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Telemedicine System for Indigenous and Remote Northern Communities Mikhail Ya. Natenzon Deputy Head of the Working Group for Telemedicine of the ITU-D sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Deputy Head of the Regional Working Group for Telemedicine of the Regional Commonwealth for Communication of the CIS Countries Chairman of Board of the “National Telemedicine Agency” Research-and-Production Union, General Director of the “TANA Telemedicine Services Ltd. ”, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Federation Gatineau, Quebec, November 20 to 21, 2008
R&PU “NTA” The Research-and Production Union “National Telemedicine Agency” and “TANA” Group of Companies (Russian Federation) propose a cooperation in creation of telemedicine system for indigenous and northern communities based on information and telecommunication technologies and using of Mobile Telemedicine Laboratories. Using of such system allows to appreciably to raise the level of medical services first of all for the population in the rural area, removed and hard-toreach regions. That obtains due possibility of on-line connection of MTL with central clinics in the country or abroad in which the highly skilled specialists analyze the received Medical analysis and return to MTL necessary medical recommendations.
The SCAESNet system was designed by Research-and Production Union “National Telemedicine Agency” and “TANA” Group of Companies in 2004 in the frame of V. Putin, President of Russian Federation, and S. Berlusconi, Premier of Italia, initiative about using of info-communication technologies for purposes of improving of health services in developing countries approved by G 8 Summit in Evian (Switzerland) on 2003. Objective of the SCAESNet project is considerable increase efficiency in fight with HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases. Proposed project based on telemedicine technologies and satellite communication is designated to accomplish a medical care break-through in the countries and allows to reveal diseased persons at earlier stages of the diseases when the diseases are not so contagious, and their treatment is more effective and cheaper.
Mobile Telemedicine Unit key element of the SCAESNet project intended for combat against tuberculosis, HIV, malaria and other infectious diseases. MTU is equipped for mass screening of large population groups and providing of primary medical care out of medical hospitals with help of telemedicine support and under control of the national medical centers.
MTU is expected to take long autonomous raids and is supplied with stock of drinking water, fuel, consumable medical stuff, medicine and reagents.
Mobile Telemedicine Unit The telecommunication equipment for MTU allows to transmit results of medical examinations to hospitals and receives corresponding conclusions, recommendations and instructions, plus providing national medical centers and MTU with videoconference services. The telecommunication equipment for MTU can be used for training purposes to teach local population about healthy life style, methods of caring for sick persons, various social and other issues. The MTU is equipped with a fast deploying ground satellite station (GSS) intended for transfer and receipt of digital information through the allocated communication networks using channels of the geostationary satellite. The station provides for delivery of information from any location within the area serviced by the satellite, to central or intermediary stations-nodes of the communication network.
Mobile Telemedicine Unit The wagon is equipped with the following equipment: • system for fixation of wagon position (turning to horizontal position); • system for illuminating the wagon; • system for heating the wagon (heater); • system for wagon ventilation and air conditioning (air conditioner); • system for air disinfection in the wagon (UF-radiators); • system for autonomous energy supply; • water supply system; • sanitary arrangements (bio WC, shower); • system for storing medicines, reagents, preparations and consumables; • remote working places (collapsible tents, folding tables and chairs).
Medical equipment of MTU The medical equipment of MTU allows conducting examinations necessary for effective screening of population, including chest X-ray with the lowest possible exposure to x-ray radiation, biochemical examinations and functional diagnostic. The medical equipment includes: • digital low-radiation fluorograph for examination of chest organs in a vertical position of a patient; • optical medical microscope for conducting parasitic, bactericidal, cytological and histological analysis with digital module for input/output and image registration; • functional diagnostic facilities (digital electrocardiograph); • set of laboratory equipment for making preparations. If separately agreed with the Customer, the medical equipment of MTU can be completed with a wide range of optional medical equipment including remote equipment that has wireless communication with the MTU.
