- Количество слайдов: 101
The Big Bubba School of Sales Management
Rules Nothing Sacred This is where you come to get answers…. . What happen in SMU… And remember……
Meaning of Life
What is my Job Remember this What you did to get promoted is not what you will do in the future To get things done through others. To manage the sale team in such a way that we meet and exceed our sales budget and if we don’t, make up the rest. You need them a lot more than they need you
Describe the ideal Sales Manager
The Ideal Lamar Sales Manager. . . ____________ ______
Key to Sales Team Success – Your Success The ideal Lamar Sales Manager Hire right Train well Set Goals Provide Support Monitor Activity Motivate Evaluate Time Management Aim at something
Aim at nothing and you are bound to hit it.
Hire Right Building the Team “Hire in haste. . repent in leisure”. . To hire right we need to know. . . Who are we looking for? Where do we find them? What kind of sales experience is preferable? How do we interview them? What are the Red Flags to look for? How do we pop the question and start them out right?
When do We Start Looking? When? The hiring process takes 30 - 90 days. Just like selling outdoor, it requires planning, prospecting, and working on a tight time frame. Hiring is a continuous process. Keep the bench warm. - They should be in your office now Keep a list of qualified candidates.
Who Are We Looking For? Who?
Where Do We Find Them? _______ _______
Where Do We Find Them? _______ _______
Advertising for the Position How well does this work? What happens when you run an ad? This is not your first step. If you advertise consider the following format:
Advertising for the Position Lamar Outdoor Advertising (or a Leading Media Company) is looking for one salesperson to tell our dynamic sales and marketing story to business people. To qualify you must be a positive, personable, organized, and disciplined self starter. You should possess above average speaking, computer and writing skills. You will work closely with local business’s selling them Outdoor Advertising. Previous media sales experience is not necessary. In fact. . we don’t care. . we will train you at our expense. If you are interested in the incredible growth opportunities a Lamar Account Executive position can offer. . send your resume to………………. Lamar is an equal opportunity. . affirmative action employer
How to Narrow the Field – 10 Steps How do you narrow the field? 1. Screen the resume. . look for. . ? 2. Conduct telephone interviews - 3. experience, knowledge and skill their background determine how the candidate handles themselves on the phone ( since this is a big part of what we do as AE’s) Complete Lamar job application form
How to Narrow the Field 4. Conduct preliminary personal interviews - - 5 minute interview Tell them their backgrounds are interesting but they don’t seem appropriate for a sales job with Lamar. . listen to their response. Use the general interview. Prepare a business plan If they excel at this point then…
How to Narrow the Field 6. Check references Have candidate ride with one of your best AE’s 7. Caliper Test 8. Candidate meets with your manager 9. Make a job offer (put in writing as well) 10. Send a thank you note to each finalist. 5.
Hiring - Screening Questions What assets do you bring to Is it better to be right or to get what you want Name one area where you definitely need improvement What famous person doyo admire most…. why What is the golden rule Which grades are more important on a child’s report card. . conduct or academics What is your favorite book. . why
What’s this mean to you Chance favors the prepared mind People forget how fast you did a job, but they remember how well you did it Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it The price of greatness is responsibility
How long would you wait in the lobby for an appt with an important decision maker If you could do anything in the world what would you do Describe the adv and disadv of the other media How would you overcome the following objections: - Too expensive Don’t like your company Tried it once. . didn’t work
Hiring - Screening Questions Tell me about yourself. What are your long term and short term goals? What are you doing now? Why did you choose selling as a career? Why are you looking for a new position? What are you looking for in a sales job?
What are your prospecting techniques What questions do you ask to gather information Tell me about as many testimonials as you can
Hiring - Screening Questions What type of person would you like to work for? Would your previous employer hire you back? Why? What would your boss say about you if I called him or her?
Hiring - Work History Could you tell me about your work history: How would you compare the companies you worked for? How did you select the first company you worked for? What was the company like? What are you looking for in a place where you work?
