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The Crucible was written in 1953 by the American playwright Arthur Miller. It is a dramatisation of the Salem witch trials of 1692. Salem is a small town in the American state of Massachusetts. Miller wrote the play as an allegory of Mc. Carthyism is a term used to describe the action taken by the US Government, lead by Senator Joseph Mc. Carthy, against people who were thought to be, or sympathised with, communists. New Terms – Salem Witch Trials; Allegory; Mc. Carthyism
Salem Witch Trials
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witch craft in colonial Massachusetts, between February 1692 and May 1693. Despite being generally known as the Salem witch trials, the preliminary hearings in 1692 were conducted in a variety of towns across the province: Salem Village (now Danvers) Ipswich, Andover and Salem Town. Salem Witch Trials
Arthur Miller 1915 -2005
Communism is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless, and stateless social order built upon common ownership of the means of production. This movement significantly influenced the history of the 20 th century, which saw intense rivalry between the "socialist world" (socialist states ruled by Communist parties) and the "western world" (countries with market economies), culminating in the Cold War between the Eastern bloc and the “Free World. ” New Terms – Communism
Stage directions are particularly important in this play. Not only do they help us visualise what is happening, but they also tell us things about the characters, themes and historical background. How does this bedroom compare with your own? What does this house/room tell you about the inhabitants? Back these findings up with evidence. Act One – Opening Stage Directions
“The room give off an air of clean spareness. The roof rafters are exposed, and the wood colours are raw and unmellowed. ” What do these stage directions suggest about those who live in this house and the life they lead? Act One – Opening Stage Directions
Abigail: We did dance, uncle, and when you leaped out of the bush so suddenly, Betty was frightened and then she fainted. And there’s the whole of it. Parris: It must come out – my enemies will bring it out. These quotations are very telling about both characters.
SD for Abigail: [innocently] What do you think? Is she innocent? Parris asks Abigail if there’s anything she hasn’t told him about her leaving the Proctors. He is suspicious. (Parris speaking to Abigail about Elizabeth Proctor) “She come so rarely to the church this year for she will not sit so close to something so soiled. ” What are the implications here about Abigail?
Mrs Ann Putnam – “a death-ridden woman. ” What does this mean? Mrs Putnam: Mr Collins saw her goin’ over Ingersoll’s barn, and come down light as bird, he says! Mrs Putnam: It’s death y’know, it’s death drivin’ into them, forked and hoofed. Witchcraft?
Mrs Putnam is intent on calling this witchcraft – why? She does offer an explanation as to why she thinks her Ruth has been affected… Why does she accuse Tituba? What do you think of Ann Putnam? Mrs Putnam
SD for Mercy: a fat, sly, merciless girl of eighteen. Mercy: Have you tried beatin’ her? I gave Ruth a good one and it waked her for a minute. Parris: If she starts for the window, cry for me at once. Abigail: Not I, sir – Tituba and Ruth. Abigail: He saw you naked.
SD for Mary Warren: She is seventeen, a subservient, naïve, lonely girl. BETTY: You drank blood, Abby! You didn’t tell him that! What does Abigail say happened to her parents? The description of Proctor… Which quotations show us what Proctor is like?
Abigail – what more do we know about her? Find 2 quotations that give an insight into her character. Analyse these quotations as you would in an essay. Abigail
Abigail Williams
What do we know about her so far? How could we describe her? Young Manipulative Naïve Scared Aggressive Passionate Abigail Williams Dishonest
ABIGAIL WILLIAMS, seventeen, enters – a strikingly beautiful girl, an orphan, with an endless capacity for dissembling. BETTY: You drank blood, Abby! You didn’t tell him that! ABIGAIL: Not I, sir – Tituba and Ruth. ABIGAIL: I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. ABIGAIL: I’d almost forgotten how strong you are, John Proctor. ABIGAIL: A wild thing may say wild things.
ABIGAIL WILLIAMS, seventeen, enters – a strikingly beautiful girl, an orphan, with an endless capacity for dissembling.
BETTY: You drank blood, Abby! You didn’t tell him that! ABIGAIL: Not I, sir – Tituba and Ruth.
ABIGAIL: I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. ABIGAIL: I’d almost forgotten how strong you are, John Proctor.
ABIGAIL: A wild thing may say wild things.
I look for John Proctor that took me from my sleep and put knowledge in my heart! I never knew what pretence Salem was, I never knew the lying lessons I was taught by all these Christian women and their covenanted men! And now you bid me tear the light out of my eyes? I will not, I cannot! You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet!
Abigail Williams utters these words in an Act I conversation with John Proctor, clueing the audience in to her past affair with him. For Proctor, we quickly realize, their relationship belongs to the past—while he may still be attracted to her, he is desperately trying to put the incident behind him. Abigail, on the other hand, has no such sense of closure, as this quote makes clear. As she begs him to come back to her, her anger overflows, and we see the roots of bitterness beginning. But second, and perhaps more important, we see in this quotation a fierce loathing of the entire town— “I never knew what pretense Salem was, I never knew the lying lessons. . ” Abigail hates Salem - and its people.
