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The Big Challenges IT Futures Research Centre
Introduction q What is BT? q What is Research and Venturing? q What is the IT Futures Research Centre? q What are our challenges? q Where do we go from here? © British Telecommunications plc
BT Group CTO - Research & Venturing CTO © British Telecommunications plc Ventures Broadband Security Mobility Foresight Intelligent Systems Broadband Applications Pervasive ICT Networks IT Futures Mobility Asian Research Centre Long Term Research Centres ICT BT Exact & BT Lo. Bs External Venturing Network Transformation Sector Programme Improving Customer Experience IPR Licensing • Business Support • Service Innovation • Partnership
What we do q The primary objective of the IT Futures Research Centre is to carry out world class research that will generate Intellectual Property and identify new revenue opportunities for BT’s growing business in ICT. q The Centre brings together research experts in areas such as: Ø Ø Ø virtualised computing and storage infrastructures; automated ICT service assurance; architectures for next generation operational support systems; business and customer analysis to support new products and services; next generation semantic web technologies; managing system integration complexity to ensure the delivery of customer solutions that are on time, on budget and meet customer requirements. © British Telecommunications plc
The IT Futures Research Centre Teams q Strategic and Business Analysis Research q Next Generation Semantic Web Research q ICT Application Platforms Research q Future ICT Management Systems q Next Generation Computing Infrastructures © British Telecommunications plc
Next Generation Computing Infrastructure Managing the ICT Infrastructure of the future through: q Distributed Computing Management q Policy Based Management q Service Level agreements q GRID Computing q Large Scale Distributed Storage © British Telecommunications plc
Future ICT Management Systems Architecting Next Generation ICT Support Systems through: q Component Software – MDA q OSS q Open Source q Network Management q Enterprise ICT Support q Rapid Application and Service Provisioning © British Telecommunications plc
ICT Application Platforms Research Stimulating revenues and cost reduction through a better customer experience q Multimodal technology q Application Development Platform q APIs q Service Agency © British Telecommunications plc
Next Generation Semantic Web Research Enabling Next Generation Business and Knowledge Management q Knowledge and Information Fusion q Search and content management q Collaboration technology (P 2 P) q Semantic Web Services q Web 3 © British Telecommunications plc
Strategic and Business Analysis Research Supporting Strategic ICT Decision-Making through: q Commercial Analysis q Business Simulations q Socio-economic/ ethnographic studies of the impact and use of emerging ICT q Risk mitigation q Dynamic Systems Modelling q Services Science © British Telecommunications plc
Some Assumptions on the Impact of Technology q There will be an increased demand provision of network-centric solutions q There is rising expectation on ICT from increased converged services in the home/So. Ho. q Outsourcing will grow to provide management of virtualised resources q Infrastructure no longer dedicated and physically bound to a task. q Infrastructure will be flexible, distributed, dynamic and can be used on a pay -as-you-go basis. q Industries, markets, products, service delivery processes are all growing in complexity - enabled by technology, driven by competition and regulation q At the same time customers expect straightforward, complete, helpful experiences q Automation will lead to increased self-service solutions. q Several developing technologies could have a significant impact on ICT over next 5 years q It is unlikely that any totally new technologies will have major impact over next 5 years © British Telecommunications plc
Technology Domains © British Telecommunications plc Management Services Infrastructure Layer Virtualised Resources Interoperability Service Integration Layer Integration & Orchestration Quality and Reliability Semantic Layer Sense-Making and Semantic Technologies
Virtualised Resources q Key objectives Ø To provide virtualised computing and storage infrastructure distributed over an IP network Ø To investigate methods, tools and techniques that will enable the undertaking of total ICT infrastructure and processes health analysis Ø To undertake research that supports total ICT Service Assurance q Key Research Challenges Ø Automatic Inventory analysis – Virtual Monitoring Framework Ø Analysis of Computer Estate (N/W, IT, Applications) Ø Automatic ICT Service Assurance to assess performance – Total Performance Knowledge Dashboard Ø ICT Root Cause Analysis Ø Dynamic SLA management v Negotiation and the illusion of choice v Vocabularies and translation v Automatic generation of policies – interaction with the computing fabric Ø Large Scale Distributed Storage Management v Real-time Access Ø Business Process discovery and Performance © British Telecommunications plc
How did we get here? Level of enterprise adaptability The adaptive enterprise Grid deployment Business process management Web services Internet Service-centric management Client server Personal Mainframe Silos of technology inflexible to change, over-provisioned © British Telecommunications plc Horizontal architecture flexible, stable, supply matches demand Time
GRID will become mainstream 2007/08 2006 Nascent Intra-enterprise GRID • Academia • Research institutions • Early adopters in enterprise space • IT seen as a cost centre Focus GRID technologies Key drivers • Dynamic partitioning • Network load balancing • Large enterprise private grids • Focus on cost reduction and efficiency • Business process improvement benefits begin to take effect • Initially single applications • Distributed Storage • Large scale distributed performance management • Security and Trust solutions • Enforceable SLAs • Dynamic virtual partitioning Improve efficiency and hardware ROI Companies using GRID computing <1% © British Telecommunications plc 2% 5% Inter-enterprise GRID • GRID for commercial use between Corporates • End to End SLA management • Shared IT resources and infrastructure adoption • Self healing/autonomic systems • Policy based management • Opportunistic management Improve operational costs 10% …BUT early opportunities are emerging NOW
