Скачать презентацию The 4 th meeting of the Steering Committee Скачать презентацию The 4 th meeting of the Steering Committee


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The 4 th meeting of the Steering Committee of the INTOSAI Committee on Knowledge The 4 th meeting of the Steering Committee of the INTOSAI Committee on Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services PROGRESS REPORT ON THE INTOSAI WORKING GROUP ON KEY NATIONAL INDICATORS ACTIVITY for 2011 - 2012 Luxembourg, September 25 -26, 2012

Top 5 global risks / the most extensive by consequences Asset price collapse Fiscal Top 5 global risks / the most extensive by consequences Asset price collapse Fiscal Crisis Majoc Systemic Finance failure 2 nd Ranking 1 st Retrenchment from globalization (developed) Climatological catastrophes Water supply crises 3 rd Interstate and civil wars Slowing Chinese economy (6%) Oil and gas price spike Oil price spikes Geopolitical conflict Food shortage crises 4 th Pandemics Oil and gas price spike Chronic disease Asset price collapse Chronic fiscal imbalances Extreme volatility in energy and agriculture prices 2 2012 5 th Oil price shock Pandemics Fiscal crises Extreme energy price volatility 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Imbalance of social and economic goals and indicators • • • State management Life Imbalance of social and economic goals and indicators • • • State management Life satisfaction Work-life balance Safety Society Ecology Education Jobs Health Housing Income OECD Better Life Index Risk in Critical systems failure Unsustainable population growth • Public Debt • Budget deficit • Private savings • Private debt • External imbalance, composed of the trade balance and net investment income flows and transfers Global governance failure Chronic fiscal imbalances Rising greenhouse gas emissions G 20

The INTOSAI Working Group on KNI members and observers • • • Working Group The INTOSAI Working Group on KNI members and observers • • • Working Group members (23) SAI of Armenia SAI of Austria SAI of Bulgaria SAI of Hungary SAI of Denmark SAI of Israel SAI of Indonesia SAI of Italy SAI of Kazakhstan SAI of China SAI of Latvia SAI of Lithuania • • • SAI of Mexico SAI of Morocco SAI of New Zealand SAI of Pakistan SAI of Poland SAI of Russia SAI of Slovakia SAI of the USA SAI of Ukraine SAI of Finland SAI of Switzerland Observers (4) • SAI of Belorussia • SAI of Canada • SAI of Moldova • SAI of Kyrgyzstan 4

White Paper on KNI Conclusions Problem overview Principles for SAIs application of KNI Countries White Paper on KNI Conclusions Problem overview Principles for SAIs application of KNI Countries experience in development and use of KNI International organizations experience in progress measurement White Paper Key national indicators: Guide to terms and concepts Recommendation for knowledge-based economies Role of KNI in sustainable development monitoring New subprojects Recommendations for the development and use of KNI in developing economies • Methodology on the KNI selection for the use in SAIs activity; • Analysis of opportunities on the use of KNI for international comparisons and preparation of appropriate recommendations; 5 • SAI's role in development and use of key indicators for R&D evaluation. 5

Methodology on the KNI selection for the use in SAIs activity Main points: • Methodology on the KNI selection for the use in SAIs activity Main points: • • • universal principles of SAIs activity in the process of selection and use of KNIs; goals of SAIs in the process of selection and using KNIs; tasks of SAIs in the process of selection and using KNIs; legal and regulatory, institutional, information and methodological and financial support of the selection and use of KNI; basic characteristics of KNI systems; classification of KNI; selection of KNIs for their use in auditing; regularly publishing of special reports on the use of KNI in SAI’s activity; accumulation and dissemination of knowledge obtained by SAIs as a result of the use of KNIs; dissemination of the existing international and national experience. 6

Subprojects for 2012 • Analysis of opportunities on the use of KNI for international Subprojects for 2012 • Analysis of opportunities on the use of KNI for international comparisons in the context of sustainable development and preparation of appropriate recommendations; • SAI's role in development and use of key indicators for R&D evaluation. 7

Visualization of comparisons of countries position and development goals 8 Visualization of comparisons of countries position and development goals 8

Meetings of the INTOSAI Working Group on KNI The 6 th meeting April-May 2013, Meetings of the INTOSAI Working Group on KNI The 6 th meeting April-May 2013, Krakow (Poland) 9

Subproject on KNI within the framework of the Commonwealth of the Independent States (CIS) Subproject on KNI within the framework of the Commonwealth of the Independent States (CIS) • Guidelines for the use of key national indicators in performance audit, including Glossary; • Analysis of international experience and perspectives of the use of KNI in the activity of SAIs of the CIS countries; • Assessment of possibilities of achieving methodological comparability of the CIS countries KNIs; • Summary table of indicators passports of the CIS Strategy 2020. 10

Knowledge Base on KNI (http: //nfbr. prognoz. ru/kni) 11 Knowledge Base on KNI (http: //nfbr. prognoz. ru/kni) 11

Web-site of the INTOSAI Working Group on KNI www. ach. gov. ru/en/intosaikni 12 Web-site of the INTOSAI Working Group on KNI www. ach. gov. ru/en/intosaikni 12

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