1. Summarise the events so far. 2. Which characters have we met? For each character, write a paragraph explaining what you know about them. INCLUDE A QUOTATION. 3. Do you have any strong feelings about any of the characters? Do you really like any or them or not? Act 1 – Part 1
Rebecca Nurse – Giles Corey - How can you summarise the appearance of these two characters?
MRS PUTNAM: You think it God’s work you should never lose a child, nor grandchild either, and I bury all but one? There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires! She directs this to Rebecca Nurse. What is Mrs Putnam suggesting here? Annotating quotations can help!
PUTNAM: [to Proctor] I do not think I saw you at Sabbath meeting since snow flew. What does this reveal about Putnam and Proctor’s relationship? What further insight does it give you on the society? • Remember, people were scared of God, the Church and the Devil. These settlers in New England left Europe because they felt it was falling to the Devil and sins such as alcohol, sex outside of marriage and atheism were becoming too common place.
Can you show the relationships and various tensions between the characters here? Who has a problem with whom? And why? Parris Friendly – Giles will help Proctor with work and stands up for him Te an nsi d on de – di di ca sa tio gr n ee to m c en hu t rc ov h er la nd Mercurial – agree over church matters, disagree over witch craft and ministry Giles Corey Giles tells Putnam he is wrong Proctor does not attend Church and disagrees with the sending for Hale Proctor Putnam
Proctor argues over the proper ownership of a piece of timberland where Proctor harvests his lumber. Putnam claims that his grandfather left the tract of land to him in his will. Proctor says that he purchased the land from Francis Nurse, adding that Putnam’s grandfather had a habit of willing land that did not belong to him. Putnam, growing irate, threatens to sue Proctor. The land dispute between Proctor and Putnam adds the final touch to the implication that the real issues in Salem have much more to do with intra-societal and interpersonal concerns than with supernatural manifestations of the devil’s influence.
What does Arthur Miller have to say about Hale? Look at his notes. What are your first impressions of him? Find 2 quotations that reveal an aspect of his character. Ø He praises Rebecca – “I suppose you look as such a good soul should. We have heard of all your great charities in Beverly. ” - What does this suggest about her? Reverend Hale of Beverly
HALE: We cannot look to superstition in this. The Devil is precise; the marks of his presence are as definite as stone. Explain the irony in this statement. IRONY: An intentional contradiction between what something appears to mean and what it really means. Irony is normally conveyed through contradictions between either what is said and what is meant or appearance and reality. There are many forms of irony; verbal irony, the most familiar form, involves speaking words which say something quite unlike what is meant (e. g. , I just love to write papers). Proctor leaves before Hale begins his work. Why did he go? Could he have changed the outcome of events had be stayed? What role do you see Hale playing in the rest of the play? Hale and Proctor
Giles’ story about his wife’s reading a book stopping his prayers is an odd one. However, it is taken seriously by Hale. He, and others in the society, believe that What other historical significance does book burning have (for both us and Arthur Miller)? Why would someone burn a book? Burn the witch/book!
Nazi Book Burning in 1933
The Act ends with Abigail leading a hysterical chorus of accusations of witchcraft. She is by far the most vocal. List those who have been accused. Go on to list those who have been accusing – can you give a reason for each of their actions? Abigail
Accused Accuser Tituba Abby/Mrs Putnam Goody Good Putnam/Tituba Goody Osburn Putnam/Tituba Bridget Bishop Abby George Jacobs Betty Goody Howe Betty Martha Bellows Betty Goody Sibber Abby Alice Barrow Betty Goody Hawkins Abby Goody Bibber Betty Goody Booth Abby Why? Prejudice? Hate? Midwife
What made Tituba accuse Goody Good and Goody Osburn of witchcraft? Why did Abigail begin accusing? What about Betty? Was the reaction by the ‘adults’ in the room surprising? What is your reaction to this scene? Mass Outcry
These ‘witches’ will now all be put on trial for witchcraft. The punishment is death. How would you give someone a fair trial for witchcraft? History of Witchcraft How do you test for a witch?
