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Ter Apel NL application and reception of asylumseekers 10 oktober 2013
Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
Location Ter Apel: history untill 2016 • untill 1995: Nato-depot • 1996 – 1999 COA: first Departure Centre (Vertrekcentrum (VC)) • 1997: prison (DJI) • 1999 – 2002 COA: reception- en investigation centre (ontvangst- en onderzoekscentrum (OC)) • 2001: application centre (IND) • 2007 Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V) • 2002 – 2016 COA: different reception locations capacity from 400 to 2. 000 reception places Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
Location Ter Apel in 2016 • (Buildings of) different organisations / services at the same spot application centre (ac) IND (Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst) reception locations COA (Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers) Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V, Dienst Terugkeer & Vertrek) prison (penitentiaire inrichting, pi) DJI (Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen) • Different reception modes COA housing before and during the algemene asielprocedure housing after the asylum procedure • = col and pol = vbl Verschillende organisaties in één onderdeel Vreemdelingenpolitie (Aliens Police, AVIM) Koninklijke Marechaussee (Royal Netherlands Marechaussee) Internationale Organisatie voor Migratie (IOM, International Organisation for Migration) Vluchtelingenwerk (Dutch Council for Refugees) medical service - security - etcetera Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
The application process • Application in person at Ter Apel with IND • Identification and registration (AVIM, Aliens Police) • Eurodac (fingerprints) + start of Dublin-investigation • Start of rest- and preparationterm (rust- en voorbereidingstermijn, rvt) • Reception in central reception location (centrale ontvangstlocatie, col) of COA 5 Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
The rest- and preparationterm (rvt) • Information about procedure, given bij Dutch Council for Refugees (Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland, VWN) • Preparation bij legal aid professional • Medical advice by FMMU • IND does not investigate asylum motives during this period • Rvt is taking 6 days at minimum • Reception by COA: from col tot process reception locatie (procesopvanglocatie, pol) • Hasa’s (people who apply for second or more time) do not have rvt • Rvt ends with general asylum procedure (Algemene Asielprocedure, AA) 6 Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
IND - The General Asylum Procedure (Algemene Asielprocedure, AA) • Day 1: initial interview • Day 2: preparation detailed interview • Day 3: detailed interview • Day 4: discussion of detailed interview • Day 5: intended decision • Day 6: opinion • Day 7 and 8: decision • Possibility of elongation AA to 14 days at maximum • Reception in pol 7 Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
After AA • Positive decision: asylum seeker gets residence permit • Negative decision: asylum seeker gets 28 days term to leave the Netherlands • Extended Asylum Procedure, e. g. pending time consuming investigations (medical, international): same steps as in AA, but other terms • Reception by COA at regular asylum seekers centre (azc) 8 Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
IND - The Extended Asylum Procedure (Verlengde Asielprocedure, VA) • E. g. pending time consuming investigations (medical, international) • Same steps as in AA, but other terms: discussion of detailed interview: 2 weeks opinion: 4 weeks • Statutory term of decision = 6 months • Reception at regular azc (COA) • 28 days term to leave the Netherlands 9 Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
Appeal • Term to appeal: 1 day (AA) or 4 weeks (VA); • One is not allowed to await appeal in the Netherlands; • Unless vovo (voorlopige voorziening, injunctive relief) is adjudged; • Generally, one is allowed to await the first vovo in the Netherlands. 10 Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
De asielprocedure Aanmelding en registratie Rest- en voorbereidingstermijn (RVT) Start algemene Asielprocedure (AA) op aanmeldcentrum Doorverwijzing Verlengde Asielprocedure(VA) Afwijzing/ inwilliging binnen AA procedure Beroep Inwilliging of afwijzing Beroep 11 Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
COA - Reception at central reception location (col) • most of the times: three nights • rooms for six to twelve persons • rooms for disabled persons • benefits in kind ‘in natura’: bed, bath and bread • special attention for children and vulnerable groups • medical service by GC A (Gezondheidscentrum Asielzoekers) Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
COA - Reception at procesopvanglocatie (pol) • average stay: depending on IND • housing for five or eight persons • benefits in kind ‘in natura’: bed & bath, in Ter Apel possibility to buy and cook own food • special attention for children and vulnerable groups • activities and ‘work’ (at the reception centre) for asylum seekers • medical service by GC A Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
COA - Reception at freedom restricted location (vrijheidsbeperkende locatie, vbl) • reception for twelve weeks • provision same as at regular azc (except for pocketmoney) • daily duty to report • activities and ‘work’ (at the reception centre) for asylum seekers • medical service by GC A Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
Dienst Terugkeer en Vertrek Repatriation and Departure Service The DT&V is responsible for expediting the voluntary and forced departure of foreign nationals who are not allowed to stay in the Netherlands. DT&V staff act with care and respect for the dignity of each foreign national. The DT&V works with the following groups: • • Foreign nationals who have been detained as part of the national (mobile) supervision of foreign nationals Foreign nationals who have been denied entry to the country as part of the border control process Foreign nationals whose residence permits have been revoked. Foreign nationals who have exhausted the appeal process and have not been granted asylum. The DT&V adopts a personal approach and focuses on case management. The DT&V carries out its task in partnership with other agencies involved in the asylum and migration process. The DT&V also acts as the point of contact for the competent authorities in the countries of origin and their diplomatic representatives. Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013
Contemporary situation COA Ter Apel • wachtruimte (COA & IND) registration IND • Col - centrale ontvangstlocatie identification – registration – tbc-screening • Amv – alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen (unaccompanied minors) identification – registration – tbc-screening • Pol - procesopvanglocatie (preparation for) Algemene Asielprocedure • Vbl - vrijheidsbeperkende locatie rejected asylumseekers • Masterplan – at maximum 2. 000 places in total, ready end 2016 Sterker in samen werken | 10 oktober 2013