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THE CAMFIL GROUP Clean air solutions
TM Dura-Pleat Replacement Elements for Baghouse and Cartridge Collectors Clean air solutions > Press spacebar to advance each slide, or ESC to stop the presentation.
In the beginning. . . Clean air solutions >
Well, not all that long ago… A lot of folks thought the cartridge type dust collector would replace the pulse jet bag house -- Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Because: Bag house is: Cartridge is: • too difficult to service • easy to service • too tall • much shorter • too high on energy demand • low on energy demand • not very efficient • too expensive to install Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat But the Cartridge collector was not able to handle many of the “tough” applications, like: • High temperature • Very high dust concentration • Oily presence in challenge dust Clean air solutions >
…and you can guess the rest… The Cartridge collector did not replace the bag house! Clean air solutions >
But the still existed! • High temperature • Very high dust concentration • Oily presence in challenge dust • and a lot more as well…. . . Clean air solutions >
A SOLUTION was still needed! Clean air solutions >
What appeared in the market place was a new media -- initially for Cartridge elements -- that was also applicable to the bag house. . . 100% spun bond polyester. Clean air solutions >
Bottom line? The bag house survived. The cartridge survived. Result? : the hybrid bag house. Clean air solutions >
Welcome to the Dura-Pleat. TM element for replacement & Ramtube© collectors. . . The hybrid bag house elements quite similar to the cartridge dust collector: Cartridge: ~12” dia x 20”-39” long Hybrid element: 4”-6” dia x 21”-80”+ long Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat. TM hybrid features: • Retro-fit to existing; no change to housing • New-fit to shorter housing • One piece design, integral bag+cage; reduced install/service time • Filter surface area increased 2 -3 times; lower a/m ratio • Resilient urethane top ensures superior fit; air tight seal • Specialty finishes available; PTFE, static dissipation, oil/water repellant • Surface filtration reduces operating pressure; lower energy demand [Hp] Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat. TM hybrid features: • Less compressed air to pulse than conventional bag • Shorter length keep media out of inlet gas stream; reduces chance of abrasion • Shorter length + shorter housing has cost advantage; fits constrained spaces, enables max flow in smaller housing, reduced shipping cost • Media is 100% spun bond polyester with 99. 99% efficiency; emissions reduced by half of standard polyester media • Dura-Pleat. TM will operate at 1800 F continuous; 3500 F with special media • Plus all the better features & benefits of the conventional bag house! Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat. TM Filter Benefits: • Meets widest range of tough application challenges -handles difficult dust • Provides easy-to-install replacement for bag or cartridge filters • Improves performance of older collectors -- simply drops in with no modifications required • Allows downsizing of new collectors; saves floor space • Achieves lowest emissions Clean air solutions • Washable media may reused in many applications • Exceptionally rugged, long lasting • Standard configuration is nonmetallic for ease of disposal or incineration • Reduces downtime for lower maintenance and change-out costs • Often pays for itself in enhanced performance and longer service life! >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Dura-Pleat Clean air solutions >
Thank You Clean air solutions