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The Canadian Home Front The Canadian Home Front

Role of Women Role of Women

Women Overseas n 1941 – Official Women’s branches of n n n Army (CWAC) Women Overseas n 1941 – Official Women’s branches of n n n Army (CWAC) Air Force (RCAF – Women’s Division), and Navy (Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service – “Wrens”) - were created Canadian Women’s Army Corps – CWAC)

Canadian Women’s Army Corp (CWAC) Canadian Women’s Army Corp (CWAC)

RCAF – Women’s Division RCAF – Women’s Division

Wrens Wrens

Women Overseas – cont’ n By end of war, more than 46, 000 Canadian Women Overseas – cont’ n By end of war, more than 46, 000 Canadian women served overseas as: n n n n n Cooks Pilots Mechanics Welders Radar operators Coastal defenses Nurses Pilots in Ferry Command flying planes across Atlantic Special Operations Executive (SOE) – secret agents (saboteurs, couriers, and radio operators behind enemy lines) http: //archives. cbc. ca/clip. asp? IDClip=4974&IDCat=394&IDCat. Pa=264 http: //archives. cbc. ca/clip. asp? IDClip=4975&IDCat=394&IDCat. Pa=264

Women on Home Front Dramatic increase in # of women in workforce n Factories Women on Home Front Dramatic increase in # of women in workforce n Factories began to operate 7 days a week, 12 hours a day n By 1944 – 1 million women working n

Women on Home Front – cont’ n n Women paid less than men for Women on Home Front – cont’ n n Women paid less than men for same work Federal government provided day care and tax breaks to women, but when war ended, provisions removed Most people expected women to give up jobs to returning soldiers once war over Many women forced to quit / fired

Women’s Contributions in WWII n Discuss with a Partner and Report Out: Explain the Women’s Contributions in WWII n Discuss with a Partner and Report Out: Explain the similarities and differences in the role(s) that women played in World War One and World War Two both at home and overseas.

Production – “Total War Effort” Production – “Total War Effort”

“Total War Effort” n n n When WWII began, the Great Depression ended Whole “Total War Effort” n n n When WWII began, the Great Depression ended Whole economy focused on maintaining flow of weapons and supplies to Britain Industries involved with war effort – factories retooled to create: n n n Bombs Bullets Ships Aircraft Armoured cars

Government Role n n n Canadian government played a much-expanded role in WWII Crown Government Role n n n Canadian government played a much-expanded role in WWII Crown Corporations (owned by gov. ) dedicated to all aspects of wartime production War Supply Board - Managed by C. D. Howe n n Given almost dictatorial powers to organize Canadian industry toward supplying the front “Arsenal for Democracy” – all the “weapons” a country has go to war C. D. Howe

Government Role – cont’ n Government paid for war effort through: n n Taxes Government Role – cont’ n Government paid for war effort through: n n Taxes War bond sales (Victory Bonds) Gold payments from Britain Gov. introduced rationing – restrictions on: n n n Gas Coffee Tea

Government Role – cont’ Metal drive – melted down scrap metal to build ammunitions, Government Role – cont’ Metal drive – melted down scrap metal to build ammunitions, planes, etc. for war

Mobilization n 1942 – National Selective Service Act n n n Due to labour Mobilization n 1942 – National Selective Service Act n n n Due to labour shortage in industries Required all able-bodied male and female workers to register for essential war work, including married women with children Led to government providing free daycare and tax breaks to families with working mothers

Government Role – n Lend-Lease Act – 1941 n n Introduced by USA Allowed Government Role – n Lend-Lease Act – 1941 n n Introduced by USA Allowed Allied countries to buy materials from USA without having to pay up front However: Canada concerned that Allied countries would no longer buy from them PM King and President Roosevelt issued the Hyde Park Declaration n stated the US would buy more raw materials from Canada & would supply Canada with American parts for weapons production

Propaganda Propaganda

http: //www. dailymotion. com/video/x 14 l 5 p_1941 -disney-seven-wise-dwarfs_fun Propaganda n n n Information http: //www. dailymotion. com/video/x 14 l 5 p_1941 -disney-seven-wise-dwarfs_fun Propaganda n n n Information spread for the purpose of promoting a particular cause Not necessarily truthful National Film Board (NFB) of Canada n developed hundreds of documentaries and short films to encourage Canadians to participate in war effort