Miller wrote the play with the intention of it being performed. He included many notes on characters and on the setting to ensure those staging or reading the play would be sure of he meant. Ø Look at the extracts from the play you have in the table. Fill out the analysis part. Ø Once this is completed, look back over the extracts. Pick 3 phrases that accurately describe Salem in Act. In a paragraph, explain why you have chosen these phases. Miller’s Notes
LI: I can discuss the play’s theme and find evidence to support my ideas ◦ At this point, two of Miller’s major themes are Hysteria and Fear. Theme
Who is involved in the mass hysteria at the end of Act 1? Why do they become involved? Often at Higher, you are asked to write about a theme which is important to you/society/young people today. Is Hysteria one of these themes? Hysteria
Can you think of reasons for mass hysteria? BBC Top 10 Screaming Girls 1960 s Hysteria
Find 2 quotations that show the hysteria beginning. Go on to explain what the quotes show. Find 2 quotations that show WHY the hysteria happens – discuss the roots of it. Go on to explain what the quotes show. Hysteria and Fear
Tituba: No, no, don’t hang Tituba! I tell him I don’t desire to work for him! Putnam: Sarah Good? Did you ever see Sarah Good with him? Or Osburn? Abigail: I want to open myself! I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the devil! Hysteria Begins
Abigail: I say shut it Mary Warren! (p. 16) Proctor: Do you look for whippin’? (p. 19) Parris: You will confess yourself or I will take you out and whip you to your death, Tituba! Putnam: This woman must be hanged! She must be taken and hanged! (p. 36) The Roots of the Hysteria - Fear
Also consider the idea of oppression. The people of Salem lead very restricted lives – both the Church and society forbade them many liberties. Women in particular – especially young, unmarried women – had little or no power. They had no financial independence and their ‘rights’ were connected to their husbands/fathers. Their lives would be controlled by their lack of means, childbirth and fear. The young women of Salem – lead by Abigail – had never had a voice before. No-one had ever listened to them before. Oppression
The setting is evening, eight days after the events of Act 1. The enclosed atmosphere is continued as Act 2 is set in the main room of Proctor’s house. Act Two
John seasons his food, then complements Elizabeth on how well she has seasoned the food. - What does this illustrate about their feelings towards one another? John’s relationship with his wife is uneasy and constantly changing. Their first appearance together is full of subtle hints of an unhappy marriage, despite John’s attempts at kindness. - Find examples of this unease. Explain clearly why you think Miller directs Elizabeth to “receive” John’s kiss? John and Elizabeth’s Relationship
Mary Warren is discussed. She was originally described as a “mouse”. Does this description still apply? What does the change in Mary represent? Examine the way Elizabeth describes events in the town and how this contrasts with the (superficially) peaceful mood in the house. Find two remarks made by Elizabeth that point to the rise in Abigail’s power in the past few days. John’s first ‘test’ comes when Elizabeth asks him to go to Ezekiel Cheever. He refuses to take action. Why do you think this is?
John admits to having been alone with Abigail. What do you think this revelation does to Elizabeth’s faith in John? What do you think is John’s main concern: his own good name, Abigail, or the relationship with his wife? “You forget nothin’ and forgive nothin’…” Is this resentment justified, or is it the result of John’s guilty conscience? Although John’s independence and refusal to accept authority can later be regarded as noble, here it leads to an expression of guilt through resentment. “The magistrate sits in your heart” shows John has to look to the demands of his own conscience for decisions, just as he will have to do later on.
Pick out 2 or 3 key points in this scene where Miller shows the audience how the hysteria has overcome Salem. Quotations can be used but often a clear explanation of what is happening in the plot is enough. Key Points
“Mr Proctor, in open court she near to choked us all to death. ” Mary Warren, p. 47. ◦ It is clear to the audience as Mary explains further that this was not possible. Mary, and the other girls, truly believe Sarah Good almost killed them with witchcraft. This is punishable by death. Miller shows the audience the extent of the hysteria in Salem. Key Points
Mary Warren goes on to explain that the more Sarah Good denied her guilt, the more that she remembered what Sarah Good had done to her over the years. (p. 47) It is unbelievable to both the Proctors and the audience. As we listen to Mary Warren’s confident assertions from her day in court, the mood changes from one of disbelief and disdain to apprehension. If Sarah Good’s denials make young girls ‘remember’ her trying to kill them, what else might they ‘remember’? Key Points
“I saved her life today!” Mary, to Elizabeth, p. 49 Silence follows this outburst. How has the mood changed? Proctor has been angry, and about to whip Mary, but this revelation stops him in his tracks. He is aware of Abby’s hatred for Elizabeth but he did not see this coming. The mood becomes one of absolute shock and almost panic as both the audience and the Proctor’s think about the consequences that could occur. Key Points
Mary Warren comes across as a naïve, immature young girl in this scene. Find 2 quotations that show this and analyse the language sufficiently to show this. Find the ‘evidence’ by which the women are accused. Mary Warren
Find analyse 1 quotation that shows how Elizabeth reacts to her being accused. Find analyse 1 quotation that shows John’s reaction to Elizabeth being accused. Elizabeth and John Proctor
LI: I can take notes to show my understanding of the plot and characters. I can find evidence and analyse the literary techniques used to show they create mood and atmosphere. (Textual Analysis practise!) I can discuss themes the playwright explores Act 2
Who do we know to now be accused? Why is this so shocking? What other details do we have about this? Why is the poppet significant? How do you think the needle got in the poppet’s belly? What do you think is Mary Warren’s part in this? Act 2 - The Poppet
On pages 60 -61, it is clear that Proctor is becoming increasingly frustrated by these proceedings. ◦ Find evidence to show his increasing frustration. Proctor asks, “What signifies a poppet? ” and continues to ask questions as Cheever discovers the needle. The stage directions say he is angry and ‘bewildered’ (p. 61). The audience is also confused and concerned that the court are believing Abigail and taking the needle in the poppet as evidence of Elizabeth’s guilt. Proctor
“If she is innocent!. . . ” (Pg 63 ) “I will fall like an ocean on that court!” (Pg 64 ) “[with a deep hatred of himself] Good. Then her saintliness is done with. We will slide together into our pit. ” (pg 66) “My wife will never die for me! I will bring your guts into your mouth but that goodness will not die for me!” (pg 66) Key Quotations - Proctor
