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Teradata to Oracle SQLWays – DDL/Schema, Views, Macros, Procedures, BTEQ, Applications Migration Copyright (c) 1999 -2012 Ispirer Systems Ltd. All Rights Reserved. www. ispirer. com
About Ispirer specializes in database and application migration software and services ● Database Migration for Oracle Migration from Sybase, IBM DB 2, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, Teradata, Postgre. SQL, My. SQL, Progress, and other databases ● Application Conversion for Oracle Application conversion: C++, Java, COBOL, Power. Builder, VB, C#/VB. NET, ASP, Informix 4 GL, Progress 4 GL, Delphi
Key Features SQLWays automates Teradata to Oracle conversion ● DDL/Schema Objects Tables, Constrains, Views, Indexes, etc. ● Server Side Business Logic Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Macros (to PL/SQL or Java) ● Scripts BTEQ, Fast. Load, Fast. Export, Multi. Load (to PL/SQL, KSH, Perl, custom) SQL Queries and Scripts ● Applications SQL Statements and Database API in Reports (SAS, Cognos, etc. ) or Applications (C++, Java, Power. Builder, VB, etc. )
Key Benefits Why SQLWays: ● Fast Customization for ~100% Automation DDL, server-side business logic and front-end applications 1 -2 weeks for projects (hundreds of procedures, scripts) 1 -2 days for standalone requests ● Pre-Sale Engagement Comprehensive Proof-of-Concepts ● Low Cost Fixed price, $0. 25 per Line of Code Saving more than 70% off traditional migration budget ● Optimized Conversion Generating readable and maintainable code. No Ispirer's IP or middleware used after conversion
Engagement Process Ispirer’s project methodology and typical duration (2 -4 months, 1 -2 M lines of code) ● ● ● ● Demo – 1 -3 days Proof-of-Concept - 1 -2 weeks Assessment – 1 -2 weeks Design and Customization – 2 -4 weeks Automated Conversion – 1 -2 weeks Testing – 2 -4 weeks Deployment – 1 -2 weeks
Demo and POC Demonstrating SQLWays: ● Demo – 1 -2 days Running a demo conversion for a dozen of files, scripts; Discussing tool’s features and capabilities; ● Proof-of-Concept – 1 -2 weeks Running a POC conversion for a few modules; Discussing migration solutions;
Project Performing migration: ● Assessment – 1 -2 weeks Defining the scope and complexity of the migration. At this stage SQLWays typically ensures more than 70% automation; ● Design and Customization – 2 -4 weeks Discussing migration challenges and solutions, developing specifications; Customizing SQLWays to ensure ~100% automation and to meet specifications; ● Automated Conversion – 1 -2 weeks Running SQLWays, refining specifications and conversion based on intermediate testing (generated test cases);
Testing and Deployment Migrating testing and deployment: ● Testing – 2 -4 weeks User level testing and acceptance, resolving conversion cases; Performance testing and optimization; ● Deployment – 1 -2 weeks Refining deployment routines based on the system requirements; Teradata and Oracle concurrent use, recovery procedures;
Company Ispirer Systems has been working in the database and application migration field since 1999. More than 400 companies worldwide use our software including financial institutions and global corporations from Fortune 500 and Global 2000: Microsoft, HP, Citigroup, Chevron. Texaco, JP Morgan, EDS, Shell, Fujitsu, Accenture, Carrefour, CAP Gemini, Thomson, and many others 30 employees - software development, consulting, sales and marketing departments Offices: ● Beach Haven Crest, NJ, United States ● Seattle, WA, United States ● Oxon, Oxford, United Kingdom ● Minsk, Belarus
More Information For more information about company, migration software and services, please visit our site or contact us by email: ● http: //www. ispirer. com Ispirer Systems Ltd. web site ● ispirer@ispirer. com Product related and business inquiries ● support@ispirer. com Technical support