Tense - Puzzle - examples about football.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 3
Tense Auxiliary verbs Auxiliary words Rule Examples 1 Present Simple do/does every day/ sometimes/often/ seldom/usually/alwa ys Действие на каждый день, констатация факта He plays football every day 2 Present Continuo us am/is/are+ing now/at this moment Действие на момент речи He is playing football now. 3 Past Simple did yesterday/the day before yesterday/ last week/last month/ last year Действие в прошлом, констатация факта He played football yesterday. 4 Past Continuo us was/were+ing when/at Действие в He was playing football определенный момент when you came в прошлом, с yesterday. уточнением 5 Future Simple will/shall tomorrow/the day after tomorrow/ next week/next/month/ne xt year Действие в будущем, констатация факта 6 Future Continuo us will/shall+be+ when/at ing He will play football tomorrow Действие в He will be playing определенный момент football when you come в будущем, с tomorrow
Tense Auxiliary verbs Auxiliary words Rule Examples 7 Present Perfect have/has+ed/ver b 3 (this week/this month/this year/ever/ never/ recently/already / just/yet) Завершенность действия на момент речи He has played football this week. 8 Present Perfect Continuou s have/has+been+i ng (since/for) Незавершенность действия на момент речи, продолжительность действия за определенное время He has been playing football for 2 hours 9 Past Perfect had+ed/verb 3 (before/by) Завершенность действия в прошлом, до начала другого действия He had played football before you came 10 Past Perfect Continuou s had+been+ing (since/for) Незавершенность действия в прошлом, продолжительность действия за определенное время He had been playing football for 2 hours before you came 11 Future Perfect Simple will/shall+have+e d/vebr 3 (before/by) Завершенность действия в будущем, до начала другого действия He will have played football by 6 o’clock tomorrow 12 Future Perfect Continuou s will/shall+have+ been+ing (since/for) Незавершенность действия в будущем, продолжительность действия за определенное время He will have been playing football for 2 hours tomorrow
Tense - Puzzle - examples about football.ppt