The atmosphere in this scene is very tense. This is created by the fear of the unknown and the shock of the revelations. It slowly builds up from Mary’s arrival to the end. Re-read this section. Find evidence to that conveys how tense the atmosphere is and how it builds up. Write 4 -5 paragraphs that explores how tension is created in this scene. Mood/Atmosphere
When Hale arrives and questions that Proctor on their faith and reputation, John is angry. He states, ‘My wife was sick this winter, ’ and ‘I surely did come when I could and when I could not I prayed in this house. ’ He is defensive, making all the characters, as well as the audience, tense. Tension is also created by the lie that Proctor has told; the audience knows Elizabeth was not sick. They both stayed away because of Abigail Williams. John could not face his guilt and Elizabeth was humiliated and did not want to have to converse with her former employee. Mood/Atmosphere
The tension rises further when Ezekiel Cheever arrives. Proctor has mentioned him previously, telling Elizabeth he would go to Cheever to relieve her of her charges. He arrives to arrest Elizabeth. He questions her about the poppet. Abigail has had a needle ‘stuck’ in her belly by ‘Elizabeth’s spirit’. When a needle is found in the poppet, Cheever is convinced of Elizabeth’s guilt. Proctor’s angry repetition of ‘What signifies a poppet? ’ creates tension as he cannot contain his anger and frustration. Elizabeth cries ‘The girl is murder! She must be ripped out of the world!’ We have never seen her this emotional now and the audience wonder how she may react next. Cheever takes this outburst as further proof of guilt, provoking Proctor to snatch his warrant from his grasp. Mood/Atmosphere
The theme of Fear is explored in Act 2. It is a different fear from before. ◦ What are the characters scared of now? Miller uses the characters faith in God as a motif throughout this Act. Find at least 3 examples of this. Give a brief explanation of what they show. Fear and Faith
Elizabeth is arrested and this shows a different side to her character. She is a realist- she recognises the inevitability of her arrest and makes preparations for the family. She demonstrates great control and puts her own safety last. Do you believe that she is “cold[snivelling]”, as Abigail says? Discuss in light of the present situation. In your own words, explain why Elizabeth Proctor has been arrested. What has lead to this? What crime has she committed? As an audience member, what is your reaction to this? What would you like to see happen now? What do you think will happen now? Elizabeth Proctor
We are introduced in this scene to the workings of the court and to the chief magistrate, Danforth. He is the Deputy Governer. He believes in what he is doing and can see no wrong in the court’s proceedings. He seems to have a limited understanding of human nature and cannot conceive that the girls are anything other than what they say they are. Act 3
This Act is interesting as the power shifts. Note down who has the power and when. Miller is known for his use of stage directions. What is the significance of the stage directions in this Act? Act 3
Look at page 73 -74. Why has Elizabeth said she is pregnant? Danforth: We have thought it too convenient to be credited. Explain the hypocrisy in this statement. Page 82 - Put Danforth’s large speech into your own words to show what his point is. • How does Miller want the audience to feel about Danforth? Act 3
Danforth makes it clear to the girls that Mary Warren is calling them all liars. He tells them that “God damns all liars, ” children or not. He suggests that Mary Warren may be possessed by the devil and if this is the case she will be executed. He urges them to tell the truth. Act 3
In this act the tragedy of John and Elizabeth is acted out. John is forced to admit his adultery, Elizabeth lies to save him, and Abigail triumphs, although she loses what she so desperately sought- the love and possession of John. • How does Miller create tension when Elizabeth is questioned? Act 3
How does the court react to Giles’ claim that Putnam “is reaching out for land”? What does his comment “You’re hearing lies” do to the credulity of his own evidence? What is the reaction to Francis Nurse’s claim that “the girls are frauds”? Find a quote that shows the hopelessness of arguing against convoluted (complicated/intricate) logic. Act 3
Reverend Hale now seems disturbed, whereas John Proctor is calm. ◦ Find evidence to back this up. ◦ Comment on the quote “We burn a hot fire; it melts down all concealment. ” Act 3
The argument about the poppet adds a touch of the ridiculous to the proceedings. ◦ Find a quote by John that links in with this. Why can Mary Warren not faint now? How do a) Danforth, and b) Abigail respond to this? Do you notice any similarities between Abigail’s behaviour now and in Act 1? Comment on the dramatic change in John Proctor form a controlled man to one who physically attacks Abigail. Act 3
Hale states at this time that he cannot “shut [his] conscience” – indicating his anguish. He is now prepared to defend John and Elizabeth. ◦ How accurate do you consider Hale to be in his claim that “private vengeance” lies beneath the court’s charges? How does Abigail react at this point? “A fire, a fire is burning! I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! And it is my face, and yours, Danforth!…God damns our kind especially, and we will burn, we will burn together!” ◦ Her manipulation of this event shows the power and the farreaching nature of hysteria. ◦ John gives a different interpretation of fire. He implies that Danforth’s fires are Lucifer’s and help to conceal falseness. This is a powerful condemnation but ironically it reflects the fraud in John’s own heart. The fact that Hale quits the court and the proceedings helps to add weight to John’s words. Act 3 - Hale
Act 3 ends with a climax. Proctor is arrested. His words echo in the ears of the other characters and the audience. “God is dead!” The audience has seen the ‘justice’ that this ‘court’ doles out and we are left feeling anxious and tense about the future of John Proctor. Act 4
The scene opens at daybreak, some three months later, in a cell. This cell is very oppressive. In contrast to the previous acts, no sun pours or streams through the windows, no open door gives a glimpse of green fields. The place is in darkness and the moonlight merely ‘seeps’ through the bars. This idea is strengthened by the “high barred window” and the “heavy door”. Act 4
The ‘devil bird’ seen by Sarah and Tituba could serve as a reminder of the bird that Abigail and the others saw in Act 3. In what ways, however, does this seem different? How is Hale now regarded by the authorities? What does he feel towards his ministry now? Hale and Parris pray together here. Why does this seem strange? Provide a brief character analysis of Parris at this stage. List some of the devastations affecting the community as described by Cheever.
