Скачать презентацию THE CELL CELL Cell is the smallest Скачать презентацию THE CELL CELL Cell is the smallest


  • Количество слайдов: 16


CELL §Cell is the smallest functional and stuctural unit of life(organism) § All living CELL §Cell is the smallest functional and stuctural unit of life(organism) § All living matter is composed of cell §First cell was observed by Robert Hooke in 1665

§All organisms are made up of one or more cells One celled – Unicellular §All organisms are made up of one or more cells One celled – Unicellular (Euglena) Many celled – Multicellular (Human) §All cells originate an identical parent cell by means of cell division

The types of the cell Prokaryotic Cell They don’t have true nucleus (nucleus membrane) The types of the cell Prokaryotic Cell They don’t have true nucleus (nucleus membrane) Virus Eukaryotic Cell They have true nucleus Fungi, plant etc.

Structure of eukaryotic cell Cell membran e Cytoplas m Nucleus Structure of eukaryotic cell Cell membran e Cytoplas m Nucleus

Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane) The cell membrane funсtions: 1 – to regulate material exchange Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane) The cell membrane funсtions: 1 – to regulate material exchange It has got Semi-permable (Selectively permable) structure, that means some materials can pass through the cell membrane but other can’t 2 – to protect cytoplasm and cell organell 3 – like a gate, controlling what enters and leaves the cell 4 – to give shape

Cytoplasm Functions: 1 – place for cell organelles and nucleus 2 – place for Cytoplasm Functions: 1 – place for cell organelles and nucleus 2 – place for biochemical reactions Structure: – it is semi fluid – it is jelly like

Cytoplasm organelles: 1. Ribosome 2. Endoplasmic Reticulum 3. Golgi apparatus 4. Lysosome 5. Mitochondrion Cytoplasm organelles: 1. Ribosome 2. Endoplasmic Reticulum 3. Golgi apparatus 4. Lysosome 5. Mitochondrion 6. Vacuole 7. Other structures

Cell Organelles 1 - Ribosome Function: to synthesize proteins They found in different regions Cell Organelles 1 - Ribosome Function: to synthesize proteins They found in different regions of the cell

2 – Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Transport system of the cell a. Rough ER Function: 2 – Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Transport system of the cell a. Rough ER Function: - to produce exportable proteins - to transport materials through the cytoplasm Structure: – it has ribosome on the membrane surface b. Smooth ER Function: Structure: • to produce lipid and other important materials • to transport materals in the cell – no ribosome on the membrane surface

3 – Golgi body Function: -Packaging system of the cell 3 – Golgi body Function: -Packaging system of the cell

4 - Lysosome Function: to make intracellular digestion Structure: – it is single membranous 4 - Lysosome Function: to make intracellular digestion Structure: – it is single membranous organelle – it has many types of digestive enzymes

5 - Mitochondria Function: Structure: – to produce ATP energy – they are power 5 - Mitochondria Function: Structure: – to produce ATP energy – they are power stations of the cell – it has double membrane

6 - Nucleus It is brain of the cell They found in the center 6 - Nucleus It is brain of the cell They found in the center of the cell They control function and structure of the cell