- Количество слайдов: 24
Terrestrial topographic map of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. This is one of a collection of 7016 commercial maps at 1: 20, 000 scale covering the province (Courtesy: ESRI)
Marine chart of Great Sandy Strait (South), Queensland, Australia Boating Safety Chart. This chart conforms to international charting standards. (Courtesy: ESRI and Maritime Safety, Queensland)
Humanitarian relief in the Sudan–Chad border region (A) damaged villages in July 2004 resulting from civil war. (Courtesy: Humanitarian Information Unit, U. S. Department of State)
Humanitarian relief in the Sudan–Chad border region (B) malaria vulnerability (Courtesy World Health Organization)
GIS processing transformations needed to create a map
Two maps of the Southern United States (A) a reference map showing topographic information
Two maps of the Southern United States (B) a thematic map showing population density
Jarmo Ratia, head of Finland’s national mapping organization (NMO) (Courtesy Antero Aaltonen)
A 1: 50, 000 geological map of the Krkonose–Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic (Courtesy ESRI)
The principal components of a map composition layout
Bertin’s graphic primitives, extended from seven to ten variables (the variable location is not depicted) Source: Mac. Eachren 1994 (from Visualization in Geographical Information Systems, Hearnshaw H. M. and Unwin D. J. (eds. ). Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. )
Incidence of Asian Bird Flu in Shanghai City. Pie size is proportional to the number of cases; red 5 duck, yellow 5 chicken, blue 5 goose.
Tauranga Harbor Tidal Movements, Bay of Plenty, NZ. The arrows indicate speed (color) and direction (orientation) (Courtesy ESRI)
Use of hue (color) to discriminate between Bethlehem, West Bank, Israel urban land-use categories, and use of symbols to communicate location and other attribute information (Courtesy ESRI)
Comparison of choropleth class definition schemes: natural breaks, quantile, equal interval, standard deviation. The data are Mobile Homes Density for North Central USA, 2004.
Multivariate data map of dominant surface soil texture (Courtesy ESRI)
Representing temporal data as clock diagrams on maps (Courtesy ESRI)
A page from the Town of Brookline, Massachusetts, Tax Assessor’s map book. Each map book page uses a common template (as shown in the legend), but has a different map extent: (A)page 26 (B)legend (Courtesy ESRI)
Key components and information flows in a GIS map-production system.
Cynthia Brewer (Courtesy Cynthia Brewer)
Topographic map showing street centerlines from a Tele. Atlas database for the area around Chicago. The major roads are exaggerated with “cased” road symbols.
Schematic gas pipeline utility maps for Aracaiu, Brazil. Geographic view (left), Outside Plant schematic (top right), Inside Plant schematic (bottom right) (Data courtesy of IHS-Energy/Tobin)
Linear-referencing transportation data for Montpelier, Vermont, displayed on top of street centerline files.
Military map showing overlay graphics on top of base-map data. Blue rectangles are friendly forces units, red diamonds are enemy force units, and black symbols are military operations— maneuvers, obstacles, phase lines, and unit boundaries. These “tactical graphics” depict the battle space and the tactical environment for the operational units.