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The Church in the Eternal Plan of God I. The Church was Prophesied in The Church in the Eternal Plan of God I. The Church was Prophesied in the Old Testament. § Isaiah – “mountain of the Lord’s house” (Isaiah 2: 2 -3). § Jeremiah – “new covenant” (Jer 31: 31 -34). § Daniel – a kingdom which shall stand forever (Daniel 2: 36 -45). Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel 760 BC 640 BC 560 BC

The Church in the Eternal Plan of God These Prophesies Promised… § “Mountain of The Church in the Eternal Plan of God These Prophesies Promised… § “Mountain of the Lord’s house” § A law to “go forth” from Jerusalem § A “New covenant” where all “know” the Lord and receive forgiveness § An eternal kingdom, to begin during the Roman empire Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel 760 BC 640 BC 560 BC

The Church in the Eternal Plan of God II. The Church was Established in The Church in the Eternal Plan of God II. The Church was Established in the New Testament. § Jesus – “I will build my church” (Matt 16: 13 -20; Deut 4: 10 LXX). § Declared the “new covenant” (Matt 26 -30). § Law sent forth from Jerusalem (Act 1: 8; 2: 36; 41 -47). Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel Jesus’ Earthly Ministry Church Established Pentecost 760 BC 640 BC 560 BC 30 -33 AD

The Church in the Eternal Plan of God III. The Role of the Church The Church in the Eternal Plan of God III. The Role of the Church in the New Testament. § Forgiveness in the “kingdom of the Son” (Colossians 1: 9 -14). § Christ is “Head of the Church” (Eph 1: 22). Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel Jesus’ Earthly Ministry Church Established Pentecost 760 BC 640 BC 560 BC 30 -33 AD

The Church in the Eternal Plan of God The Church – the Body of The Church in the Eternal Plan of God The Church – the Body of Christ § The church is “His body” (Eph 1: 23 a) ü…There is “one body” (Eph 4: 4). üJesus organized church (Eph 4: 11 -15; Phil 1: 1). üHe is the “Savior of the body” (Eph 5: 23). § Church the “fullness of Him” (Eph 1: 23 b) üChurch is to glorify Him (Eph 3: 21). üThe eternal purpose of God (Eph 3: 8 -12). Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel Jesus’ Earthly Ministry Church Established Pentecost 760 BC 640 BC 560 BC 30 -33 AD

The Church in the Eternal Plan of God III. The Role of the Church The Church in the Eternal Plan of God III. The Role of the Church in the New Testament. § Forgiveness in the “kingdom of the Son” (Colossians 1: 9 -14). § Christ is “Head of the Church” (Eph 1: 22). § New Testament is the Rule of Faith for the Church (I Timothy 3: 15). Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel Jesus’ Earthly Ministry Church Established Pentecost 760 BC 640 BC 560 BC 30 -33 AD

The Church in the Eternal Plan of God How Can We Identify the Lord’s The Church in the Eternal Plan of God How Can We Identify the Lord’s Church? § When was it to be established? “In the days of these to be established? § Where was it kings” - Rome “Out of Zion § How was itshall (Daniel 2: 44; Acts 2)organized? go forth the law” § What is its Rule as Head - and Practice? Jerusalem. Christ of Faith elders & deacons (Isaiah 2: 3; Acts 2). The to it? Obedience to the § How is one added. Phil 1: 1). (Eph 1: 22; New Testament (I Timothy 3: 15) Gospel (Acts 2: 47) Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel Jesus’ Earthly Ministry Church Established ? ? ? Pentecost 760 BC 640 BC 560 BC 30 -33 AD Today