The ABC English Alphabet. The ABC 26 букв:

The ABC English Alphabet

The ABC 26 букв: 6 гласных и 20 согласных 44 звука: 20 гласных (из них 8 дифтонгов) и 24 согласных Для передачи звуков английского языка используется транскрипция – графическая запись звуков языка.
![A a - [ei] B b - [bi:] C c - [si:] D d A a - [ei] B b - [bi:] C c - [si:] D d]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_3.jpg)
A a - [ei] B b - [bi:] C c - [si:] D d - [di:] E e - [i:] F f - [ef] G g - [ʤi:] H h - [eiʧ] I i - [ai] J j - [ʤei] K k - [kei] L l - [el] M m - [em] N n - [en] O o - [əu] P p - [pi:] Q q - [kju:] R r - [a:] S s - [es] T t - [ti:] U u - [ju:] V v - [vi:] W w - [‘dablju:] X x - [eks] Y y - [wai] Z z - [zed]
![Vowels Rules of Reading Открытый слог A a - [ei] take, name, place E Vowels Rules of Reading Открытый слог A a - [ei] take, name, place E]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_4.jpg)
Vowels Rules of Reading Открытый слог A a - [ei] take, name, place E e - [i:] me, tree, we I i - [ai] like, nine, five O o - [əu] go, open, nose U u - [ju:] student, music, tune Y y - [ai] my, fly, why
![Vowels Rules of Reading 2. Закрытый слог A a - [æ] cap, black, hat Vowels Rules of Reading 2. Закрытый слог A a - [æ] cap, black, hat]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_5.jpg)
Vowels Rules of Reading 2. Закрытый слог A a - [æ] cap, black, hat E e - [e] ten, tennis, yes I i - [i] six, milk, clip O o - [ɔ] not, bottle, doctor U u - [ʌ] bus, must, uncle Y y - [i] fifty, empty, syllable

Vowels Rules of Reading 3. Условно-закрытый слог (3 тип слога) гласный + r ar - [ɑ:] park, start, smart er - [ə:] her, perfume, term ir - [ə:] girl, circle, first or - [ɔ:] form, port, short ur - [ə:] turn, hurt, curl

Vowels Rules of Reading 4. Условно-открытый слог (4 тип слога) гласный + re -are - [ɛə] care, fare, compare -ere - [iə] here, sphere, sincere -ire - [ɑiə] fire, tired, desire -ore - [ɔ:] more, store, before -ure - [juə] pure, cure, during

Read the words: make hate tale latest paper famous mate free, green, street, we, bee, see nice, fine, like, white, line, wine, smile close, so, no, tone, alone, rose, stone tube, glue, fruit, tune, computer, flute, blue my, try, cry, why, fly, dry, by back, snack, cat, flat, battle, apple, glad egg, men, rent, went, pencil, test, text, best big, miss, sixty, ill, still, lift, did, will

shop, stop, not, block, spot, dog, clock sun, but, nut, must, dust, cup, just, bus myth, symbol, happy, angry, merry large, arm, card, mark, part, dark herd, herb, nerve, term, perfect, her firm, girl, dirty, first, bird, circus, shirt fur, curve, nurse, hurt, purse, purple, burn
![Consonants B b - [b] D d - [d] F f - [f] H Consonants B b - [b] D d - [d] F f - [f] H]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_10.jpg)
Consonants B b - [b] D d - [d] F f - [f] H h -[h] J j - [ʤ] K k -[k] L l -[l] M m -[m] N n -[n] P p -[p] Q q+u -[kw] R r -[r] T t -[t] V v -[v] W w -[w] X x -[ks] Z z -[z]
![Consonants C c G g S s [k] clock, cap [s] face, city, bicycle Consonants C c G g S s [k] clock, cap [s] face, city, bicycle]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_11.jpg)
Consonants C c G g S s [k] clock, cap [s] face, city, bicycle [g] great, big [ʤ] page, gist, gym [s] sad, skate [z] nose, cosy
![Буквосочетания согласных ck -[k] black, pick sh -[ʃ] ship, show, shy, shame ch -[ʧ] Буквосочетания согласных ck -[k] black, pick sh -[ʃ] ship, show, shy, shame ch -[ʧ]]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_12.jpg)
Буквосочетания согласных ck -[k] black, pick sh -[ʃ] ship, show, shy, shame ch -[ʧ] chair, chips, chicken ph -[f] photo, phone, telephone th -[θ] thank, think, three, thin th -[ð] this, the, that, those ng -[ŋ] morning, song, thing wh -[w] what, white, when wh -[h] who, whose, whom
![Непроизносимые согласные - igh -[ai] high, light, fight - kn -[n] knight, knee, know Непроизносимые согласные - igh -[ai] high, light, fight - kn -[n] knight, knee, know]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_13.jpg)
Непроизносимые согласные - igh -[ai] high, light, fight - kn -[n] knight, knee, know - wr -[r] write, wrong - gn -[n] sign - lk – [k] talk, walk
![Буквосочетания гласных A a -ai, -ay = [ei] play, day wait -all, alk = Буквосочетания гласных A a -ai, -ay = [ei] play, day wait -all, alk =]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_14.jpg)
Буквосочетания гласных A a -ai, -ay = [ei] play, day wait -all, alk = [ɔ:] ball, talk -au = [ɔ:] autumn, August -aw = [ɔ:] law, paw, lawn -w+a = [ɔ] want, wash -w+ar = [ɔ:] warn, warm E e -ea = [i:] speak, tea, read -ea = [e] head, bread -ear = [iə] hear, tear -eigh = [ei] eight, weight -ew = [ju:] new, few
![I i -igh = [ai] fight, bright -ild, -ind = [ai] mind,wild U u I i -igh = [ai] fight, bright -ild, -ind = [ai] mind,wild U u]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_15.jpg)
I i -igh = [ai] fight, bright -ild, -ind = [ai] mind,wild U u [u] -pull, push, put, sugar Y y [j]- yes, yellow, yummy O o -ow -oa -old -oo = [u] book, look -oo = [u:] spoon, food -oi, -oy = [ɔi] boy, coin -ow, -ou = [au] now, clown, about, loud -oor, -ough= [ɔ:] bought, door snow, show, coat, road, cold, sold
![O o n m O + v th son some love mother [ʌ] O o n m O + v th son some love mother [ʌ]]( --- the_abc.ppt/slide_16.jpg)
O o n m O + v th son some love mother [ʌ]