Propaganda Use: n To Conserve / Ration important materials: Propaganda Use: n To Conserve / Ration important materials:

Propaganda Use: n To create image of enemy as evil Propaganda Use: n To create image of enemy as evil

Propaganda Use: n To discourage Canadians from carelessly talking about wartime matters (fear of Propaganda Use: n To discourage Canadians from carelessly talking about wartime matters (fear of spying)

Propaganda Use: n To encourage people to engage in war effort in a variety Propaganda Use: n To encourage people to engage in war effort in a variety of ways: http: //www. youtube. com/watc h? v=4 Jk. X 0 Ep. KMK 4

Conscription Crisis Conscription Crisis

Conscription ? n n 1939 – PM King made an election promise to never Conscription ? n n 1939 – PM King made an election promise to never introduce conscription (mandatory military service) for overseas duty By 1940 – King implemented the National Resource Mobilization Act (NRMA) n n gave the government the power to requisition the property and services of Canadians for home defense Everyone over 16 years had to sign up to defend the country for “home defense”- NOT OVERSEAS Only those that were mentally unfit or with strong religious beliefs (i. e. Jehovah Witnesses) were excluded After Conscription Crisis of 1942 - Some conscripts mobilized under the NRMA served overseas in 1944

Conscription – 1942 Plebescite n By 1942 – need for more troops overseas n Conscription – 1942 Plebescite n By 1942 – need for more troops overseas n PM King held a plebescite (referendum/ vote) asking Canadians to release him from his promise not to introduce conscription n n Majority of English Canadians supported conscription (80% yes) Majority of French Canadians did not - (72% NO) PM King Voting in 1942 Conscription Plebescite http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=UAy. W-pmii. K 8

Conscription Crisis Outcome n As the war was ending, conscription sent 13, 000 Canadians Conscription Crisis Outcome n As the war was ending, conscription sent 13, 000 Canadians overseas n n Only 2, 000 reached the front lines While Conscription Crisis of 1942 created tensions between French & English Canada, it did not create the same extreme conflict of the WWI (1917) crisis

Government Role at Home n Discuss with a Partner and Report Out: Explain the Government Role at Home n Discuss with a Partner and Report Out: Explain the methods (at least 5) used by the Canadian government to mobilize the Canadian population for the war effort. n When answering, think about: the behaviours the government wanted to encourage or discourage in women, workers, children, etc. How did they influence people?

Canadian Training Facilities Canadian Training Facilities

1. British Commonwealth Air Training Plan n 1939 –facilities in Canada created to train 1. British Commonwealth Air Training Plan n 1939 –facilities in Canada created to train pilots & other crew members from Commonwealth countries By 1942 – huge demand for pilots as Allied countries began systematic bombing of German cities, dams, and industries (also see “Bomber Command”) By the end of the war – 130, 000 air personnel were trained at over 230 sites across Canada

1. British Commonwealth Air Training Plan 1. British Commonwealth Air Training Plan

RAF Bomber Command n n n organization that controlled the RAF's bomber forces Bomber RAF Bomber Command n n n organization that controlled the RAF's bomber forces Bomber Command’s aircrews destroyed a significant proportion of Nazi Germany's industries and many German cities. Many of Bomber Command's personnel and squadrons during the war were neither British nor part of the RAF; a large proportion came from Commonwealth countries such as Canada, or were exiles from occupied Europe.

2. Camp X n n n Special spy training facility located just outside of 2. Camp X n n n Special spy training facility located just outside of Oshawa, Ontario Opened a few days after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour Canadian, British, and American spies were trained at this top-secret school

Camp X – cont’ n Several Canadian spies served “behind the lines” n n Camp X – cont’ n Several Canadian spies served “behind the lines” n n provided valuable information about the enemy Participated in acts of sabotage Most government and military leaders did not know Camp X existed Trained 500 agents to work around the world

Camp X – cont’ n n Also had top-secret communications centre with complex radio Camp X – cont’ n n Also had top-secret communications centre with complex radio called Hydra Intercepted enemy signals and transmitted info between North America and Britain

Training in Canada n Discuss with a Partner and Report Out: How and why Training in Canada n Discuss with a Partner and Report Out: How and why was Canada used as a training base for the war? In your answer, consider: what were the advantages to having training bases in Canada rather than Britain?

