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The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

UCLA Women in Philanthropy The VR Romanesque Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela ATS Visualization UCLA Women in Philanthropy The VR Romanesque Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela ATS Visualization Portal UCLA September 23, 2004

 • The project to create a virtual model of the cathedral as it • The project to create a virtual model of the cathedral as it was at the time of its consecration in 1211 is directed by • Professor John Dagenais, Chair Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA • Technical Support, the Visualization Portal, the lab in which much of the work is done, as well as the personnel to show the model today provided by Academic Technology Services • Director: Marsha Smith • Initial work on the model was done by the UCLA Cultural VR Lab

 • Chief Modeler: Dean Abernathy Modelers: Rebeka Vital and Renee Calkins Sound Designer: • Chief Modeler: Dean Abernathy Modelers: Rebeka Vital and Renee Calkins Sound Designer: David Beaudry • Project Consultants • John Williams, Distinguished Service Professor of History of Art and Architecture Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh • José Suárez Otero, Archeologist and Curator, Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela • James D'Emilio, Associate Professor of Humanities, University of South Florida, Tampa

Additional support for work on the model was provided by • The Verizon/GTE Foundation Additional support for work on the model was provided by • The Verizon/GTE Foundation and UCLA’s Center for Digital Innovation • The UCLA Office of Instructional Development • The UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies • The UCLA College of Letters and Sciences • The UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese

 • Today’s technical assistants • Pieter Lechner • John Pedersen • Today’s technical assistants • Pieter Lechner • John Pedersen

Goals of the Present Project • To reconstruct as accurately as possible the Romanesque Goals of the Present Project • To reconstruct as accurately as possible the Romanesque stage of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela as it was at the time of its official consecration in 1211 – This stage is the culmination of a construction process which lasted from 1075 to 1211 • To create an idea of the medieval town of Santiago using historical and archeological information

Primary Sources for Information on the Romanesque Cathedral • Present-day church, which dates from Primary Sources for Information on the Romanesque Cathedral • Present-day church, which dates from Romanesque period • Archeological investigations begun in last century and continuing down to today • Medieval documents regarding dedications, meetings of the cathedral chapter, battles fought from the roofs and towers of the cathedral, etc. • Aymery Picaud’s guidebook, from early to mid 12 th century (contained in Codex Calixtinus) • A 17 th century sketch of the cathedral before the major Baroque renovations • Scholarly reconstructions by Kenneth J. Conant, Serafín Moralejo, John Williams & others • Research work done by UCLA students who accompany Dagenais on a Summer Study Abroad course to Compostela

The Baroque Façade (Plaza del Obradoiro) • Built 17381750 – Design of Galician architect The Baroque Façade (Plaza del Obradoiro) • Built 17381750 – Design of Galician architect Casas y Nóvoa

Galicia and Compostela Galicia and Compostela

“And going on from thence, he saw two brethren, James the son of Zebedee “And going on from thence, he saw two brethren, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father mending their nets: and he called them And they forthwith left their nets and father and followed him. ” Matthew 4: 21 -22

Santiago at the Last Supper Christ rebuffs James’s request to sit beside him. Mark Santiago at the Last Supper Christ rebuffs James’s request to sit beside him. Mark 10: 35 -44

 • “James the Apostle, the son of Zebedee, after Our Lord's Ascension first • “James the Apostle, the son of Zebedee, after Our Lord's Ascension first preached in Judea and Samaria, then went to Spain to sow the word of God. But when he saw that his labours in Spain were unavailing, and that he had been able to garner only nine disciples there, he left two disciples to preach, and returned to Judea with the other seven. ”

 • “At this, Abiathar, who was the high priest of the year, incited • “At this, Abiathar, who was the high priest of the year, incited the populace to riot, caused a rope to be thrown about the apostle's neck and dragged him before Herod Agrippa, who condemned him to be beheaded. …”

 • “After the apostle's death, his disciples, in fear of the Jews, placed • “After the apostle's death, his disciples, in fear of the Jews, placed his body in a boat at night, embarked with him, although the boat had neither rudder not steersman, and set sail, trusting to the providence of God to determine the place of his burial. And the angels guided the boat to the shores of Galicia in Spain…”