Revd. Hale was previously concerned with saving souls and driving out the Devil; now he seems more interested in saving lives. His change in attitude should reflect the views of the audience at this point, identifying and appreciating the difference between saving souls and saving lives. Why has Parris waited two days before telling the court of Abigail’s disappearance? Examine Parris’ language here. What is he most concerned with? Has he really changed? Why does her flight have serious implications for Danforth? What is Danforth’s reaction to events in Andover? What do the answers of the previous questions tell you about the character of Danforth?
Danforth does not seem unduly moved by Abigail’s disappearance and the girls are not mentioned again. Despite the fact that the court owes its existence to their accusation, they seem irrelevant now the witch-hunt has taken on a momentum of its own. What can you determine about Parris’ mental state from his reaction to the dagger? Comment on the stage directions regarding Hale being “steeped in sorrow”. Consider Danforth’s argument that to pardon the condemned would only “cast doubt upon the guilt of them that died until now. ” Do you have any sympathy for his argument or do you think the judgement is rooted in pride? Examine Hale’s speeches on pages 104/105. How is his guilt evident? Why does he feel doubly damned for counselling the people to lie, to confess sins of which they are innocent? Why do you think Elizabeth called this advice of Hale’s the “Devil’s argument”? Do you think Elizabeth’s reaction to him is fair? Do you share her sense of what is right and what is wrong?
What does Proctor’s refusal of cider show of his character, even after months in prison? What effect does Giles’ death have on Proctor? In what way does it show a build up pressure on him? ◦ a) John is about to confess but stops when Rebecca enters - why? (p. 112) ◦ b) What does her standpoint illustrate to him and to the audience? ◦ c) However, feels he is in a different position to Rebecca. Why?
Proctor knows he has his wife’s support in whatever he decides but she declines to advise him. Is she right to do this? From what you think of her character, what do you think she really feels about John’s initial decision to confess? Elizabeth’s response that John should “forgive himself” is strange yet shows her understanding of the situation is deeper than her husband’s. What has she recognised? Examine Elizabeth’s moment of truth, shown through her remark, “It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery. ” (pg 109) In light of these revelations, was Abigail right in her judgement of Elizabeth’s “coldness”?
“Then who will judge me? ” There are two answers to John Proctor’s question: God, and John Proctor recognises that a false confession would be a lie, and therefore a sin. Coming to terms with this helps him find the strength to act according to the dictates of his own conscience later on. Find words from this dialogue (pg 109 -110) which show John’s conscience. Explain Danforth’s error of judgement in bringing Rebecca before John. What was his intention? What was the outcome?
Consider the dramatic pacing of the climax of this Act and indeed the play as a whole. In one sense, we want Proctor to survive, he seems safe, then suddenly he changes his mind in a dramatic twist, has one short speech of justification, then is swept to his death at the final curtain. Miller explores theme of reputation. Explain how the crux of Proctor’s problem is highlighted by his speech, “I want my name. ” (pg 115) In what way is the tearing of the confession different to the tearing of the warrant in Act 2? How is John different? Parris is in “deadly fear”; Hale condemns John’s decision as stemming from “pride” and “vanity”. Is Hale more interested in the confession for personal reasons? How does he compare with Parris?