Hiring - Work History What were your responsibilities at your last job? What do you feel were your major accomplishments? Why? What areas do you feel you could have been more productive? What type of person do you like to work for?
Hiring - Work History Describe the best working environment you’ve experienced Tell me about your previous employer - what did you like about them / dislike? What was your best boss like? What was your worst boss like? How would you compare them?
Hiring - Work History What do you consider to be some of your most disappointing work experiences? What type of people do you like to work with? Did you ever have a fellow worker or a boss who did not function at the level you expected? Tell me about it. If they did not live up to your expectations, what was or approach?
Hiring - Work History What do you think determines a person’s progress in a good company? How do you feel your career progress has been to this point? What are some examples of important types of decisions you have been called upon to make or problems you had to solve? What do you feel contributed to your effectiveness as a salesperson?
Hiring - Work History How many hours do you feel a person should spend on his or her job? How do you spend your spare time? If you could have changed anything in your last job, what would you have changed? Why? If you could bring 2 ideas from your last job to Lamar, what 2 ideas would you bring? Why?
Hiring - Work History What specific things did you do in your last job to improve yourself How are you compensated ? What was your average sale in dollars? What was your biggest professional mistake you ever made? What did you learn from the mistake? What do you consider your most important accomplishment in your previous job/school
Hiring – Selling Skills Leave them in the reception area - ask the gatekeeper what they thought of the candidate. This is a good indicator of what Lamar clients will think of your new hire when they are in the field How do you decide when to stop working an account What presentation skills do you have? Can you give me an example?
Hiring – Selling Skills What do you feel is the most important aspect of the selling process? Where should a sales person invest most of their time with a prospect ? Tell about your previous sales training? What did you learn? How will that help you here? Client says “I’ll think it over” what do you say?
Hiring – Selling Skills What is your opinion of success? What plans do you have to reach that level? What do you like best about selling? What is the worst aspect of selling? What do you think it takes to be successful in sales? In life? What three traits would help you most in this job? What were the last 3 sales books you read?
Hiring – General Questions Who is the person you admire the most? Why? What three adjectives would your friends say best describe you? Would people describe you as aggressive, passive, or neutral? Why? What do you like best about your personality? What would you change? Are you motivated…examples
Hiring – General Questions You will always know more about yourself than anyone else. Tell me what I should know about you? How do you cope with pressure? What are you doing now to improve yourself ? If I spoke to your roommate - what would they say are your strongest qualities? …Your areas you need to strengthen?
Hiring – General Questions How are you active in the community How much money would you like to make in this sales position? Where do you see yourself in 3 years? What will you be earning in 3 years? If we select you, what specific goals would you like to achieve in this career opportunity? What was the most critical feedback you ever got …how did you react to it
Hiring – Educational Background Tell me about your educational background Why did you select that school? What was your major? Why? Were you involved in extracurricular activities? Is there anything you would have changed, if you could, about your college experience? - Ask them to summarize why they are qualified for the position. always ask them to call back on a certain day and time. This will give you and idea of how organized they are.
Hiring Red Flags When should you worry? Information does not agree with applicant’s resume’ Frequent job changes Mostly negative reports about past job experiences Inconsistent information about income and salary in past employment or unrealistically high or low demands for compensation. Look for positive comments about being on a team and being a team player. The candidate knows nothing about our company.
Hiring Red Flags You should worry if…. Watch for signs of ____ References are _________ Caliper test reveals candidate would not be a good selection for the position of Account Executive. If not careful you could end up with…
Biggest Hiring Mistakes! Hiring the best of a bad bunch Hiring under pressure and making snap judgments. Hiring people we like, including those that don’t threaten us Not networking, not keeping files, not continuously interviewing Not continually upgrading the sale force through continuous hiring improvements
Biggest Hiring Mistakes! Not using a variety of sources for candidates Not checking references Not asking the “right questions” during the interviewing Talking too much during the interview and not letting the candidate talk
Start your AE off right…HOW?
