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TERRORISM in the st Century 21 Righteous Aggression
Terrorism The systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. To fill with terror or anxiety: scare: To coerce by means of threat or violence.
Terrorist Believe they are instructed by God to do terrible things to other people, often their own children, but they do not suffer from any delusions.
Terrorist Through their study, reading, and interpretation of holy writings, they become convinced that they are called to action. They perceive their behavior as righteous because they are of sound mind and believe that they are being persecuted or martyred if anyone tries to stop them.
From Bernard Cornwell’s SCOUNDREL Terrorists live in a skewed world. Their view is dominated and overshadowed by the “cause”, and every single thing that moves or creeps or swarms on earth is seen in its relation to the “cause. ” And nothing is too far away or too trivial or too innocent to escape the “cause. ”
Continued from SCOUNDREL Thus to a terrorist like Halil, a game of baseball is not an irrelevant pastime, but evidence that the American public does not care about the monstrous crime committed against the Palestinian people; worse, it is evidence that the American people deliberately do not want to consider that crime, preferring to to watch a game of bat and ball.
From SCOUNDREL Therefore a scheme to kill baseball spectators would be a justifiable act because it could jolt the rest of Americans into understanding the - “truth” – as the terrorist sees it.
Terrorists Ricardo and Josefa Davila Timothy Mc. Veigh Mohammed Atta Suicide bombers
Terrorists Seek to create fear and chaos. Behavior is NOT against the victim. It is against the group the victim represents.
Terrorists “I can strike anywhere and you might be next. ”
Terrorists Targets aren’t the buses, restaurants, or buildings they destroy. It isn’t the people. It is the “We are among you. Fear us. ” message.
Terrorists They have no empathy for these suffering people because they do not want to interfere with what they see as God's punishment for the victim's behavior.
Terrorism MUST strike the innocent Terrorism must kill the child if it is to shock the adult. Terrorism must hurt the helpless if it is to gain the world’s attention.
Terrorism is evil It does not matter how noble the cause was that the terrorist serves. The methods are evil. Wrapping up terrorism in a flag does not make it right.
Terrorism The acts are aimed at the people watching. Anthrax mailed to news media before anywhere else. Create fear – it shows in the reports. Al Jareeza news reports.
Reminder! Terrorism isn’t something new – The Crusades, the Grand Inquisition, and the Salem Witch Trials are examples of how religious people have condoned horrifying behaviors against other human beings are examples from Western history.
How do terrorists get recruits? Lack of jobs Lack of opportunities Propaganda Money? ?
Palestine: Poverty
Next to prosperity.
A history lesson to go with the CNN Special on Hezbollah And some better understanding about why the Arab world is upset with Israel and the US.
Arabs and Jews By mid 1940 s Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon had become independent. But what about Palestine? BOTH Arabs and Jews called it their homeland.
Arabs and Jews Arabs have lived for centuries in Palestine.
Arabs and Jews (Hebrews) lived in the area around 2000 BC to 1000 BC. Most Jews migrated to other lands, though a few stayed in Palestine. 10 -million Jews spread through the world.
Rise of Zionists Due to prejudice and WWII atrocities, the Zionists (Jews who thought Jews needed their own homeland to be safe) called for a return to Palestine. 1914 – 85, 000 Jews immigrated to Palestine.
Arab Reaction Fear of losing their territory to these new settlers who came with more money than the Arabs had.
Politics Get Involved England promised Palestine to BOTH the Jews and the Arabs in secret agreements. Both Arabs and Jews pressured England to honor their agreements.
Politics Get Involved With Nazi persecution 445, 000 Jews fled to Palestine in 1939. Britain tried to limit Jewish settlement. Trapped millions of Jews in Europe to be put in concentration camps. Zionists engaged in guerilla warfare against the English in Palestine.
After WWII After 6 -million Jews died in WWII, there was a feeling that Jews needed a homeland of their own.
After WWII BUT 70% of the population of Palestine was Arab and didn’t want a Jewish state in their country.
After WWII England withdrew and left the issue of Palestine for the United Nations to “solve” 1947 - UN created the country of Israel taking half the land of Palestine.
UN Plan Jerusalem would be an “international city” because it was sacred to Christians, Muslims, and Jews accepted the UN plan. Arab nations felt differently.
Why the Arab Nations Did Not Approve More than half the land of Palestine would be given to a group that only made up 1/3 of the population. Gave the best land to the Jews
UN voted to create Israel in 1948 Within hours of the vote, the Arab countries attacked. Israel fought back and took ¾ of the land belonging to the Palestinians. Jordan and Egypt divided up the rest of Palestine.
Diverse Cultures 80% of Israel is Jewish. 20% of Israel are Arab (includes Muslim, Christian and Druze)
Conflict in Israel Palestinian refugees since 1949 500, 000 Palestinians lost their homes and had to leave Israel. Most Arab countries expelled their Jewish populations.
Conflict One million Palestinians were refugees by 1967. Many remained in crowded refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan
AIPAC: America Israeli Political Action Committee US is the strongest ally to Israel. Military aid Political aid Economic aid Israel returns US friendship with military intelligence and opportunities for the US to keep a foothold in the Middle East.
Palestinian and Israeli Conflict Rise of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) Demand that Palestine be liberated. Israel is to be obliterated and Palestinians regain homeland.
Israeli Response Military attacks Settling more Israelis settled in the occupied territories – Gaza and The West Bank. The place the realistic Palestinians hoped to call home.