Treatment of Minorities During WWII Treatment of Minorities During WWII

Enemy Aliens n n As in WWI, The War Measures Act was used again Enemy Aliens n n As in WWI, The War Measures Act was used again the government required groups of Canadians to register as enemy aliens for fear they might be spies or might commit acts of sabotage n n deeply suspicious of ethnic groups whose homelands were at war with Canada 26 internment camps set up all over Canada Internment camp in Quebec – 1940 -42

Enemy Aliens n n forced German Canadians who had been naturalized after 1921 to Enemy Aliens n n forced German Canadians who had been naturalized after 1921 to register- 800 arrested Once Italy entered the war in 1940 - between 500700 Italian Canadians were interned on the suspicion of being fascist sympathizers – of these, 200 were naturalized citizens, and 20 were born in Canada. 100 Communists also interned when communist party outlawed In total - over 100, 000 Canadians were forced to register

Conscientious Objectors n Religious groups who practiced pacifism were met with hostility n n Conscientious Objectors n Religious groups who practiced pacifism were met with hostility n n n n Jehovah’s Witnesses Quakers Hutterites Mennonites’ Doukhobors Members of these groups avoided military service by pleading that they were “conscientious objectors” Offered public service work in lieu of military service Conscientious objectors building the Jasper Road in Alberta, 1941

Minority Groups Blacks n n n Outright discrimination against Black Canadians until 1942 As Minority Groups Blacks n n n Outright discrimination against Black Canadians until 1942 As the war went on – Black and White Canadians served together in the armed forces Blacks began to demand equality in other areas Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) enrolled blacks - but with limits Blacks denied enrolment as aircrew - could only be accepted as ground crew One black man who made it as aircrew Flying Officer Alan Bundy, flew 42 operational missions in Europe and was discharged from the RCAF in 1946 without any recognition.

Minority Groups Aboriginals n n Aboriginal peoples served in armed forces At least 3, Minority Groups Aboriginals n n Aboriginal peoples served in armed forces At least 3, 000 status (treaty) Indians - including 72 women - enlisted, as well as an unknown number of Inuit, Métis, and other Natives n n n Actual numbers were no doubt much higher at least 17 decorations for bravery in action were earned After war - believed that if they were willing to fight and die for their country, that should share the same rights as all citizens – This request was not granted

Minority Groups Chinese n n n 1939 -45 China and Canada are allies during Minority Groups Chinese n n n 1939 -45 China and Canada are allies during W. W. II. Chinese Canadians fought with Canadian armed forces Chinese-Canadian communities and organizations raised money for the Canadian war effort 1945 British Columbia passes a law giving the vote to Asians who are Canadian citizens and who fought in WWII Chinese Canadian soldiers in WWII

Minority Groups Also prejudice against refugees from Europe (people fleeing persecution) n Canada made Minority Groups Also prejudice against refugees from Europe (people fleeing persecution) n Canada made it particularly difficult for Jewish refugees to enter the country n Passengers of SS St Louis

SS St. Louis Incident - 1939 n n After Kristallnacht in 1938 – many SS St. Louis Incident - 1939 n n After Kristallnacht in 1938 – many Jewish people desperately tried to leave Germany SS St Louis – ship with 907 Jewish people – 400 women and children was to take Jewish refugees to Cuba – then to enter the USA Not allowed to land in Cuba or USA

SS St Louis – cont’ Tried to land on East Coast of Canada but SS St Louis – cont’ Tried to land on East Coast of Canada but government decided they would not make “good settlers” and were turned away n Many died later in concentration camps n

Anti-Semitism in Canada n n n Anti-Semitism – hatred of Jews – existed in Anti-Semitism in Canada n n n Anti-Semitism – hatred of Jews – existed in Canada Some people refused to hire Jewish judges, lawyers, professors, and teachers Many clubs and resorts openly displayed signs on their doors declaring “No Jews Allowed”