Create a flow chart detailing the events that lead to Proctor’s hanging – include ‘That ‘No Abby, quotes goodness ‘She won’t sit so close so something so spoiled. ’ Proctor’s mistake was having an affair with Abby. ‘He has his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him. ’ – Elizabeth understands Proctor’s point. He needs to die for himself and for Salem. that’s done with. ’ Proctor refuses Abby – creates anger and resentment in her. ‘I can, and there’s your first marvel that I can. ’ Proctor shows he is happy to die to show the court how wrong they have been. ‘I mean to please you, Elizabeth. ’ John loves his wife and wants to do the right thing. ‘God is dead!’ Proctor denounces the church and the court for their convoluted and flawed logic. will not die for me!’ Proctor will do anything to save Elizabeth. He recognises that she is good and he is not. ‘It is a whore’s vengeance. ’ Proctor tells the court of his affair. He admits his sin to save Elizabeth & purge himself.
Theme Characters involved Hysteria Abigail Girls Putnams Danforth Fear Tituba Mary Warren Abigail Proctor Faith Hale Proctor Rebecca Danforth Reputation/ Proctor Self-Respect Rebecca Giles/ Martha Points in play Act 1 – Betty wakes Act 2 – Cheever discovers the poppet Act 3 – Girls ‘attacked’ Act 1 – Tituba’s confession Act 2 - Proctor fears for Elizabeth Act 3 – Mary Act 1 – Hale’s entrance Act 2 – Hale’s questions Act 4 – The trial Act 2 – John’s self -hatred Act 4 – Proctor’s refusal to sign, Rebecca & the Coreys refuse to confess Quotations “I want to open myself!” “Mr Proctor, in open court she near to choked us all to death. ” “I tell him I do not desire to work for him!” “I will go your way no more!” “They are weighted with authority. ” “Do you know your commandments? ” “God is dead” “Then who will judge me? ” “Because it is my name!” “More weight. ” “It is a lie. How may I damn myself? ” Audience Reaction Astounded, confused, shocked Scared for Elizabeth/Proctor Admire them for overcoming it Shocked at A & MW’s actions Concerned at the confidence put in the church Dismayed by the outcome of the ‘holy’ trial We admire those who refuse to confess. We pity Proctor for his death but respect his decision
LI: I can analyse Miller’s language and characterisation
Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name! Proctor, Act 4, pg 115 This reveals that Proctor is a very moral man. He is honest and cannot live with himself if he lies. He could not tell his children to be honest if he is not. He refuses to compromise. This speech highlights theme of reputation/self-respect. Proctor cannot sign his name because it is a lie and he could not live as an honest man if he signs it.
The repetition of the word ‘lie’ shows how strongly Proctor feels about it. He wants them to understand the power of the word. The exclamation marks show his strong emotions – he is shouting, he is frantic. He needs them (and us) to understand. ‘I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang’ conveys how humble he feels. He feels those who have refused to confessed and died for it. If he confesses he will not be dishonouring their memory. Proctor does not want his name to be written in the history books as either a man who has worked with the devil or as a liar. He wants to live but he does not want the name of John Proctor to be synonymous with ‘liar. In the last sentence, Proctor tells them that he has already given away his soul by lying. He has shamed himself (to Elizabeth, the community) and damned himself (to God). He has given away the thing that is most precious to a person. Proctor wants to be left with something to help him carry on his life – his reputation.
If she be innocent! Who do you never wonder if Parris be innocent or Abigail? Is the accuser always holy now? Were they born this morning as clean as God’s fingers? I’ll tell you what’s walking in Salem – vengeance is walking Salem. We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law! Proctor, Act 2, Pg 63 The purpose of this speech is to stop them arresting his wife. He knows she is only in danger because of his actions. He is angry and wants them to understand she is not guilty but the girls are. Proctor is right in so far as he knows Abigail is wrecking vengeance on him. He is appalled at the weight the court and community is putting on the testimonies of the young girls.
The image of ‘jangling the keys of the kingdom’ refers to the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven. The children seem like jailers; they hold the power to condemn people to Heaven or Hell. The audience feels shocked as they realised how much power these hysterical children have. ‘Common vengeance writes the law!’ again suggests the law has been usurped in its power to control society by the emotions and agendas of the girls The idea of ‘vengeance’ as opposed to ‘revenge’ is biblical as is the ‘kingdom’ of Heaven being discussed. The audience is reminded of how much this society relies on the bible and how much weight Christianity has in Salem. Proctor shows his emotions again in this speech. We see how frustrated he is by the actions of the court and of Salem as a whole. We can also see how much he loves Elizabeth as he tries to plead with Cheever and Hale to save her. When he talks of vengeance, it reveals the selfknowledge that has as he realised it is his actions that have created Abigail’s vengeance.
But you must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. This is a sharp time, now, a precise time – we live no longer in the dusky afternoon when evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the world. Now, by God’s grace, the shining sun is up, and them that fear not light will surely praise it. Danforth, Act 3, pg 76 This speech is a warning to Proctor. Danforth wants him to understand that if he does not obey the court’s orders or findings then it will be assumed he is trying to go against them – and against God. The next step of this assumption is that he is involved in the witchcraft. The theme of Faith is explored by Danforth’s speech. He focuses on using biblical language, suggesting that the Devil has been cast aside and God is once again present in Salem. Danforth has an unshakable faith and is conducting proceedings in the name of God.