Their First Day…what do you do? Prepare their work area Order their business cards, name plate Have an updated account list ready for them the first day Schedule companion calls to introduce the new AE to advertisers. Have your new AE schedule interview with every employee at your plant to learn their jobs.
Their First Day? Schedule a lunch with them and one of your current AE’s on the first day. Meet with them at the end of the day and ask them now that they are a part of the team how is Lamar different from what they imagined? Do they have any questions? Review their Training Calendar Monitor their training
Key to Sales Team Success The ideal Lamar Sales Manager Hire right Train well Set Goals Provide Support Monitor Activity Motivate Evaluate
This is what AE’s are Taught Week 1 HR paperwork Tour facilities – meet and greet Teach them to manage their time Mgt – Lamar Bible
Learn how to Manage Time. . The Planner
Each morning write down your To Do List You can only manage what you measure Record Expenses
Schedule Appointments
Document • First thing in the morning before lunch, after lunch and before the end of the day, get your messages • Write them down • Call • No excuse not to return a call in 24 hours Track phone calls and write them down.
Week 1 How the Plant works – – Interview each department See attachments
Week 1 Learn product knowledge Ride with Operations Learn the Inventory Compensation Sales support material / contract paper work Ride with AE Test
Week 2 Develop a prospect / working list of 100
Go to your Planner • Mathernes Grocery List Prospects working – 3: 1
• Mathernes Grocery William Henry Mike Smith • Beth More • 258 1300 • 1381 Forest Dr • $700 You can only manage what you measure Call client and get the name of the Decision Maker, Owner, Receptionist, person behind the cash register, etc. 3: 1
Week 2 Take the prospect list of 100 Call suspects Update prospect / working list Write it down (working list) What did they learn to do - FISH?
Week 2 Ride with AE for a full day Creative – ½ day with artist Leasing – ½ day Traffic – ½ day Study competition Set income goals
Plan your annual, monthly, and weekly sale goal
40. 000 22, 000 3, 600 14, 400. 03 480, 000 40. 000 10. 000 Plan your annual, monthly, and weekly sale goal
Week 3 Plan their month of sales calls
Get the list of existing Accounts
• Mathernes Grocery William Henry Mike Smith • Beth More • 258 1300 • 1381 Forest Dr • $700 Get prospects
Present Account Present Account Present Account Present Account Prospect, Prospect Prospect, Prospect Suspect, Suspect Suspect, Suspect Present Account Present Account Present Account Prospect, Prospect Suspect, Suspect Present Account Present Account Prospect, Prospect Suspect, Suspect Present Account Present Account Present Account Present Account Prospect, Prospect Suspect, Suspect Prospect, Prospect Suspect, Suspect Present Account Present Account Present Account Prospect, Prospect Suspect, Suspect 10, 000 11, 000 10, 000 Present Account Prospect, Prospect Suspect, Suspect 9, 000 Present Accounts Prospects Suspects 60 accounts /20 days = 3 per day 40 accounts/20 days = 2 per day 10, 000 Find. Articles. com
Week 3 Ride with AE 2 days Learn how to, read commission reports, make accurate sales projections Work with office manager, collections, contract 101, order entry, paperwork routing, billing, sales reports Test
Week 4 Learn how to make Sales calls – Make presentation to sale team using the Sales Kit Learn how to manage objections and close Learn how to manage their territory
Just in case you forgot POGPOP
Keep good client records
Track what is closed – so you know where you are for the month and year to date.
Week 4 Ride with Sales Mgr Prepare a Sales Proposal Test
Week 5 Give AE a staggered Sales Budget AE begins working monthly plan Review with AE each morning their plan for the day Ride with AE Review with AE each evening the results of their calls and coach
Key to Sales Team Success The ideal Lamar Sales Manager Hire right Train well Set Goals Provide Support Monitor Activity Motivate Evaluate
Remember You can’t control anything You can only manage what you can measure
How do you set Goals? How do you set AE Sales Budgets? 1. 2. 3. Station Sales Goal Less Nat/Reg/House Total AE Goal $xxxxx. xx -xxxx. xx xxxxx. xx Now you have to distribute that goal to the sales team…. how?
