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Thailand NUCLEAR POWER PROGRAM INFRASTRUCTURE AND STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION: Regulatory Body Prof. Dr. Chaivat TOSKULKAO Secretary General Office of Atoms For Peace International Atomic Energy Agency TM/WS on Topical Issues on Infrastructure Development: Managing the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power 9 -12 February 2010, Vienna, Austria
Contents The Regulatory work to “support” the Nuclear Power Project in Thailand: 1) Revising Atomic Energy for Peace Act 2) Strengthening staff capability 3) Public awareness
The Infrastructure of Nuclear Regulatory Body in Thailand Thai Atomic Energy Commission (Thai-AEC) Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) 14 Sub-Committees (Reactor Safety Subcom. ) Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) (Secretariat of Thai-AEC)
Main Responsibilities of OAP Establish rules, regulations and measure for the control and regulation of the use of nuclear energy and waste management. To control and regulate the safety of radiation and nuclear facilities. Control functions (inspections) in general are performed through competent officials appointed by the Minister who takes charge and control of the execution of the Act. Cooperate for nuclear affairs and foreign relations.
Present Framework to Support NPP Prime Minister Ministry of Science and Technology Thai AEC (NPP Regulator) Office of Atoms for Peace Reactor Safety Sub Committee Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Research Reactor) Ministry of Energy National Energy Policy Committee Energy Policy and Planning Office Nuclear Power Infrastructure Establishment Coordination Committee Nuclear Power Program Development Office Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (NPP Operator)
Goal to catch up milestone 1 (NPP Regulator/OAP) Build up safety culture at each level within organization. Define competence needed to carry out regulatory activities. Provide training for regulatory staff (in-house, abroad and O-J-T) as necessary including studying abroad. Develop HRD plan to cover all areas throughout the lifetime of the NPP.
Legislation and Regulatory Framework • Effectively independent regulatory body is established, in addition, “OAP” is regarded as SSAC • Drafting new nuclear law: Atomic Energy for Peace Act#3 – To set up new set of nuclear law, regulations, rules, standards and guidelines to comply with international good practice • Existing law: – Amendment to cover some issues: authorization process, liability, security and conventions – Drafting safety requirements, criteria and guidelines for each authorization stage – Cooperation with DOE in implementation of Additional Protocol
Draft of Atomic Energy for Peace Act #3 • New definition for technical term: radiation/radioactive and nuclear materials etc. • Exemption limit • Composition of Thai Atomic Energy Commission and clarification of the responsibility of the commission (not to set policy on nuclear energy to produce electricity) • Delegation of authorization power to OAP (but not RRx. or NPP) • Enforcement ………………… AEPA #1 in 1961 #2 in 1965
Draft of Atomic Energy for Peace Act # 3 (cont’d) • Licensing process: cover all permitting process – Site permit, construction permit, commissioning permit and decommissioning permit – License fee -- - -- • Empower the Board: – Nuclear reactor – Source material, special nuclear material, radiation sources/generator – Nuclear waste management – Set up national plan for nuclear/radiation emergency preparedness and response ……………………… AEPA #1 in 1961; #2 in 1965
Draft of Atomic Energy for Peace Act # 3 (cont’d) Introduce concept in – Nuclear safety and security – Action against terrorism and unauthorized used of radioactive/nuclear materials – Safeguards – Compensation for nuclear damage (insurance and set up fund for compensation) ………………… AEPA # 1 in 1961 # 2 in 1965
Safety criteria Set up the Rule and Criteria for NPP regulation: • Evaluate the Safety Analysis Report • Site evaluation • Nuclear safety • Radiation Protection • Safeguards control • Emergency preparedness program • EIA (specific for radiation impact) • Nuclear fuel cycle • Spent fuel and waste management • Safety management system in NPP • Decommissioning plan • Safe operation and control • Training course for operator and operator license etc.
Human Resources Development of RB • Short term development: – competence analysis and implementation of SAT – In house training – Training under IAEA/ANSN/TA/co-operation • Long term development: – Scholarship/Fellowship to study abroad – On the job training
Implementation of SAT 2009 In house training: • Regulatory control • Law and regulation • Safety assessment • Site evaluation and licensing process (phase I) • Ageing determination and management • Quality management for regulatory body 2010 In house training: • Site evaluation and licensing process (phase II) • Quality management (phase II) • Basic professional training course • Development of safety assessment tool and system for research reactor Studying abroad: - Nuclear Safety Schools (Korea, etc. )
Conclusion 1. Regulatory document and framework are being “revised” which include Authorization process Review process Inspection and enforcement Development of regulations and guidelines 2. Plan for increasing staff capability is partially implemented. 3. Public concern must be taking into account and clear information must be provide consistently. 4. Assistance are needed in various fields for first establishment of NPP. 5. Education and Industrial framework related to NPP technology need to be improved.
Thank you for your attention
Organization Office of Atoms For Peace (OAP) Office of the Secretariat Bureau of Nuclear Safety Regulation Technical Administrative Group Bureau of Radiation Safety Regulation Information Technology Center Bureau of Atomic Energy Administration Engineering Center Bureau of Technical Support for Safety Regulation
HR Development of RB in 2010 - 2020: 80 - 100 persons/NPP 1000 MW (IAEA) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) International Law (Nuclear Law) Nuclear Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Mechanical Engineer Industrial Engineer Environmental Engineer Chemist/Physicist/Geologist/ Scientist 8 30 6 8 6 6 6 10)……………………………… 11)Administrative persons persons 14 persons
National Strategy and Strategic Plans for the Development of Infrastructure for Nuclear Power NPI : NPIEP NPPDO NPP NRB NPIEP Milestones for Nuclear Power Program Implementation Nuclear Power Infrastructure : NPI Establishment Plan : Nuclear Power Program Development Office : Nuclear Power Plan : Nuclear Regulatory Body 24 September 2007 1 st Milestone 0. 1 )Nuclear power option included in PDP 2007( Phase 0. 1: Preliminary Phase - NPIPC & 5 SCs appointed - Issues & Milestones considered - NPIEP prepared 1 Year 2007 Milestone 0. 2 )To prepare for policy decision( 2 nd Milestone Policy Decision Call for Bids (Knowledgeable Commitment) )Financial Commitments( 3 rd Milestone Start Operation )Commissioning 1 st NPP( GO NUCLEAR Policy Decision Phase 1 : Pre-project Activity Phase - approve NPIPC - set up NPPDO - infrastructure work started - survey of potential sites - feasibility study completed - public information & participation 3 Years 2008 -2010 Phase 2 : Program Implementation Phase 3 : Construction Phase - implement NPIEP Milestones - full NRB established - legislation & international protocols enacted - suitable sites for bid selected - technology /qualified suppliers selected - NPIEP fully implemented - biding process completed - design & engineering - manufacturing - construction & installation - test runs & inspection - NPP commissioning license 3 Years Phase 4 : Operation Phase 6 Years 2011 -2013 2014 -2019 - commercial operation - O&M - planning for expansion - industrial and technology development plan 2020