TASK 1: Choose the right modal verb 1. He __ come yesterday. – Он не смог прийти вчера. А) cannot B) wasn’t able C) mustn’t D) didn’t have to come 2. ___ you come tomorrow? – Не могли бы Вы прийти завтра? А) Must B) Could C) May D) Do you have to 3. I _____ to come there yesterday. – Мне пришлось пойти туда вчера. А) had B) could C) may D) must 4. He ____ to come tomorrow. – Он сможет прийти завтра. А) will be able B) could C) may D) must 5. He ____ come tomorrow. – Он возможно придёт завтра. А) can B) may C) should D) must 6. He ____come today. – Ему следует прийти сегодня. А) can B) may C) should D) must
TASK 2: Match the expressions with their translations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. to make a meal to make progress to make a report to make a noise to make a decision to make a mistake a) ошибаться в) делать доклад с) шуметь d) принять решение е) делать успехи f) готовить еду
TASK 3: Match the expressions with their translations: 1. to have a party 2. to have a competition 3. to have lunch 4. to have a shower 5. to have a rest время 6. to have a nice time a) соревноваться b) принимать душ c) обедать d) отдыхать e) хорошо проводить f) устраивать вечеринку
TASK 4: match the names of literary genres and their description: 1. Books about criminals, robbers, killers and clever detective or policemen who catch them in the end. 2. Books about aliens, spaceships, trips to the moon and star wars. 3. Books in which the author describes somebody’s life 4. Books about wizards, witches and magic events. The story is usually long and the plot is complicated. 5. Books about princes and princesses, bad witches and magic animals that help good people. The plot is usually very simple with happy ending. 6. Books about pirates, cowboys, and other characters doing exciting things. You can read about ships, faraway islands, lost treasure, and a lot of dangerous events, but there is usually a happy ending. A) ADVENTURE STORY B) DETECTIVE STORY C) FANTASY D) FAIRY TALE E) BIOGRAPHY F) SCIENCE FICTION
TASK 5: Choose the right translation: 1. There are two Houses in the British Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. a) В британском парламенте две палаты: палата лордов и палата общин b) В британском парламенте два дома: дом лордов и дом общин c) В британском парламенте две палаты: палата аристократов и палата простых 2. The Queen and the House of Lords approve the decisions of the House of commons. a) Королева и палата лордов одобряют решения палаты общин b) Король и палата общин одобряют решения палаты лордов c) Королева и дом лордов одобряют решения палаты общин
Task 6: Choose the right form of the verb in the Active Voice 1. He ____every day. A) does 2. He _____ it now. B) hasn’t done 3. He ____ yesterday. C) did 4. He ____ it yet. D) has been doing 5. He _____ it for 3 hours. E) was doing 6. He _____it at 5 p. m. yesterday F) will do 7. He _____it tomorrow. G) is doing 8. He _____it by 5 p. m. yesterday. H) had done
Task 7: Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The room _____ every day. The room _____now. The room _____last Friday. The room _____next Monday. The room _____when I came. The room _____yet. A) is cleaned B) was cleaned C) was being cleaned D) hasn’t been cleaned E) will be cleaned F) is being cleaned
TASK 8: Fill in the gaps with the prepositions: 1. He was talked ___. – О нём говорили. 2. He was sent ___. - За ним послали. 3. He was looked ___. - На него смотрели. 4. He was waited ___. - Его ждали. 5. He was listened ___. - Его слушали 6. He was laughed ___. - Над ним смеялись. A) at B) about C) to D) for
TASK 9: Match the expressions with their translations: 1. to turn up 2. to turn down 3. to turn off 5. to turn back 6. to turn on 7. to turn into 8. to turn out (to be) a) превращать(ся) b) поворачиваться назад c) включать d) выключать e) появляться f) оказаться g) отказать(ся), отвергать
Task 6: Choose the right form of the verb in the Active Voice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. He ____ dinner now. He ____at 4 p. m. every day. He ____dinner yet. He ____dinner at 4 p. m. yesterday. He ____dinner tomorrow. He ____dinner by 4 p. m. yesterday He ____dinner for 45 minutes. A) has B) is having C) hasn’t had D) had E) had F) was having G) has been having