Скачать презентацию The atrocities committed daily in the Middle East Скачать презентацию The atrocities committed daily in the Middle East


  • Количество слайдов: 42

The atrocities committed daily in the Middle East make us all sick. It makes The atrocities committed daily in the Middle East make us all sick. It makes us all want to put a stop to it. How can we put a stop to it? Is there a solution to the Israeli -Palestinian problem?

Of course there is. Of course there is.

It’s called “Two States for Two Peoples”. A Palestinian State in the West Bank It’s called “Two States for Two Peoples”. A Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza, that will live peacefully alongside Israel.

USA said “yes”. Europe said “yes”. The UN said “yes”. Israel said “yes”. The USA said “yes”. Europe said “yes”. The UN said “yes”. Israel said “yes”. The Arab countries said “yes”. Why didn’t it happen?

“Abraham was a Muslim monotheist and was not from among the idolaters “Abraham was a Muslim monotheist and was not from among the idolaters". [Islamic Education for Fifth Grade #540, p 143]

“Draw your sword. . . let us gather for war with red blood and “Draw your sword. . . let us gather for war with red blood and blazing fire. . . Death shall call and the sword shall be crazed from much slaughter. . . Oh Palestine, the youth will redeem your land. . . " [Reader and Literary Texts for Eighth Grade #578, p. 120 -122]

The Bottom Line: The Bottom Line:

The Public Relations caper: The Public Relations caper:

If Israel withdrew completely from the West bank and Gaza, would it satisfy the If Israel withdrew completely from the West bank and Gaza, would it satisfy the Palestinians? Would there be peace?

Or would the Palestinian Authority Establish a Terrorist State that will continue to try Or would the Palestinian Authority Establish a Terrorist State that will continue to try and destroy Israel, and later export its products of terror to the rest of the world? What do you think?

Motti Morell Motti Morell