Miller’s language seems appropriate to 1692 because of the religious references such as ‘evil’ and ‘God’s grace. ’ His sentence structure and word order, such as ‘ them that fear not light will surely praise it’ is outdated. This sounds like a biblical quotation. The symbolism of ‘dusky afternoon’ and ‘the shining sun is up’ conveys Danforth’s belief that times are changing in Salem. He feels that it used to be murky and shadowy before when the Devil ruled, but now the court and God is in session it is bright, sunny and clear. Danforth’s character is further revealed to us here as we see his unwavering belief in God and his piety. He is focused on pursuing what he sees as God’s will and is determined to punish all who stand in the way. He is not vindictive or menacing but he sees the world in black and white, as many in Salem do. If someone does not fully comply with the court, or if they in some way question the proceedings, they must be with the Devil. This is God’s court – if you go against it, you are against God.
Let you not mistake your duty as I mistook my own. I came into this village like a bridegroom to his beloved, bearing gifts of high religion; the very crowns of holy law I brought, and what I touched with my bright confidence, it died; and where I turned the eye of my bright faith, blood flowed up. Beware, Goody Proctor – cleave to no faith when faith brings blood. It is a mistaken law that leads you to sacrifice. Hale, Act 4, pg 105 -106 Hale is trying to persuade Elizabeth Proctor to convince John to lie. Hale wants her to realise that in this case the court and religion are wrong. To save John’s life, he needs to turn his back on this holy court and ‘God’s will’. Through this theme of Faith is explored. Hale believed firmly that he was to do God’s work in Salem; when he saw the outcome of this he had to change his mind. In Salem, this strict adherence to what is perceived as God’s will has resulted in deaths. To Hale, these are murders in the name of religion.
This speech reveals that Hale has had to change his opinion and review his faith in God. Hale’s turn around is admirable to the audience – he has not ‘cleaved’ to his religion despite the destruction. He has used his judgement to denounce the proceedings in Salem, even though this means he is effectively denouncing the God and the church he has lived his life worshipping. Hale is seen as brave and intelligent through his actions and dialogue in Act 4. The image of ‘I came into this village like a bridegroom to his beloved, bearing gifts of high religion’ conveys how Hale felt at the start of the play. He was proud and pleased to come to Salem to help them in their time of need. His references to ‘bright’ confidence and faith shows that he saw himself as a kind of saviour – but no more. Miller deliberately uses biblical word choice for Hale’s speech. This shows his knowledge of Christianity and life-long faith. His references to ‘gifts’ suggests his belief that Christianity should be given freely (and accepted readily). His speaks of ‘sacrifice’ – Jesus was executed to save others. Perhaps this is what he is suggesting is happening here…
Mc. Carthy Comparison In your own words, explain how what Mc. Carthyism is and how it links to The Crucible. Mc. Carhyism
LI: I understand how Hale’s character changes and how important his character is for the audience Hale Video 2 In your own words, explain: A) How Hale’s character changes B) Why Hale’s character changes Hale
LI: I can understand more about the Higher critical essay exam and know what I will be asked to do
There are 4 types of drama questions: Character/Relationship Key Scene/Turning Point Beginning/Ending Theme Higher Drama Questions
Characters Relationships
Key Scene Why?
Turning Point? You could argue that in Act 2 when Elizabeth Proctor is arrested and Proctor becomes angry and determined to overthrow the court that this is when his fate is sealed. When Proctor sees that his attempts to get Mary Warren to tell the truth and he screams ‘God is dead!’ that this is Miller’s turning point. There is no way back for Proctor after this. In Act 4, when Rebecca Nurse is brought in front of Proctor just before he signs his written confession, the plot turns again. Proctor is about to save his own life but the appearance of the good, honest, condemned Rebecca Nurse makes him sees his own lie for what it is – disrespectful and unjust.
A play with an effective opening What makes an effective opening to a play? Is this applicable to The Crucible? Specifically, what makes this an effective opening?
A play with an effective edning What makes an effective ending to a play? Is this applicable to The Crucible? Specifically, what makes this an effective ending?
Theme Characters involved Hysteria Abigail Girls Putnams Danforth Fear Tituba Mary Warren Abigail Proctor Faith Hale Proctor Rebecca Danforth Reputation/ Proctor Self-Respect Rebecca Giles/ Martha Points in play Act 1 – Betty wakes Act 2 – Cheever discovers the poppet Act 3 – Girls ‘attacked’ Act 1 – Tituba’s confession Act 2 - Proctor fears for Elizabeth Act 3 – Mary Act 1 – Hale’s entrance Act 2 – Hale’s questions Act 4 – The trial Act 2 – John’s self -hatred Act 4 – Proctor’s refusal to sign, Rebecca & the Coreys refuse to confess Quotations “I want to open myself!” “Mr Proctor, in open court she near to choked us all to death. ” “I tell him I do not desire to work for him!” “I will go your way no more!” “They are weighted with authority. ” “Do you know your commandments? ” “God is dead” “Then who will judge me? ” “Because it is my name!” “More weight. ” “It is a lie. How may I damn myself? ” Audience Reaction Astounded, confused, shocked Scared for Elizabeth/Proctor Admire them for overcoming it Shocked at A & MW’s actions Concerned at the confidence put in the church Dismayed by the outcome of the ‘holy’ trial We admire those who refuse to confess. We pity Proctor for his death but respect his decision
Choose a play in which there is a scene involving intense emotion. Show the dramatist makes you aware of the intensity of the emotion in the scene and discuss the importance of the scene to the drama as a whole. In your answer you must refer closely to dramatic techniques such as: conflict, characterisation, key scene(s), dialogue, climax, exposition, denouement, structure, plot, setting, aspects of staging (lighting, music, stage directions…) monologue, soliloquy…
Conflict essay are character/relationship essays!
