- Количество слайдов: 13
Test. Complete Overview
Agenda About Test. Complete Supported Modules Features IDE Overview License Info Comparison with QE tools
About Test. Complete is an automated testing environment for a wide range of application types and technologies ² ² ² Support for multiple scripting languages Record robust automated tests Write regression tests that don’t fail when UI changes Perform Data Driven testing Create custom plugins and extensions
Supported Modules
Features Supported Features Test recording Automated test execution Test Reporting Data-driven testing Keyword-driven testing Distributed testing Webservice Testing Database testing support Test Visualizer Developing custom extensions Integration with other tools Event Handling Object name mapping
Test. Complete IDE u Test. Complete’s user interface is organized into a number of panels. There are three main panels : u The Project Explorer panel displays the contents of projects and the project suite. It also provides links to the test log nodes. u The Object Browser panel holds one major Test. Complete function that does not belong to a specific project: it shows the list of all processes and windows that exist on the machine. u The Workspace panel is your working desktop: it displays the project’s and project items’ editors, where you create and modify tests and view test results. u Other panels at Test. Complete IDE are Test Visualizer, Watch List, Locals, Breakpoints, Code Explorer etc.
Object Identification u Test. Complete uses a tree-like model for test objects. The root node of the tree is Sys. Processes objects correspond to applications running in the operating system Object Spy Name Mapping Technique Native Object Technique
Improving Object Recognition u Some of the advanced object recognition techniques are: Object Mapping Using Microsoft UI Automation Technology Using Text Recognition Technology
Integration with QA/CI tools u u Integration with CI tools like Jenkins defect tracking tools like bugzilla, Jira test management tools like Test. Link, QC source control tools like VSS
License Info u Test. Complete uses two license types: Node-Locked License: The Node-Locked license is bound to one computer. Floating User License: The Floating User license lets you run several Test. Complete copies on multiple computers in the local network. The number of copies that can work concurrently is determined by the license key. u Test Execute for execution
Tool Comparison
Tool Comparison
ujwal. unni@aspiresys. com