The ancient civilization of the Incas.
Inca territory covered all the land from the southern regions of present-day Colombia to Argentina and reached a length of 5000 km. "The Incas believed that they had conquered most of the world" - was written in the magazine "National Geographic". However, in other parts of the world nobody even knew about the existence of their state.
The Incas were well adapted to the conditions of life in the mountains. They were broad-shouldered and had developed chest and lungs. These stocky Highlanders were small or medium height and had very strong, well-developed legs, which helped them to overcome long distances and allowed to carry heavy loads.
Women, though more delicate physique, also showed a significant endurance, carrying heavy loads, and with it often also their babies, hanging behind them wrapped in a cloak
Standard of living freemen and their families was almost the same (amount of food, clothing, quality homes and utensils). There was starving poor. Those who could not work, the state provides the necessary minimum.
Basis Incas economy agriculture and livestock. They cultivated the same plants and the same animals as everywhere in Peru. Natural conditions were forced to create irrigation facilities: dams, canals.
The Incas achieved great success in industry. Developed copper and silver deposits. Special development was weaving. The Incas knew three types of looms, which could make even the carpets.
On the throne in Cuzco could only be the husband of royal blood. Future king of the Incas prepared for the difficult role: he learned the mysteries of existence, studied religion, different sciences. He also taught good manners and military business. In his palace the Incas king seated on a low throne. Visitors could not see his face - he was separated from them by a curtain. He was ministered by eight thousand servants from the representatives of noble families.
It was a very advanced civilization.