Anti-Semitism – cont’ n Restrictive Immigration Policies: n n n Preference given to British Anti-Semitism – cont’ n Restrictive Immigration Policies: n n n Preference given to British and American immigrants Others actively discouraged 1938 – Canadian League of Nations Society met with PM King to appeal to the government to accept Jewish refugees from Europe based on humanitarian grounds

Anti-Semitism – cont’ n Government official said, “We don’t want to take too many Anti-Semitism – cont’ n Government official said, “We don’t want to take too many Jews, but in the present circumstances particularly, we don’t want to say so. ” n When asked how many Jews the Canadian government intended to allow to enter Canada, another government official responded by saying, “None is too many. ”

History of Racism / Racist Tensions in BC n 1907 n n n – History of Racism / Racist Tensions in BC n 1907 n n n – race riot in Vancouver 5, 000 racist Canadians smashed the windows of Japanese homes and stores and terrorized Japanese Canadians so that they would leave Canada White Canadians frustrated with competition for jobs because Japanese willing to work for lower wages 1928 – PM King limited the # of Japanese immigrants coming to Canada n Only 150 allowed to enter Canada each year

History of Racism / Racist Tensions in BC n Before WWII n n n History of Racism / Racist Tensions in BC n Before WWII n n n After Pearl Harbour (Dec, 1941) n n Japanese and Chinese Canadians denied right to vote Not permitted to join the armed forces People feared Japanese Canadians might supply Japan with secret information or help them invade Canada 1942 – Japanese internment Camps Began

Japanese Internment Camps - 1942 Japanese Canadians stripped of their rights n Men, women, Japanese Internment Camps - 1942 Japanese Canadians stripped of their rights n Men, women, and children fingerprinted, photographed, and given an identification # n Required to carry ID cards at all times n

Japanese Internment – cont’ n n Forced to choose between deportation (being sent to Japanese Internment – cont’ n n Forced to choose between deportation (being sent to Japan) or relocation away from the West Coast - Most relocated 22, 000 Japanese Canadians sent to internment camps – 14, 000 born in Canada Deportation occurs when someone is sent back to their country of origin - If you’re a Canadian citizen, how can you be deported?

Japanese Internment – cont’ 1943 – Custodian of Aliens Act n. Liquidated the possessions Japanese Internment – cont’ 1943 – Custodian of Aliens Act n. Liquidated the possessions of Japanese Canadians n. Items sold quickly n. Prices unrealistically low n. Money raised went to the realtors and auctioneers, • Essentially – Japanese storage and handling had to pay for their stay charges at internment camps

Japanese Internment – cont’ n 1944 – law passed stating Japanese could be deported Japanese Internment – cont’ n 1944 – law passed stating Japanese could be deported to Japan if they did not leave BC, even if born in Canada n 1946 – after war over – Japanese Canadians released from internment camps http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=IMk_RRO 5 ZUw

Compensation & Redress - 1988 n n 1988 – Japanese Canadians were compensated (given Compensation & Redress - 1988 n n 1988 – Japanese Canadians were compensated (given money) for all they had endured during the war PM Brian Mulroney signed a compensation package giving $21, 000 to all internees PM Mulroney & Art Miki signing Redress Agreement $12 million paid out Is this enough? CBC Archives: Apology and Compensation http: //archives. cbc. ca/war_conflict/second_world_war/topics/568/

Treatment of Minorities during WWII n Discuss with a Partner and Report Out: Explain Treatment of Minorities during WWII n Discuss with a Partner and Report Out: Explain how the following minorities were treated during WWII: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Women “Enemy Aliens” – Germans and Italians Blacks Aboriginals Chinese Jews Japanese

Paragraph Assignment n Choose two of the discussion items from this slideshow to complete Paragraph Assignment n Choose two of the discussion items from this slideshow to complete in writing in Paragraph form Due: Thursday January 6 th n Your choices are: n n Women’s Contributions - Explain the similarities and differences in the role(s) that women played in World War One and World War Two both at home and overseas. n n Government’s Role - Explain the methods (at least 5) used by the Canadian government to mobilize the Canadian population for the war effort. Training in Canada - How and why was Canada used as a training base for the war? In your answer, consider: what were the advantages to having training bases in Canada rather than Britain? n Treatment of Minorities – Choose 2 minority groups from Canada (see previous slide) and explain how they were treated during World War Two.