa Chase" of "Intelligent Decisions". Status was changed from ENTERED to SHIPPED Shipped Date was entered 03/28/11 The following Remarks were added: All product shipped. 20 Conference ‘ 11

Order Status – Partial and POPOnly Ø Parital Status => Contract Holder has shipped Order Status – Partial and POPOnly Ø Parital Status => Contract Holder has shipped some of the products Ø POPOnly Status => Order does not contain any items to be shipped • POP refers to Period of Performance; e. g. only service related items; e. g. installation, training, warranty; are on this order 21 Conference ‘ 11

Order Status - Canceled Ø Customer has sent in a mod or e-mail to Order Status - Canceled Ø Customer has sent in a mod or e-mail to cancel order Ø Contract Holder has denied acceptance • Customer POC has been notified Ø Order has a problem which has remained dormant for over 30 days Ø Orders canceled in the SEWP system can be reset to Entered status through a notification from the customer 22 Conference ‘ 11

Order Status - Delayed Ø Contract Holder is delaying the processing of the order Order Status - Delayed Ø Contract Holder is delaying the processing of the order until an issue is resolved Ø Typically requires an order mod or an email communication Ø Contract Holder is not responsible for delivery fulfillment until issue is resolved • Please pay attention to these e-mails (sample on next slide) Ø There are only a defined set of reasons for a Delayed status as listed in next set of slides 23 Conference ‘ 11

Delayed Status E-mail The following information concerning Order#: Delayed Status E-mail The following information concerning Order#: "657 R 14175" and osn: "133955" was provided by Contract Holder Rep. "Michael Mc. Cabe" of "Blue Tech, Inc. ". Status was changed from ENTERED to DELAYED Delay Reason is Customer placed order based on expired quote. The following Remarks were added: Order has been placed in Delayed status indicating that BLUE_TECH is delaying acceptance and processing the order because it is based on an expired quote. Please contact the Contract Holder for an updated quote. This order stems from a request put on 8/25/2010. 24 Conference ‘ 11

Reasons for Delayed Status (1 of 3) Ø Awaiting an order modification • The Reasons for Delayed Status (1 of 3) Ø Awaiting an order modification • The Delayed status e-mail should indicate the nature of the required mod • Some typical mod requirements: - Customer request to wait for a mod to change some item on the order - Contract Holder information (address, name, etc) is incorrect - The item is end of life and a replacement is needed Price cannot be increased Ø Awaiting availability of funds • Contract Holder is not obligated to fulfill and order if the order indicates that funds are not yet available • Often resolved through a simple mod or e-mail confirmation 25 Conference ‘ 11

Reasons for Delayed Status (2 of 3) Ø Award date needs to be updated Reasons for Delayed Status (2 of 3) Ø Award date needs to be updated because SEWP Quote tool not used • Items on the quote were not on the SEWP Contract at time of award • Use of the SEWP Quote tool prevents this from occurring Ø Contract Holder needs credit card information • Contact the Contract Holder • Do not e-mail or provide SEWP Program Office with credit card number Ø Customer included unacceptable Terms and Conditions (Ts and Cs) • Additional Ts and Cs must be mutually agreeable 26 Conference ‘ 11

Reasons for Delayed Status (3 of 3) Ø Customer placed order based on expired Reasons for Delayed Status (3 of 3) Ø Customer placed order based on expired quote • Most quotes valid for 30 days Ø Order did not match the quote Ø Order resulted from Market Research • Market Research based quotes are unverified and therefore cannot be used to place an order 27 Conference ‘ 11

Assistance With Order Issues Ø Contact Contract Holder Program Manager • List of contacts Assistance With Order Issues Ø Contact Contract Holder Program Manager • List of contacts under “Contract Holders” menu at www. sewp. nasa. gov Ø Cc help@sewp. nasa. gov on all correspondence Ø SEWP Program Office provides advice, recommendations, problem resolution and tracking of issues 28 Conference ‘ 11

Quality Assuranc e 29 Conference ‘ 11 Quality Assuranc e 29 Conference ‘ 11

Daily Customer Surveys Ø Random selection of 10 orders throughout the day Ø Quick Daily Customer Surveys Ø Random selection of 10 orders throughout the day Ø Quick 3 minute survey Ø Action Items Passed along to Chr. M or Program Mgmt Ø Additional Surveys • Annual Phone Outreach to Heavy Users • Annual Satisfaction Survey to all users 30 Conference ‘ 11

2011 Annual Survey for all users ØNotification to all in June Ø 5 -10 2011 Annual Survey for all users ØNotification to all in June Ø 5 -10 minutes ØOnline survey with less than 25 questions ØShare your perspectives on the SEWP program and offerings ØData used to continuously improve SEWP 31 Conference ‘ 11

New Features 32 Conference ‘ 11 New Features 32 Conference ‘ 11

New SEWP Features!!!! ØLive Chat ØTicketing Process ØHelp Desk Operations 33 Conference ‘ 11 New SEWP Features!!!! ØLive Chat ØTicketing Process ØHelp Desk Operations 33 Conference ‘ 11

Chat/Ticketing Process ØOrganizes Customer Questions ØCoordinates Reponses ØProvides Automated Reports to ensure followthru 34 Chat/Ticketing Process ØOrganizes Customer Questions ØCoordinates Reponses ØProvides Automated Reports to ensure followthru 34 Conference ‘ 11

Fiscal Year End Office Hours ØCurrent Hours: 7: 30 am-6: 30 pm ØExtended Hours Fiscal Year End Office Hours ØCurrent Hours: 7: 30 am-6: 30 pm ØExtended Hours from Mid August thru Sept 23 rd • 7: 30 am-8: 00 pm ØLast week of Sept: 7: 30 am – 9: 00 pm ØSept 30 th: 7: 30 am – Midnight 35 Conference ‘ 11

Contact Us Ø Helpline: 301 -286 -1478 Mon–Fri, 7: 30 AM– 6: 00 PM Contact Us Ø Helpline: 301 -286 -1478 Mon–Fri, 7: 30 AM– 6: 00 PM ET Ø Fax orders to: 301 -286 -0317 Ø E-mail orders & modifications to: sewporders@sewp. nasa. gov Ø E-mail for Assistance : help@sewp. nasa. gov • Always CC SEWP when corresponding with Contract Holder regarding any issues Ø Live Chat 36 Conference ‘ 11

Washington Technology - on SEWP Customer Service Ø Contract: SEWP IV Agency: NASA When: Washington Technology - on SEWP Customer Service Ø Contract: SEWP IV Agency: NASA When: Awarded March 2007 to 38 companies. Why it is important: The SEWP program has become a gold standard in the government for customer service, and the managers running the contract see both agencies and their contractors as customers. The focus on service has helped SEWP survive and thrive into its fourth generation. Ø http: //washingtontechnology. com/articles/2009/07/06/fe ature-contracts-game-changers. aspx? sc_lang=en 37 Conference ‘ 11