- Количество слайдов: 30
Contested Meanings of Empire n 1760 s an optimistic post-war period – Striking ethnic and racial diversity – 60% of population under 21 years old – High level of post-war prosperity – Wealth unevenly distributed n Americans proud to be part of Europe’s most thriving, prosperous empire
Breakdown of Political Trust 1760 --George III ascended throne n Suspicions on both sides of the Atlantic that Crown wished to enlarge its powers n Conflict over Parliamentary sovereignty n – – English officials assumed that Parliament must have ultimate authority Colonists tried to reserve internal colonial authority for their own legislatures
No Taxation Without Representation: the American Perspective Colonists assume their legislatures equal in some ways to Parliament n Americans not represented at all in Parliament n Only colonial assemblies could tax Americans n
Appeal to Political Virtue John Locke, "Commonwealthmen" inform colonial political thought n All governments believed susceptible to corruption into “tyranny” n – n “Tyranny” understood as any attempt to encroach upon the people's liberty “Virtuous” citizens, alert to rights and determined to live free, resist tyranny
Challenge and Resistance: Eroding the Bonds of Empire Large, expensive army left in America at the end of the Seven Years’ War n Colonists doubted the army’s value n Pontiac’s War n – Exposed the British army’s weakness – Revealed the desperate situation of Native Americans after withdrawal of French n Colonists determined to settle trans. Appalachian West
Paying off the National Debt First minister George Grenville attempts to reduce England’s war debt n Revenue Act of 1764 (the Sugar Act) n Merchants and gentry protest, most colonists ignore n
Mobilizing the People 1765 --Stamp Act requires that colonists purchase stamp to validate documents n Unites the gentry and the mass of the population in protest n Protest includes mob riots, boycotts n Stamp Act Congress petitions the King and Parliament for repeal n
Saving Face 1766 --New administration in office, favors repeal of Stamp Act n Repeal tied to Declaratory Act of 1766 n – n Parliament sovereign over America "in all cases whatsoever" Controversy estranges colonists from English officials
A Foolish Boast: Tea and Sovereignty Charles Townshend: chancellor of the exchequer n 1767 --Townshend Duties tax American imports of paper, lead, glass, and tea n American Board of Customs Commissioners created to collect duties n
Response to the Townshend Duties Sons of Liberty organize boycott of English goods n Circular letter from Massachusetts House of Representatives urges protest n 92 Massachusetts Representatives defy government order to rescind letter n
Creating Patriotic Martyrs English government moves troops from frontier to Boston to save money n Tensions increased n March 5, 1770 --English soldiers fired on Boston mob, killed five Americans n – Incident labeled a “massacre” – Paul Revere engraving a best-seller n Tensions defused by Lord North
Last Days of the Old Order, 1770 -1773 1770 --New prime minister, Lord North, leads repeal of all duties except tea n 1770 -1773 marked by tranquility n Customs collectors antagonize colonists n Radicals protest tea tax as violation of American rights n Committees of correspondence built up alternative political structure n
The Final Provocation: The Boston Tea Party n 1773 --Parliament passes Tea Act – Designed to help the East India Company by making its sale cheaper in Americans interpret as a subtle ploy to get them to consume taxed tea n December 1773 --Boston protestors dump the tea into the harbor n
English Reaction: The Coercive Acts Port of Boston closed until tea paid for n Massachusetts government restructured n – – Upper house made appointive body Town meetings permitted only once per year Accused officials to be tried in England, not America n Army authorized to quarter troops wherever needed n
The Quebec Act: An Error in Timing Quebec Act establishes authoritarian government for Canada n Colonists interpret Act as final proof of Parliamentary plot to enslave America n Mainland colonies rally to support Boston, protest the British blockade n
The Ultimate Crisis Parliament’s insistence on supremacy would make rebellion unavoidable n Ben Franklin suggests Parliament secure colonial loyalty by renouncing claim to supremacy n Parliament rejects Franklin’s advice n
Decision for Independence September 1774 --First Continental Congress in response to Coercive Acts n Congress commends “Suffolk Resolves” urging forcible resistance n Intercolonial “Association” halts commerce with Britain until Coercive Acts repealed n
Shots Heard Around the World April 19, 1775 --skirmish breaks out in Lexington, Massachusetts n Fighting spread along road between Lexington, Concord, Boston n English retreat to Boston with heavy losses n
Beginning “The World over Again: ” Early War Effort June 1775 --Congress appoints George Washington commander of Boston force n English government blockades colonial ports, hires German mercenaries n Royal governors urge slaves to take up arms against their masters n
Beginning “The World over Again: ” Decision for Independence January 1776 --Thomas Paine’s Common Sense urges independence n July 2, 1776 --Independence voted by Congress n July 4 --Declaration of Independence issued n
Fighting for Independence n English task – – – n Washington’s task – – n Meet challenge of long supply line Use better-trained army to occupy territory Crush the popular spirit of independence Defend territory as well as possible Keep his army intact Militia’s role: compel support for Revolution
Testing the American Will, July-August 1776 American army routed on Long Island n New York City captured n Washington forced to retreat through New Jersey n British obtain thousands of “Oaths of Allegiance” in wake of retreat n
"Times That Try Men's Souls" December 25, 1776 --Washington captures Trenton n January 3, 1777 --Washington captures Princeton n Victories rekindle wartime patriotism n British consolidate forces, leave territory in patriot control n
Victory in a Year of Defeat: Campaigns of 1777 British campaign for New York under John Burgoyne defeated at Saratoga n British capture Philadelphia under General William Howe n Washington's army winters at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania n
The French Alliance Saratoga prompts British suit for peace to prevent Franco-American alliance n Terms include repeal of all laws since 1763, respect for colonial taxation rights n February 1778 --Americans ally with France to secure full independence n
The Final Campaign Spring 1780 --English capture Savannah and Charleston n August 1780 --American army routed at Camden, South Carolina n Nathaniel Greene’s forces deal several defeats to English under Cornwallis n October 19 1781 --Cornwallis surrenders to Washington’s combined forces n
The Loyalist Dilemma Loyalists treated poorly by both sides n English never fully trusted Loyalists n Patriots seize property, imprison, execute some n More than 100, 000 Loyalists leave U. S. at war’s end n
Winning the Peace Treaty of 1783 negotiated by Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay n Terms secured by playing France against England, include n – – – independence U. S. gains all territory east of Mississippi River, between Canada and Florida U. S. secures fishing rights in North Atlantic
Post-Colonial Experience The American Revolution begins construction of new form of government n Question remains: a government of the elite or a government of the people? n