The comparative characteristics of youth slang in three languages.
Slang - very informal words and expressions that are more common in spoken language, especially used by a particular group of people, for example, children, criminals, soldiers, etc Oxford English Dictionary
Main difference: These words serve for the communication of one age category persons. The youth slang is concentrated in the world of young people. Thanks to the knowledge of such “special” language they feel themselves members of the so - called community.
Specific peculiarities ‘IKT’, “XЗ’ BB teach (teacher)’bro’(brother); ‘физра’, ‘чел’. wpa( guapa), finde (fin de semana — weekend) юзер (user), флешка (flash drive). ‘аркада’, ‘домер. ’, ’контра’. Russian -nik in битник, мобильник; English –able in читабельный). iano (marketiniano
USA (I don’t know zip about this animal (nothing). This ball is Humungous!( big). You tell a bull about this animal (lie).
Russia Крутой чел хавал дога. (A rich boy ate hot dog) Тебе нравится Яша или Гоша? (Do you like Yandex or Google? ) Spain: ¿Tienes pasta? ( dinero, money) Gente maja (They are good people)
USA 1. Dave can sometimes act like an airhead! (a stupid person) 2. I really had a ball in Dave’s class. (a fun time) 3. I’m really beat because I was playing the computer all night. (tired)
Russia 1. Мне в лом этим заниматься. (I’m too lazy) 2. Он совсем крезанутый. (crazy) 3. Мой компьютер глючит. (an error) Spain 1. La página de Jared está muy chévere. ( guay, cool) 2. ¡Habla hasta por los codos! ( mucho hablar, talks a lot) 3. Me rajé en el examen de matemáticas (fracasar, failed / flunked)
1. Young persons, with the help of slang, feel that they belong to the same social group. 2. Slang promotes development of a language; enriches it by borrowing from other linguistic spheres and languages. 3. Slang words and word combinations become gradually the norm of a language. 4. Slang has clear expressed humor features. Not one a single humorous story could exist without slang
References http: //mccrindle. com. au/resources/whitepapers/Mc. Crindle. Research_Word-Up-03_Youth-Slang_Mark-Mc. Crindle. pdf http: //www. effingpot. com/slang http: //www. humanities. uci. edu/spanish/spain-slang. htm http: //research-journal. org/featured/languages/mexanizmymorfologicheskoj-adaptacii-anglo-amerikanskix-zaimstvovanij-vispanskom-yazyke/ Azizova. E. A LG-09 -2