- Количество слайдов: 10
The Black Adder I
Blackadder n BBC situation comedy n Written by Richard Curtis and Rowan Atkinson n Originally aired in 1983
Episode 1: The Foretelling n King Richard III n The Princes in the Tower n The War of Roses n The Battle of Bosford n King Henry VII
Richard III n 1452 – 1485 n Brother of Edward IV n After Edward’s death, named the protector of the realm for Edward V n 12 -year-old Edward V and his brother sent to the Tower, disappeared n Became the King Richard III in 1483 (aged 30)
n “Richard III” by Shakespeare n Often depicted withered arm, crooked back and limp n See on lugu kuningast, kelle tapakirve all langesid naised ja mehed, vennad ja vastased, süüdi ja süütud troonipärijad. Kuningast, kellest kirjutas tragöödia William Shakespeare tõenäoliselt 1591. aastal. Poleks aga mõtet elustada sedavõrd ammu elanud kuninga elulugu, kui me ei märkaks otse tänasesse jooksvaid paralleele ja sõlmküsimusi. Kuidas saab kuningaks tõusta ebardlik türann? Mida teeb võim inimesega? Selles on küsimus. Richard Kolmanda lugu jõuab Vanemuise lavale esimest korda. Esimest korda Eesti teatriloos toob Shakespeare’i näidendi lavale lavastaja Shakespeare’i kodumaalt. n Vanemuine, 2009
The War of Roses n n n The War of Roses (1455 -1487): between the House of York (white rose), leader RICHARD III and between the House of Lancasters (red rose), leader HENRY TUDOR Final battle at Bosworth, Henry Tudor wins, Richard dies Henry Tudor becomes the King Henry VII
Plot n Opens on the eve of the Battle of Bosford n Richard III is not a hunchbacked murderer but a loving uncle to his nephews n The battle is not won by Henry Tudor but by Richard III, who is accidentally killed n One of Richard’s nephews becomes the (fictional) King Richard IV
Vocabulary n Squire [‘skwaɪə(r)] – kilbikandja n Steed [sti: d] – hobu, ratsu n Sovereigns [‘sɒvrɪn ] – sovrin (naelane kuldmünt) n Ravish [‘rævɪʃ ] – vägistama n Peasant – [‘pez(ə)nt ] – talupoeg n Noble [‘nəʊb(ə)l ] - aadlik
Sources: n http: //www. vanemuine. ee/kuningas- richard-kolmas n http: //www. woodlandsjunior. kent. sch. uk/customs/questions/mon archy/york. html n http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Black_Ad der n http: //www. bbc. co. uk/history/historic_figu res/richard_iii_king. shtml
Have fun!