The cardiovascular system Made by Klimenko Sofia, the

The cardiovascular system Made by Klimenko Sofia, the Department of Pediatrics, 12th group

Cardiovascular system The heart Blood vessels

The heart

The heart

The heart

Blood vessels Veins Arteries Capillaries



The heart cycle

The heart cycle

The heart cycle

Interesting facts From 7000 to 10 000 liters of blood run through the human’s heart every day. Per year it’s about 3.15 million liters.

Interesting facts All the blood vessels in the human body have a total length of 100,000 kilometers, this length is enough to wrap the earth 2.2 times.

Interesting facts The Greeks believed that the heart was a repository of the spirit and Egyptians thought that emotions and the intellect were born there.

Interesting facts Blue whale’s heart beats only nine times a minute. This is one of the slowest heart in the world.

Interesting facts There is even a monument to heart in our country! This is a huge heart made of red granite weighing four tons. It’s situated in Perm.

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- Количество слайдов: 19