Service Integration and Orchestration q Key Objectives Ø To enable the migration towards architectures where desired services are created automatically as required, and integration provided automatically for the duration of the transaction Ø To support rapid Service Creation and hosting environments based on re-useable application and OSS capabilities, backed by integrated 24 x 7 operations and guaranteed Qo. S Ø To enhance integration of network-based, application-based, and content-based services with (Semantic) Web technologies Ø Identify SLA requirements at the Application / Service level of Abstraction q Key Research Challenge Ø Take a high level SLA and generate the SLA requirements for the constituents Ø SLA’s that straddle the Organizations, Business, Application, Middleware and end-to-end Networks Ø Architectures and Methodologies that support rapid, low cost service delivery Ø Service Discovery and Composition Ø Automating Network Based Integration Services © British Telecommunications plc
Managing ICT Services 21 C ICT Management Architecture Requesting Application Policy Direction (Real Time) Policy Administration Policy Enforcement CEO Desktop Datacentre Apps Branch Desktop Real-Time ICT Service Assurance & Provisioning © British Telecommunications plc Billing for Complex ICT Services
Realising best in class systems Customer Partner Network Provider Partner Customer Service Provider IP PBX Order Product Shipment Ordered Create Config IP PBX Delivered IP PBX Auto Configures Active Service Reported Open Systems 21 C Architecture & Futures © British Telecommunications plc Reduced Time-to-Market & Cost
© British Telecommunications plc Admin Web Portal Register/Selector Payment manager Location manager MANY MORE… Location Payment User Interaction Authentication Capability Exposure TCP/IP HTTP-TCP/IP GPRS HTTP-GPRS 3 G Self-care Web Portal SERVICE AGENCY q Concept developed in 2005 q New opportunity for a business to intermediate between consumers and 3 rd party service providers q Support core consumer services through Ø Identity & Authentication Management Ø User interaction Ø Purchasing and Payment q Prototype Ø Server – web services Ø Mobile (J 2 ME and MS) and PC clients Ø Scenarios such as e. Bay bidding Access De/MUX Convergence – Service Agency Platform
Sense-Making and Semantic Technologies q Key Objective Ø To make sense of a Complex and Dynamic Commercial Environments Ø To maximising the value of Unstructured Corporate Information Ø To determine the impact of Web 2 technologies on BT systems Ø Use of semantic technologies to enable interoperability between systems in the absence of common integration standards q Key Research Challenge Ø Developing tools for sense-making, policy and decision-making (“Tools for Thinking”) Ø Semantic integration of heterogeneous information sources Ø Intelligent analysis of structured and unstructured information Ø To develop models that manage complexity Ø System dynamics and Agent Based Models Ø Semantic Grids Ø Real time Business Intelligence © British Telecommunications plc
Next Generation Web q Today’s web – Machine-to-human q Tomorrow’s web Ø Also machine-to-machine Ø “an extension of the current web in which information is given welldefined meaning” (Tim Berners-Lee) Ø making web-based information machine-understandable q Enabling Ø Semantic knowledge management v Intelligent search, integration of multiple information sources Ø Automatic web service discovery and composition v “I want a 10 day holiday in France starting next week sometime. Find me the cheapest hotels and flights and book taxis to and from the airports on my credit card. ” Ø Faster, less costly next generation systems integration v via semantic description of components facilitating automatic integration © British Telecommunications plc
Semantic technology timeline enabling next generation ICT via rich descriptions Solution specification at the business level: system integration as a result of BPM updates. “Business processes inside the organization are generally not accessible to machine reasoning “ From business goal to ICT solution. Semantic Grid Pervasive Computing Semantic BPM Semantic Web Services Semantic Intranet Service provider alliances to respond to particular market opportunities. The ability to create reliable and scalable VOs on demand in a dynamic, open and competitive environment Virtual Organisations Ambient Intelligence Networked devices embedded in the environment: continuous and unobtrusive connectivity and services Unified access to Business heterogeneous information sources. 43% of business integration resort to manual processes and/or new software when System integrating data for reporting. interoperability Intelligent search. Automatic service discovery and composition leading to faster, cheaper integration. 30% of all IT costs are on integration Information (Gartner) integration & KM 2000 2005 2010 “The only path to scalable interoperability of data, services, processes and devices” © British Telecommunications plc 2015
Business Analysis Create, adapt and apply computational economics, to address BT's business problems Key activities q Develop computer simulations to support strategy development. q Strategic business and customer analysis, in support of BT’s strategic plan and new products and services. q Socio-economic/ ethnographic studies of the impact and use of emerging ICT Volumes The way we dynamically deploy our skill pools to deal with incoming volumes determines what we deliver to our customers People © British Telecommunications plc Lead times
A Vision too far? q Software will be personalised to provide users their own tailored, unique working environment suited to personal needs. q Software will be self-adapting, containing reflective processes to understand how it is being used and implement ways to adapt to users requirements. q Software will also identify the need to commission new or changed software and decommission redundant software. q Software will operate transparently to provide a high degree of resilience against failure. q All interactions with software will be conducted through natural forms and anticipation of user’s needs will be such that any such interactions, natural or otherwise, are minimised © British Telecommunications plc
© British Telecommunications plc