TERRITORY AND BORDERS Territory is divided into: state

TERRITORY AND BORDERS Territory is divided into: state territory territory with international regime (outer space, high sea) territory with combined regime (continental shelf and economic zone)

State territory is a territory which is under the sovereignty of certain state. Territories with international regime are territories laid over the borders of state territories which are out of state sovereignty and in general use. Territories with combined regime are continental shelf and economic zone.These regions are not under sovereignty of states and do not enter into the state territories, but every coastal state has a sovereign right on prospecting and exploitation (mining) of mineral resources of adjacent to it continental shelf and economic marine zone, and also on environmental protection of these regions.

TERRITORY AND BORDERS State territory includes: -Lands; -Waters with depths; -Air laid over lands and waters within state borders.

TERRITORY AND BORDERS State border is a line and vertical flatness going on this line. Divided into land, water and air.

TERRITORY AND BORDERS Land borders are established on the base of treaties between neighbouring counties. orographical borders (on relief), geometrical (straight line between two points), astronomic (by meridians and parallels).

TERRITORY AND BORDERS Water borders are divided into river, lake, other reservoirs and sea. River borders are established: ship river – on talveg (line of deepest areas), or on middle of main fairway, non-navigable – on the middle of river.

TERRITORY AND BORDERS Lake/other reservoirs borders: on the straight line connecting points of land borders on the coastal land borders. Sea borders are external bounds of territorial sea and line of separation of territorial seas of contiguous or opposite states.

TERRITORY AND BORDERS Air borders of state territory are side and high-altitude bounds of its air area. A side border is vertical flatness going on land and water line of state border.

TERRITORY AND BORDERS Delimitation – border line is drawn on a map. Demarcation – marking location of a border at place with special border signs.

- Количество слайдов: 9