- Количество слайдов: 14
The 21 st of February The theme: Buying clothes
The aims of the lesson: • Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта отырып киімге байланысты жаңа лексикалық сөздерді енгізу , айтылуын үйрету. Есте сақтау, ауызекі сөйлеу, ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту. Грамматикалық білімдерін бекіту. Оқушыларды таза, ұқыпты, талғаммен киіне білуге тәрбиелеу.
Phonetic drill Good morning, children! Sit down, please! How are you today? . I am fine. Who is on duty today? Tell me what is the date today? Who is absent today?
Checking home task
IV. New theme: Our new lesson for today is “Buying clothes” Warm –up: Why do people wear clothеs? -We wear clothеs to keep warm! -To look beautiful! - To look modern!
Amusing time One, two, three Hop, hop One, two, three Stop!
Ex. 2. a) Identify the items in the picture coat [kәut]-пальто glove [gl/v]-биялай, қолғап stocking [stokiη]-шұлық boot [bu: t]-бәтіңке , етік short [jo: t]-шорт, шолақ шалбар jumper [dз/mpә]-джемпер nightdress [naitdres]-түңгі көйлек tie [tai]-галстук hat – (hәt) – қалпақ T-shirt – (ti: shirt) - майка, футболка blouse - (blauz) – кофта, блузка skirt – (skә: t) – белдемше, юбка b) What do people wear?
Answer the questions 1. Do you like shopping ? 2. Where do you buy clothеs? 3. Who do you buy clothеs with? 4. Do you like wearing fashionable or comfortable clothеs? 5. How often do you buy clothеs?
Let’s relax If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands If you're happy and you know it Then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
Ex. 7. a) Make the dialogue. Put the lines in the correct order. -That`s 5. 50. -White -What about this one? -Yes, I am looking for a T-shirt. -Here`s 6 pounds, please. -Can I help you? -Here`s 50 p change and your T-shirt. -OK, thanks very much. Goodbye. -What colour are you looking for? -It`s nice. I`ll take it, please. How much is that?
Home task: Ex. 10, p. 146 a) Write a list of your summer and winter clothes b) Make the dialogue “At the shop”
Our lesson is coming to an end. The lesson is over. Good – bye !