1. Create a plan for an essay on this question in your group. - For each paragraph of your essay, write a) the part of the play you will be referring to (perhaps a page number or a quotation) b) its relevance to the question (what it shows) Para 1 – Proctor starts to become frustrated by the court’s convoluted logic (pg 83 ‘dragons’). We see how difficult this is for Proctor – the court can produce almost anything as evidence and he finds it hard to contain his anger and fear for Elizabeth. 2. Once your plan is complete, we will ‘carousel’ it round the class. The other groups can make comments, add suggestions and will give your plan a mark out of 10.
LI: I can understand how to write a critical essay at Higher
Introduction! T Title of your Text A Author of your text S Summary of your text (and perhaps of the scene…) Q! As ma sum rke e y rea r ha our d i sn’ t t! Do ph NO Essay Question –use your qu rase T us own words or the words from estion ‘My ee the is ss …’ ay the question
Arthur Miller’s play ‘The Crucible’ is set in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, at the time of the infamous witch trials. It centres around the small, religious community of New World settlers. A black slave, Tituba, is found dancing in the woods with the local girls. The girls accuse her of witch craft to save themselves from accusations. They are lead by Abigail Williams. A number of other people are then accused of witchcraft, including the protagonist John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth. We find out Proctor has had an affair with Abigail and that she is motivated by vengeance. The other girls follow her lead hysterically. In Act 3 of the play, Proctor tries to save his wife from the gallows but is thwarted at every turn in what becomes a highly emotional scene. The scene is important to the play as a whole as we see Proctor’s true character and Miller’s portrayal of Proctor’s emotions has a huge effect of the audience. Exemplar Higher Introduction
Do not use I Firm up the essay question – be definite about the play, the scene, the emotion, the importance to the play as a whole. Assume the marker hasn’t read the play Introduction Top Tips
Each paragraph needs to contain certain information in a certain order. It doesn’t matter what you are discussing, your paragraphs should all look like this: Statement – Make your point about the play. Give the context of what is happening at this point in the play Textual Evidence – Primarily a quotation but can also be a detailed description of a plot point. Analysis – This may be a close analysis of word choice, imagery etc but also an analysis of characterisation, what it reveals about theme etc Respond to the question – Give a direct answer to your essay question. Use words from that question to help you.
Proctor has come to the court with his house maid, Mary Warren. She has admitted to him that all of the allegations of witch craft, including against his wife Elizabeth, are false. However, the court can argue against with all of Proctor and Mary’s claims. They suggest that even though she says she did not keep poppets, she may have some hidden. Miller uses the stage direction ‘furious’ to describe how Proctor says ‘There might also be a dragon with five legs in my house, but no one has ever seen it. ’ Proctor cannot contain his rage; his impertinent comment to the court, that could potentially have him held in contempt, conveys how ridiculous this process is. He likens this talk of ‘witches’ and ‘poppets’ to fictional, mythical creatures. Proctor knows this is nonsense and is finding it difficult to make others understand. He cares for his wife and wants her to be freed. Miller’s characterisation reveals a man struggling to come to terms with what his society, and God, are doing to his family.
Do not use I – refer to the audience Use complex sentences and sophisticated word choice Emotive words – struggling, frustration, rage - shows you have engaged with the play and understood it Double check for technical errors Critical terminology (as outlined above/below the essay questions) should be used but not forced Essay Top Tips
In your answer you must refer closely to dramatic techniques such as: conflict, characterisation, key scene(s), dialogue, climax, exposition, denouement, structure, plot, setting, aspects of staging (lighting, music, stage directions…) monologue, soliloquy… Choose a play whose main theme is made clear early in the action. Show the dramatist introduces theme and discuss how successfully he or she goes on to develop it.
In your answer you must refer closely to dramatic techniques such as: conflict, characterisation, key scene(s), dialogue, climax, exposition, denouement, structure, plot, setting, aspects of staging (lighting, music, stage directions…) monologue, soliloquy… Choose a play which features theme of good versus evil. Show the dramatist develops one of theme and discuss how the exploration of this theme enhances your appreciation of the play. Characters? Scenes? This will be your timed essay questions for 27 th November
The Crucible - Trailer The End