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The 10 th ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour Theme: “Towards Achieving Decent Work for Domestic Workers in ASEAN” Updates on Civil Society Contribution to the Implementation of Previous ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour Recommendations 25 October 2017 Camelita G. Nuqui PMRW and TFAMW
LABOUR MIGRATION 2. 2 M 0. 9 M 0. 8 M 1. 2 M 1 M
PRINCIPLES MIGRANT WORKERS ARE NOT COMMODITY RESPECT, PROMOTE, REALIZE the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work - ILO Core Labour Standards for all workers http: //www. ilo. org/dyn/normlex/en/f? p=1000: 12000: 0: : NO: : :
CLUSTER 1: INFORMATION SHARING Information sharing, dissemination and public information campaigns to ensure that migrant workers be well-informed during the migration decision making process Awareness campaigns at the grassroots level Production of Campaign materials that are easy to read, understand, in their own language, and appealing to potential migrants Use of alternative media, particularly social media CSO engage in new initiatives in thematic areas: Pre-departure training; post-arrival orientation; migrant worker resource centres; efforts to promote a positive image of migrant workers; and legislative and policy frameworks.
Cambodia LSCW Organize gathering at community level to discuss social security and share the outcome of 9 th AFML
CLUSTER 3: RETURN AND REINTEGRATION Alternative livelihood as alternatives for migrant workers Alternative livelihood programs that empower migrants and serve as therapy for distressed migrant returnees
CLUSTER 3: RETURN AND REINTEGRATION PHILIPPINES Development Action for Women Network (DAWN) Handloom-Weaving (shawls and scarves, etc. )
CLUSTER 3: RETURN AND REINTEGRATION PHILIPPINES Development Action for Women Network (DAWN) Socio-Economic Cooperation for Returned Filipino Women Migrants and their Children
CLUSTER 3: RETURN AND REINTEGRATION LAOS Income Generating Return & Reintegration Programs for Trafficking Victims
CLUSTER 4: COMPLAINTS & GRIEVANCE MECHANISMS Facilitative access for complaints and grievance mechanisms for both sending and receiving countries Provide all necessary assistance for migrant workers in distressed, suffering abuses, their term of employment violated, etc. Dedicated hotline and response system for migrant grievances
SUPPORT MIGRANT TO FILE COMPLAINTS TO PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS Workers filing complaints are supported and assisted (CSO: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia) Support Migrant Domestic rights Workers to know their labour rights (CSO: Philippines, Singapore) Facilitate access of migrant workers into trade unions and associations (Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand)
SUPPORT MIGRANT TO FILE COMPLAINTS TO PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS Improved Complaints mechanisms with: translation services and forms in the migrant workers’ language development of standard operating procedures capacity building and awareness raising among CSO on the application of complaints procedures
CLUSTER 5: COOPERATION AMONG STAKEHOLDERS Promotion of cooperation, partnerships, information exchanges and meaningful involvement among all stakeholders in both sending and receiving countries Maintaining a healthy and interactive working environment among multiple sectors
CLUSTER 6: REGULATION OF OVERSEAS RECRUITMENT o CSO in sending countries like Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand Vietnam provide information and document abuses of the recruitment process (eg regulations that cap fees being charged)
CLUSTER 6: REGULATION OF OVERSEAS RECRUITMENT Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines: fees charged to workers capped at one month salary. Indonesia and Singapore: negotiated fees that recruitment agencies can collect from domestic workers. The Philippines and Indonesia: minimum salary for domestic workers.
CLUSTER 8: SOCIAL PROTECTION Thailand Social Security Office expands those entitled to receive benefits from Social Security Fund and Workmen Compensation Fund (Workers registered at One Stop Service Center and those with temporary cards are entitled to gain the benefit from Social Security Fund) NGOs provide linkage to Employment Services Office and legal recourse Cambodia &Vietnam Awareness raising, pre-departure trainings for migrant workers on their rights, legal aid, laws and policies on social protection: health insurance, social insurance, and OSH etc
CLUSTER 8: SOCIAL PROTECTION Philippines Forums organized on Social Security Protection of OFWS Singapore Free medical consultations provided by partnering with medical healthcare providers.
LSCW’s lawyer provide legal aid assistant to claim insurance from Thai Construction company