MTU INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT Microscope Air-conditioner Workplace with air cleansing system Workplace for digitalization of test results X-ray assistant's workplace Heater system, water dispenser
Examples of medical transmitted from MTU to stationary TM centers
Stationary Telemedicine centre configuration Is the second important element of the SCAESNet system, allow to receive from MTL the examination data and return to MTL necessary conclusion and recomendations TELERADIOLOGY FUNCTIONAL TELEDIAGNOSTICS TELEPATHOLOGY Microscope with TV camera ECG A 3 scanner Network printer Color printer Database and communications server Switch Telemedicine terminals Router Videoconference terminal to LAN
A hall to prepare telemedicine consultation equipped with workstations for conducting functional diagnostic, X-Ray diagnostic and performing laboratory research.
In December 2003 the Mobile Telemedicine Unit (MTU) was presented on the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva
On December 2004 the International Telecommunication Union awarded the MTU with the diploma as a most innovative real contribution to bring the digital divide. On March 2004 a SCAESNet system and the Mobile Telemedicine Unit were rewarded with a Gold Medal of the 32 nd International Salon of Inventions in Geneva and the Special Prize of German Inventor’s Society. The MTU was also presented at the 8 th International Exhibition “Rescue means -2004” on May, 2004, and was awarded the Gold medal.
Complex telemedicine system of Disasters Medicine Survey for the relief actions in a course of elimination of emergency situation consequences to provide medical aid for population during liquidation of emergency situations and their consequences A complex telemedicine system (CTS) for provision of medical relief in a course of elimination of emergency situation consequences was created on the base of analysis of longstanding experience of Disaster Medicine Survey (DMS). CTS is using latest informational technologies, different communications systems including satellite networks and has at its disposal necessary medical equipment. CTS is equipped with systems of autonomous functioning that provide long-term work of equipment and “life support system” for the crew in global disaster situations. CTS is placed on high maneuverability vehicles and can be transported on-the-fly to an emergency situation area by air or arrive autonomously.
Aero-mobile telemedicine complex of DMS
Mobile telemedicine station of emergency assistance This station is equipped with the complex of diagnostic and therapeutic medical equipment. There autonomous tools of satellite communications, autonomous power supply systems and “life-support system” providing comfortable working conditions for personal in any climate. The station provides efficient diagnostics of injured, information support and consultancies for medical personal.
Mobile control station This is equipped with registration, data acquisition and imaging devices. There autonomous tools of satellite communications, autonomous power supply systems and “life-support system” providing comfortable working conditions for personal in any climate. The station provides collection and exchange of ES information and the delivery of the decisions and commands directly to liquidators of ES consequences.
Small mobile telemedicine unit This unit is equipped with transportable telemedicine terminal provided with the wireless communications to the unit. It has autonomous tools of satellite communications and power supply systems. This unite can be delivered by any transport mean to regional medical centers dedicated for evacuation of injured. It provides efficient support to medical treatment and collection of data on the state of patient.
Multifunctional mobile e-services complex "Cyber. Twin" intended for providing the postal, banks, access to Internet, other social, also telemedicine services to the population in the rural area, distant and hard-to-get-to regions, where there is a luck of necessary social and medical infrastructure, including regions with Indigenous and Remote Northern Communities
The "Cyber. Twin" complex appearance
"Cyber Twin" complex is installed in a special van truck based on offroad chassis. It is equipped with mail operator post and telemedicine operator post with special equipment. "Cyber Twin" operator's posts are provided with the access to Russian Post telecommunication networks, Internet and Telemedicine networks through special communication equipment, including automated VSAT station (512 Kbit/sec).
"Cyber. Twin" interior
"Cyber. Twin" interior
"Cyber. Twin" interior
During the International summit on information society taken place in Geneva in 2003, Dr. Hamadoun Ture, who was Deputy Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union that time, has examined MTL
Mr. Vladimir Putin, the President of Russian Federation, survey MTL
The State Council of the Russian Federation (Kurgan City, October, 2, 2006) Mr. Vladimir V. Putin, the President of the Russian Federation and Mr. Leonid D. Reyman, Minister of Information Technologies and Communication of the Russian Federation, visit to the Mobile Telemedicine Laboratory
2006, conversation with Dmitriy A. Medvedev, Vice. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation about the work of MTL
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