How you Set AE Budget Goals Now you have to distribute that goal to the sales team…. how? - Straight line their budgets? - Base budget on past performance (use last 90 days) - Let the AE set their own
Start with the AE’s Tell the AE’s – they know their territory better than anyone Have them create a spreadsheet for 12 months Let them estimate what their sales will be by month for posters, bulletins, commercial You may be pleasantly surprised Look at this example
One Method In November ask AEs to fill in each month. 2005 2006 January $ $ February $ $ March $ $ April $ $ May $ $ June $ $ July $ $ August $ $ September $ $ October $ $ November $ $ December $ TOTAL $ $ Divide by 11 = $ Add 7%= $ Multiply by 12 = $
Key to Sales Team Success The ideal Lamar Sales Manager Hire right Train well Set Goals Provide Support Monitor Activity Motivate Evaluate Time Management
Support your Team “if the axe is dull and the edge unsharpened more strength is needed, but with skill comes success. ” Teach them to use the web Make sure they have tools
Key to Sales Team Success The ideal Lamar Sales Manager Hire right Train well Set Goals Provide Support Monitor Activity Motivate Evaluate
Monitor Activity “where there is no vision the people fail” Where do you set the vision and monitor the activity? The Staff Meeting The Sales Meeting
The Staff Meeting Should this be separate from the Sales Meeting? How do you run a staff meeting? Who should be there? Is there an advantage to having the AE’s there?
The Staff Meeting Review commercial, production, etc. - what was completed last week what is scheduled for this week
The Staff Meeting Review creative activity - what was complete last week what is scheduled for this week Review office manager’s aged trial balance and collections.
The Sales Meeting How do you run one? First and foremost everyone should know daily what the score is. Review - Renewals - Avails You can only manage what you measure The War Room
The War Room
The Sales Board “what gets measured gets done”
Key to Sales Team Success The ideal Lamar Sales Manager Hire right Train well Set Goals Provide Support Monitor Activity Motivate Evaluate Time Management
Motivation Criticism Spirit de Corp How do you motivate the “seasoned” rep? How do you motivate someone who was once your peer and now you are their boss? How do you motivate / manage someone who does not want to follow?
Key to Sales Team Success The ideal Lamar Sales Manager Hire right Train well Set Goals Provide Support Monitor Activity Motivate Evaluate
De Hiring No surprises Don’t burn the boat How many chances should you give them? 3 warning method
De. Hiring - The 1 st Warning Set up the meeting – “I’d like to meet with you to discuss how things are going. I would like to evaluate your performance and hear what is on your mind” Start off with “why are we in this situation. You have great potential…why are you not using it? ”
De. Hiring - The 1 st Warning Let them talk List all positives List the problems List the specific changes you want to see in the next 30 days Set a time to meet again Put it in writing
De. Hiring - The 2 nd Warning Review their progress ( or lack there of) Place them on the “performance plan” - Meet with you every day at 7: 30 and 5: 00 to discuss their plan and how they executed their plan. Be specific about what you expect to see in the next 30 days Put it in writing
De. Hiring - The 3 rd Warning - It’s Over First remember - respect for the individual Call Human Resources and get all materials Prepare severance package - this is not the time to cut corners - be fair Make a list of everything you need. Office Manager should accompany you Neutral zone say this…. . .
De. Hiring - The End You are a good person. We no longer feel the job is right for you and believe you will be happy somewhere else. We want to help you get started on your new opportunity. Don’t argue, don’t defend, just repeat the above When a prospective employer calls…. .
Key to Sales Team Success The ideal Lamar Sales Manager Hire right Train well Set Goals Provide Support Monitor Activity Motivate Evaluate Time Management
Leaders are great servants
Be a Leader Do the right thing
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