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The cause of climate change is HUMAN ACTIVITY
Nowadays climate change is the biggest problem of the human being. It is already happening and represents one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats facing the planet.
Human activities, like driving, manufacturing, electricity generation, and the clearing of forests contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and warm the planet. Sources: EPA 2010, EPA 2011, USGCRP 2008
New signs of the influence of human activities on climate presented by researchers from the UN commission. The corresponding report is prepared by scientists from 39 countries The main conclusion, which is contained in the statement of IPCC, is as follows: "The anthropogenic forcing of the climate system, and it manifests itself in most regions of the world. Climate warming becomes unambiguous, and held since 1950 observations revealed changes become unprecdented for a millennium. Each of the last few decades, has a warm previous one, and it is observed the last 160 years, "says the report of the working group, approved on Friday at the climate conference taking place in Stockholm.
Greenhouse gases Answered assume that greenhouse gases are the main cause of global warming. Greenhouse gases are also important for understanding the climate history of the Earth. According to studies, the greenhouse effect, resulting from the heating of the atmosphere by heat energy trapped by greenhouse gases, is a key process that regulates the temperature of the Earth. During the last 500 million years, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ranging from 200 to more than 5000 ppm because of the impact of geological and biological processes. However, i 1999, Weiser et al. Showed that over the last tens of millions of years, there is no strict correlation between the concentration of greenhouse gases and climate change, and more important role belongs to the tectoni plate movements. Later, Royer et al. Used the correlation of CO 2 - the climate, to display the value of "climate sensitivity. " There are several examples of rapid changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases in th Earth's atmosphere, have a strong correlation with a strong warming, including thermal maximum Paleocene - Eocene extinction Permian Triassic and end of the Varangian "Earth - snow» (snowball earth event).
Increasing level of carbon dioxide is considered to be the main cause of global warming since 1950. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 2007, the atmospheric concentration of CO 2 in 2005 was 379 ppm in the pre-industrial period, it was 280 ppm. To prevent sudden warming in the coming years, the concentration of carbon dioxide must be reduced to the level that existed before the industrial age - up to 350 ppm (0. 035%) (now - 385 parts per million and increased by 2 parts per million (0. 0002%) in year, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation). There is skepticism about the geoengineering methods of withdrawal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, in particular, to proposals to bury carbon dioxide in tectonic fractures and inject it into the rocks on the ocean floor: the removal of 50 ppm of gas based on this technology would cost at least $ 20 trillion, which is two times more than the national debt of the United States.
Fuel Combustion Began to grow during the industrial revolution in the 1850 s and gradually accelerated, human consumption of fuels has led to the fact that the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere has increased from ~ 280 ppm to 380 ppm. With this growth projected for the end of the 21 st century will be the concentration of more than 560 ppm. It is known that currently the level of CO 2 in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 750, 000 years. Along with the increasing concentration of methane these changes portend temperature rise 1. 4 -5. 6 ° C between 1990 and 2040.
Cement Industry Cement production is an intense source of CO 2 emissions. The carbon dioxide formed when calcium carbonate (Ca. CO 3) was heated to obtain a cement ingredient calcium oxide (Ca. O or quicklime). Cement production is responsible for about 5% of CO 2 emissions of industrial processes (energy and industrial sector). When mixing with cement same amount of CO 2 absorbed from the atmosphere during the reverse reaction Ca. O + CO 2 = Ca. CO 3. Therefore, the production and consumption of cement only changes the local concentrations of CO 2 in the atmosphere, without changing the average value.
Using the land Significant impact on the climate is land use. Irrigation, deforestation, and agriculture fundamentally change the environment. For example, in irrigated areas changes the water balance. Land use canchange the albedo of a single territory, since it modifies the properties of the underlying surface, and thus the amount of absorbed solar radiation. For example, there is reason to believe that the climate of Greece and other Mediterranean countries, has changed due to large-scale deforestation between 700 BC. e. and the beginning of n. e. (wood is used for construction, shipbuilding and as a fuel), becoming hotter and drier, and the types of trees that are used in shipbuilding, not grow more in this area. According to a 2007 study JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) average temperature in California has increased over the past 50 years at 2 ° C, and in the cities of this growth is much higher. This is largely due to anthropogenic changes in the landscape.
Effects of climate change • In 30 cities across Russia to breathe is dangerous to health, so 70% of children are born in a state of asphyxia (oxygen deprivation). • Every third child at birth has problems with health. • Morbidity in children under 14 years of age has increased over the last 20 years by 50%. • 90% of school leavers have a chronic illness. • 50% of today's high school graduates will not live to retirement. • Gerontologists believe that aging people today starts at about 20 years earlier than 30 years ago. • Young after 20 years old are observed disease: endocrine disorders, arthritis, cardiovascular disease until severe forms - heart attack, stroke. • Infertility affects more than 40% of men of reproductive age. • Develop cancer annually about 50 thousand children. Every 2 hours in Russia 1 child diagnosed with "cancer. "
WHAT TO DO? • • • Declare the world universal emergency. Creates convenient for banks and financial elite antiprirodnoe society must be eliminated. In the mobilization regime go to state regulation of the economy, to its restructuring according to nature conservation, to ecosocialism. Create a special body to an environmental disaster of the Russian Government (or RAS), which should not be included functionaries working in the nature-economy. Restore education, public education, including environmental education. Give high priority to the development of science on the principles of nature conservation. Provide focus monitoring and comprehensive analysis of the environmental situation. Eliminate the dependence of science from merchants punish distortion of the truth. Create a rigid environmental legislation, to provide criminal penalties for its violation, including the death penalty. Create an international association for the implementation of these measures, based on the state authorities of the "axis of evil" and the opposition forces other powers. To allow the decision-making qualified and responsible people. Today, the authorities in the world - it's lobbyists resource companies and financial institutions that act as Suicide Club. Either we learn to respect the mind and its carriers, or we will not.
Thank you for attention!!!