- Количество слайдов: 76
Темы: цвета, дни недели, семья, еда, профессии, дом, одежда Песни, стихи и рифмовки курса
Noughts and crosses
Noughts and crosses Colours Family House Days Food Poems Songs Jobs Clothes
The First Set of Questions
On a good day, the sky is usually …….
Lemons and bananas are usually …………
Traffic lights are red, yellow and….
A zebra is black and …. .
Strawberries, cherries and tomatoes are …. . . .
Carrots and oranges are ……. .
Grapes are usually green or …. .
The night is ………. . so is the witch’s cat.
The Second Set of Questions
What is the first day of the week?
What day is before Saturday?
What day is after Wednesday?
What day is after Sunday?
What day is before Tuesday?
What day is two days after Thursday?
What day is before Monday?
What day is after Monday?
What day is before Thursday?
The Third Set of Questions
Your father’s wife is your …
Your mother’s son is your ….
Your mother’s mother is your
Your mother’s husband is your ….
Your daughter’s daughter is your
Your brother’s sister is your ….
Your mother’s brother is your…
You are your uncle’s ….
Your mother’s father is your …
The Fourth Set of Questions
Red, green or yellow fruit. Sweet and juicy, very good.
Mummy Bear has got it in the pot It is sweet and tasty but it is very hot. So three bears go for a walk.
Tea, milk, juice, water, lemonade are…. .
Mice like this tasty, yellow ……. .
I’m a a happy snowman, but I have a problem. My nose is an orange vegetable. Hares like it. What is it?
What is Karlson’s favourite food?
It’s not funny that Winnie-the. Pooh likes this yellow and sweet …….
When you want to drink you feel thirsty and when you want to eat you feel ……. .
Cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, beans and peas are…….
They are oval. On Easter people colour them red, yellow, green and blue ……….
The Fifth Set of Questions
I wear a uniform. I serve food and drinks. What am I?
She works at the hospital. She helps to look after sick people or animals.
I want to work at school. I want to teach children. What am I?
I work at the hospital and help sick people. What am I?
I work at a bakery. I bake bread and make cakes. What am I?
I wear a uniform. I work at a garage. I fix cars and planes. What am I?
He is a doctor. He helps sick animals. What is he?
I like to fly in the blue, blue sky! What am I?
I take letters and newspapers to people’s houses.
The Seventh Set of Questions
You cook in this room
You sleep in this room
This is the place where you wash and have a shower.
It is big or small. You keep your food in it.
It is rather big. You can sit or sleep on it.
If you like films or cartoons you watch it very often.
It can be very big or small. You live in it.
It has four or thee legs and a back. You sit on it.
Three Bears caught Goldilocks sleeping in it
The Eighth Set of Questions
We wear it in autumn or in winter to keep our heads warm.
We wear them to keep our hands warm
We wrap it around our necks in winter
In summer when it is hot boys and girls wear them. They are not long.
Evil Bastinda was afraid of the girl in silver ……. .
You can swim faster with these.
Girls wear this when they swim
We wear these over our eyes when it’s sunny.
Choose the topic and sing your favourite song. (1 -8 points)
• • Colour me red, colour me blue, One Big Happy Family My Happy Family! All over the world! The Can song! My house is very funny! At the circus in the town I’m wearing my jeans and my
Rhyme Time! Recite the poem
• • We’re going to go on holiday And have a lot of fun. We’re going to go on holiday And lie out in the sun! Say hello to sunshine! Say hello to sun! The holidays are near, So, smile now, everyone!