- Количество слайдов: 11
Tests for Constituent structure • • Substitution Deletion Movement Coordination
Substitution: NP • Substitute for NPs with pronouns (he, she, it, they, etc. ) e. g. , [Laura] will buy [the new Battlestar Galactica DVD] tomorrow. Rita will buy it Wednesday. She will buy ‘V’ for Vendetta Friday. NP[the new BSG DVD] NP[Laura]
Substitution: VP • Substitute for VPs with do/done so e. g. , Laura has eaten lots of Halloween candy. – Matt has done so too. – Sandy will do so if we don’t stop her. AUX (has, will, etc. ) is outside the VP constituent. S => NP Aux VP
Substitution test • “The cow attacked the farmer with the axe. ” • The cow attacked him. NP: [the farmer with the axe] • The cow attacked him with it. him: NP[the farmer] it: NP[the axe]
Deletion • A constituent can be deleted from a phrase when there is an identical constituent in the discourse to supply its meaning • Laura [VP bought a new DVD]. • Rita did [VP ____ ] too.
Deletion test • Laura rented ‘Star Wars’ at Blockbuster. • Rita did [ ___ ] too. • => [VP rented ‘Star Wars’ at Blockbuster] • *Rita did [ ___ ] at Netflix, too. • What gets deleted is the entire VP constituent.
Movement • Question formation: “Laura will drive her car on the weekend. ” What will Laura drive (that car) on the weekend? When will Laura drive that car (on the weekend)?
• Movement targets constituents: *What will Laura drive [NP that ( )] on the weekend? *When will Laura drive that car [PP on ( ___ )]?
Movement test “The cow attacked the farmer with the axe. ” Who did the cow attack ________? Who did the cow attack_____ with the axe?
Optional Movement • Topicalization: optional movement used to emphasize something – I don’t like peas, but peanuts I like _____. O-S-V – They didn’t think he could win the election, but win the election he did _____.
Topicalization and Ambiguity “The cow attacked the farmer with the axe. ” The farmer with the axe, the cow attacked. The farmer, the cow attacked with the axe.