Скачать презентацию THE ANSWERS FOR THE PARENTS As well open Скачать презентацию THE ANSWERS FOR THE PARENTS As well open

The answers for the parents.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 4

THE ANSWERS FOR THE PARENTS As well open the conference room, or any other THE ANSWERS FOR THE PARENTS As well open the conference room, or any other office which will be called “The answers for the parents”

The answers for parents “Plan” Most often when the student school or college choose The answers for parents “Plan” Most often when the student school or college choose university course he consults with parents. But as a rule are not always interested in the fact that the child's interest to parents That is what study entitled "Answers for parents" The plan consists of several stages 1. In the office will be four conference tables (1 table for 2 parents ) 2. In the an informant will serve students, teachers 3. Each parent will be given full information about the university As well the parents will be given booklets of our university which will be described fully informed of the faculties of at the university as well as the contact information!

 In the office will be four conference tables. In the an informant will In the office will be four conference tables. In the an informant will serve students, teachers Each parent will be given full information about the university

Here you can find in detail the program of the University Available to pay Here you can find in detail the program of the University Available to pay for University Find discounts, or other similar services. So here it is possible to meet with the staff, the teachers working in our university. This office will work some people it can be both students and teachers themselves. There will also be told about the exchange students, that in our university image do this practice. Exchange of students in such countries as Germany, Greece, Egypt, Iran, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, China, Korea, Russia, America, Switzerland.