Novosibirsk - Reliquie 1.pptx
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The cult of the Saints Vitalis, Gervasius and Protasius and the deplacement of the imperial court from Milan to Ravenna Prof. Dr. Filippo Carlà Historisches Seminar – Alte Geschichte carla@uni-mainz. de
Milan, S. Ambrogio
S. Vittore in Ciel d‘Oro, Milan
“Ambrosino d’oro” – first Republic, 1250 -1310
Augustinus, Sermo 286, 5, 5: Celebramus ergo hodierno die, fratres, memoriam in hoc loco positam sanctorum Protasii et Gervasii, Mediolanensium martyrum. We therefore celebrate today, brothers, the memory, situated in this place, of the saint Protasius and Gervasius, martyrs from Milan. Augustinus, De Civitate Dei, XXII, 8, 2: Miraculum, quod Mediolani factum est, cum illic essemus, quando illuminatus est caecus, ad multorum notiam potuit pervenire, quia et grandis est civitas et ibi erat tunc Imperator et immenso populo teste res gesta est concurrente ad corpora martyrum Protasii et Gervasii. The miracle which happened in Milan, when we were there, when a blind regained the sight, could become known to many people, because the city is big and there lived then the Emperor, and this happened when a huge multitude, which could refer it, was accurring to the bodies of the martyrs Gervasius and Protasius.
Dedication of the chapel of Gervasius and Protasius (Agnellus Ravennas, Liber Pontificalis Ecclesiae Ravennatis 36) Stefano Protasio Gervasio b. martirio et sibi memoria aeterna Lauricius huius dedicavit sub die III. Kal. Octubris, Theodosio XV et Placido Valentiniano [Theodosio XI et Placido Valentiniano IIII] In eternal memory, Lauricius dedicated this to himself and to the saint martyrs Stephanus Protasius and Gervasius three days before the Calends of October, in the 15 th consulate of Thedosius and in the consulate of Placidus Valentinianus [in the 11 th consulate of Theodosius and the 4 th of Valentinianus (425)]
Ravenna, S. Apollinare Nuovo, 561 -570
Ravenna, S. Apollinare Nuovo, 561 -570
Dedication of S. Vitalis (Agnellus Ravennas, Liber Pontificalis Ecclesiae Ravennatis 61) Ardua consurgunt venerando culmine templa Nomine Vitalis sanctificata Deo. Gervasius tenet simul hanc Prothasius arcem, Quos genus atque fides templaque cunsotiant. His genitor natis fugiens contagia mundi Exemplum fidei martiriique fuit. Traditit hanc primus Iuliano Ecclesius arcem, Qui sibi commissum mire perfecit opus. Hoc quoque perpetua mandavit lege tenendum, His nulli liceat condere membra locis. Sed quae pontificum constat monumenta priorum, Fas ibi sit tantum ponere, seu similes. High raises with venerable roof the church sanctified to God in the name of Vitalis. Gervasius holds together with Protasius this stronghold; they are united by the family, the faith and the churches. Their father, escaping the malaises of the world, after they were born, offered an example of faith and martyrium. First Ecclesius entrusted this stronghold to Julian, who realized in wonderful way the work given to him. And he also disposed to be observed with an eternal law, that noone should be allowed to be buried in this place. But it is permitted only to put here the burials of previous bishops, or similar.
Gregor von Tours, Historia Francorum X, 1: Oratio Gregorii Papae ad plebem: Letania clericorum exeat ab ecclesia sancti Iohannis baptistae, letania virorum ab ecclesia sancti martyris Marcelli, letania monachorum ab ecclesia beatorum martyrum Iohannis et Pauli, letania ancillarum Dei ab ecclesia beatorum martyrorum Cosmae et Damiani, letania feminarum coniugatarum ab ecclesia beati primi martyris Stephani, letania viduarum ab ecclesia beati martyris Vitalis, letania pauperum et infantium ab ecclesia beatae martyris Caeciliae.