PLO / Hamas / Hezbollah actions Hijacking planes Kidnappings Killing Israelis, Jews and Americans
Today – 2007 Rise of Hezbollah, Intifada, Fatah, PLF. Hezbollah – Party of God Intifada – Shaking off Suicide bombers Israeli response of military attacks House demolitions
How do terrorists get recruits? Madrasas Govt lesson: Its complete implementation can occur only when the ruler himself is a pious Muslim (although an impious Muslim is much preferable to a non. Muslim). For Muslims, rule by non-Muslims is an abomination, a blasphemous inversion of God's dispensation. God should decide leaders – not democracy.
Madrasa Education Jihad – the world is divided into believers and unbelievers. Jews, Hindus and Christians are evil usurpers. There is a need for Islamic warriors to liberate regions dominated by unbelievers and “cleanse” Islamic nations to establish a single Islamic theocracy.
Rewards of Martyrdom Pass through directly to heaven. – no tests, no Purgatory, etc. VERY sensual – a palace with the finest food, wine, comforts and 72 houris.
Rewards for the families? Celebrities for having martyr children. Doorways decorated with the number of dead. Flowers arranged in the shape of a heart and bomb. $2, 000 – 25, 000 Scholarships for children Posters in madrasas schools Streets named for them Terrorist cards
Terrorist Groups The CIA recognizes there are possibly more than 1, 000 groups.
IRA – Irish Republican Army Splinter groups of IRIP, RIRA, Provos, etc. GOAL: A united and Catholic Ireland. METHODS: bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, punishment beatings, extortion, smuggling, and robberies LATEST: Statement that only military and political targets will be chosen. But are terrorizing their own people for money and support.
ETA: Basque Separatists from Spain Splinter of Basque National Party (PVN) GOAL: Basque homeland in Northern Spain / SW France METHODS: Car bombs, transportation bombing, assassination. LATEST: 200 dead since 2000. Statement anything and anyone is target.
Al Qaeda Splinter Groups: al Qaeda *Al-Qaida The Base" *the Islamic Army *the World Islamic Front for *Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders *the Islamic Army for the Liberation of the Holy Places *the Usama Bin Laden Network *the Usama Bin Laden Organization *Islamic Salvation Foundation The Group for the Preservation of the Holy Sites
Al Qaeda GOAL: To rid Muslim countries of all Western (Infidel) presence and influence. Conversion or die for the west? ? ? Waging war on the West.
Al Qaeda methods Timed bombings, kidnappings, armed attacks.
Palestinian Terrorism: PLO, Hezbollah, Hamas, Intifada, PLF, etc. GOAL: Destruction of Israel. Palestinian homeland. Iradication of all Jews from Muslim lands.
Palestinian Terrorist Groups METHODS: Suicide bombings, roadside attacks on military and civilians.
Chechnya Rebels / Terrorists. While most Chechens are Muslim there appears to be a split on if it is nationalistic or Islamic motivations. GOAL: A free country called Chechnya. FUNDING: ? ? ?
Chechnya METHODS: mass kidnappings, bombings of schools, planes, trains, subways and apartment buildings. Connections to Al Qaeda?
Chechnya Russian President Putin’s role with Chechnya is being questioned: Human rights abuses by Russian forces? Playing up the Al Qaida connection to get US support?
Chechnya President Putin has also been accused of: Creating “incidents” and blaming Chechyns – and then grabbing more power.
North Korea Has NOT been conclusively tied to terrorism in 15 years under Kim il Jung – “Dear Leader. ” GOAL: Possession of weapons of mass destruction. 2007 – willing to stop building nukes if US Frees up frozen N. Korean money Gives economic aid Removes N. Korea from terrorist list
North Korea UPDATE: Israeli Intelligence says that Syria has nuclear missile sites – of North Korean design. September 12, 2007. Is Kim Jong Il selling his nukes? NOT FULLY CONFIRMED!!!!
North Korea – Syria UPDATE (9 -18 -2007) Israel “blew apart Syrian nuclear cache” that Syria hasn’t admitted they had! North Korean involvement confirmed.
Iran Building nuclear bomb? Hiding terrorists? Sponsoring terrorism?
Iran Many IEDs that have been used on US troops in Iraq come from Iran. Funding for Shiite groups and training has come from Iran. Proxy War Iraq Hezbollah
Iran President Ahmadinijad is wellknown for his hatred of Israel and the US. “Israel can no longer be allowed to live. ” September 13, 2007.
What are we doing? Bush Doctrine – the U. S. will "make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them. "
What are we doing? US Agencies National Security Agency CIA FBI Military Intelligence Homeland Security Intelligence Czar? Diplomatic Attempts? Economic Attempts?
Thoughts of Christian Amanpour “Certainly terrorism must be confronted and defeated. BUT it will take more than military to do it. We must match groups like Al. Quaida and Hezbollah in offering aid, education and hope. ”
Counter terrorist Groups Navy Seals Army Special Forces Delta Force ? ? Using terror on the terrorists?
International Counter Terrorist Groups MI-5, MI-6 national and international British services. FSB – Russian Security forces Mossad – Israeli Counter Terrorist forces. Saudi Arabia - ? ? ?
What Counter Terrorism Does Assess Threats Sharing information Risk Analysis Interviewing suspects Interviewing acquaintances. Orientation Propaganda / disinformation