The Body of St. James Arrives in Galicia The Body of St. James Arrives in Galicia

The Rediscovery of Santiago’s Tomb in the 9 th Century • Santiago’s martyrdom and The Rediscovery of Santiago’s Tomb in the 9 th Century • Santiago’s martyrdom and burial took place around the year 44 A. D. • During nearly 800 years the site of his tomb was forgotten • All that remained was to find where the bodies were buried • Historians now think this happened around the year 818 and 842 • According to the legend, a shepherd/hermit named Pelagio knocked on the door of the local bishop: Theodomir

Compostela • Pelayo tells the bishop that a star, accompanied by celestial music, had Compostela • Pelayo tells the bishop that a star, accompanied by celestial music, had guided him to a stone tomb in the hills not far from the bishop's palace. • On investigation, the bishop's men find three bodies inside the tomb. • Bishop Theodomir, immediately declares these to be the remains of St. James, Santiago, and of the two disciples who had accompanied the Saint's body on his miraculous voyage. • A town quickly grows up around the tombs and the first chapel is built

The Roads to Compostela The Roads to Compostela

El Camino “Francés” El Camino “Francés”

Santiago as Pilgrim Santiago as Pilgrim

 Overview Fees Location Accommodations and Meals Travel Curriculum Excursions Textbooks Instructor Info Student Overview Fees Location Accommodations and Meals Travel Curriculum Excursions Textbooks Instructor Info Student Quotes Syllabus Departments of Spanish and Portuguese and History The Pilgrim Roads to France and Spain June 25 - July 18, 2004 This course will follow the historic roads from the late-Gothic tower of St. James the Apostle in Paris to the cathedral and shrine of St. James in Santiago de Compostela in Spain. These roads have been traveled by pilgrims from all over the world since the Middle Ages. Along the way we will visit numerous historical and architectural sites which show the diffusion and importance of the cult of St. James throughout France and Spain. The two integrated courses, Literature and History, offer a broad perspective on the political, social, economic, and cultural context of the road to Santiago and on the idea of pilgrimage itself. Beside visits to important historical cities and sites along or near the road, the faculty, through lectures and assigned readings, will provide a comprehensive view of the literature and history of late medieval France and Spain. Lectures at each site and during our bus travel will complement the reading of pilgrims' travel journals and medieval literature (in English translation) related to the cult of St. James and the nature of medieval life. Cities included on the itinerary are Paris, Arles, Avignon, Toulouse, Lourdes, Burgos, Leon, Compostela, Madrid, and more. Although the course itself is not intended to be a pilgrimage one key feature of it will be that we will, in fact, walk several key stretches of the road to get a feel for the world of the pilgrim then and now. To read the Daily Bruin article about the "Virtual Compostela" project go to www. dailybruin. ucla. edu/news/articles. asp? id=25023 This program is best suited for mature, independent students in good enough condition to hike through terrain in a hot climate. Please note that you will be traveling by bus from one city to another and changing hotels frequently. Plan to pack lightly as you will be responsible for getting your own luggage up to and down from your rooms. Directed by Dr. John Dagenais, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA. For more information, contact Summer Sessions at: travel@summer. ucla. edu.

Student Projects Student Projects

 • He who walks through the aisles of the triforium above, if he • He who walks through the aisles of the triforium above, if he ascended in a sad mood, having seen the superior beauty of this temple, will leave happy and contented.

On the Names of Compostela • From “Campus stellae” (“field of the star”), for On the Names of Compostela • From “Campus stellae” (“field of the star”), for the star that guided Pelagius to the tombs? • Compostela: from “compositum” (“beautiful”)? • Most probable explanation is that it comes from “compostum” meaning “cemetery” or “place where bodies are left to decompose” • Related to English “compost”

Reconstruction of the Tomb (The Origins of the Cathedral) • According to Conant: • Reconstruction of the Tomb (The Origins of the Cathedral) • According to Conant: • Central cella, 12’ 9” (e/w axis); 15’ 7” (n/s axis), door on west side

The Baroque Façade (Plaza del Obradoiro) • Built 17381750 – Design of Galician architect The Baroque Façade (Plaza del Obradoiro) • Built 17381750 – Design of Galician architect Casas y Nóvoa To Web. Cam