Скачать презентацию Telecommunicate project in the net of the schools Скачать презентацию Telecommunicate project in the net of the schools


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Telecommunicate project in the net of the schools the ORT CIS The power of Telecommunicate project in the net of the schools the ORT CIS The power of the extremely situation Dr. Jeanne V. Umanskaya MTS ORT (1299) Russia Moscow – Chazzan – Samara – Chishinau Zaporojie - Vilnius – Dnepropetrovsk – Sank-Petersburg 2005 1

Introduction n n This report is about the problems of the organization a telecommunicate Introduction n n This report is about the problems of the organization a telecommunicate project on the physics and technology. My name is Jeanne Umanskaya. I am a teacher of physics, astronomy and technology in the Moscow Technology School ORT of Russia. I am a initiator, organizer and leader of such project 2

n I presented the work a collective of students, teachers and employees of the n I presented the work a collective of students, teachers and employees of the schools and centers ORT Russia and CIS. 3

World ORT n n We must notice what our work was not possible without World ORT n n We must notice what our work was not possible without technical and material support of the ORT. This help give us the base for the realization learning of the education, which need modern informative and technical resource. We thank all who help us in our work, exclusive, Michele Libkin ( Moscow office ORT Russia) and dr. Marina U. Buharkina (Moscow office ORT Russia), 4

We must teach our students to live and survive in difficult world so what We must teach our students to live and survive in difficult world so what they can will be realize all self positive possibility and good intentions. For it we must teach them n to independent work, n to take one‘s bearings in information space, n to develop critical and creative thinking, n to form group work skill. 5

Project-based learning + I-net =Telecommunicate project There are different educational technology for solution these Project-based learning + I-net =Telecommunicate project There are different educational technology for solution these tasks. But we think what one of the best is project -based learning, especially in common with resource Internet. n Telecommunicate project is a cooperate learningknowledge or creative or play action of the studentspartners. n This action organize on the base of the resources Internet. n The student‘s action has a unit purpose, co-ordinate methods of them work. n The students search a solution of the problem, which is important for all participants. 6 n This action is purposed to concrete practice result.

Telecommunicate project «The power of the extremely situation» Participants: - 10 group (more 30 Telecommunicate project «The power of the extremely situation» Participants: - 10 group (more 30 students) from 5 centers and schools ORT CIS; - 15 teachers and employees from 10 centers. n Methods of communication: – e-mail server and post-forum “Project Forum” (http: //pf. ort. ru) n Period of the work: November 2004 – May 2005. n 7

The goals of the project to form independent work skill, to form take one‘s The goals of the project to form independent work skill, to form take one‘s bearings in information space skill, to develop critical and creative thinking, to form group work skill, to form communicate skill, to friendship student from different school ORT between. 8

n Subject 1. Technology 2. Physics 3. Informative technology 4. Geography 5. Biology 6. n Subject 1. Technology 2. Physics 3. Informative technology 4. Geography 5. Biology 6. English and Russian language Academic goals: Themes Power resource of technology Energy, form and methods of transformed energy, generation, translate, utilization it. I-net, e-mail, search programmers, Word, Power Point, html-page Economic and climatic condition in the different regions of the Earth Metabolism, daily norm consumption of the energy for man, limited condition (temperature, pressure, humidity and other) Translate texts, summary orally and writing 9

Themes for students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Station in Themes for students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Station in the Antarctic Station in the drift ice-floe in the Arctic Space orbital station Submarine Rally “Paris – Dakar” Archeology expedition Cinema and TV-group in the distant place of the Earth Group of the alpinists Oil-derrick or bore-hole 10

Planning results Working on the self project the student necessary give the answers on Planning results Working on the self project the student necessary give the answers on the follow questions: n What energy needs are there? n What especially are there in each proposing situation? n What resources of the energy have people in this conditions? n What aggregates is a best in that place? n How do these work? n What fuel need? How mach does it need? n What food and clothes need? Students must illustrated self works photos, pictures, schemes. 11

Resource of the information n n n Books Newspapers and science magazine CD Internet Resource of the information n n n Books Newspapers and science magazine CD Internet Museum and exhibitions Letters to the participates of the real expeditions Real manufactures, factories, works 12

Structure of project Stage Period 1. Coordination teachers from different school and centers 2 Structure of project Stage Period 1. Coordination teachers from different school and centers 2 weeks 2. Organization interschool groups. Meeting in the forum. Choose themes. 2 weeks 3. Group‘s work for project in the forum. 9 weeks 4. Decorate and prepare the project to defiance 5. Defiance of the project 4 weeks 6. Rewarding and summing up 1 week 2 weeks 13

Structure of the forum 14 Structure of the forum 14

Live in the forum All participants of the forum may: n read and white Live in the forum All participants of the forum may: n read and white texts in old themes, n add new themes for discussion, n attach tables and pictures, n organize interrogate, n add self image-picture (avatar) 15

Design of the student‘s work 1. Document Word 2. Presentation Power Point 3. html-page Design of the student‘s work 1. Document Word 2. Presentation Power Point 3. html-page 16

Defense of the project Board of adjudicators n n n The member of jury Defense of the project Board of adjudicators n n n The member of jury choose from the centers which is not participates in our project. Prepare project of the groups hand out in the forum. The jury ask questions to the group in the forum. The students answer on it in the forum. The jury choose the best group! 17

What achievements were? Pedagogical purposes Result to form skill independent work, + to form What achievements were? Pedagogical purposes Result to form skill independent work, + to form skill take one‘s bearings in information space + to develop critical and creative thinking + (we hope!) to form communicate skill (We hope to friendship students from different schools ORT between) to form group work skill +Only 2 interschool groups + 18

What achievements were? Subject‘s purposes Results I-net, e-mail, поисковые programmers, + Word, Power Point, What achievements were? Subject‘s purposes Results I-net, e-mail, поисковые programmers, + Word, Power Point, html-page (4 group made sites) Economic and climatic condition in the different regions of the Earth + daily norm consumption of the energy for man, limited condition (temperature, pressure, humidity and other) + Translate texts, summary orally and writing Energy, form and methods of transformed energy, generation, translate, utilization it. + + 19

What achievements were? Technology problems Result Structure of the energy needs + Describe especially What achievements were? Technology problems Result Structure of the energy needs + Describe especially place and extremely situation + (even more when need) Describe general energy aggregate Photos, schemes, picture, illustration Quality and quantity researches +(very superficial) + (very mach!) -(only 1! Work) 20

What achievements were? Resource of the information Books Newspapers and science magazine CD Internet What achievements were? Resource of the information Books Newspapers and science magazine CD Internet Museum and exhibitions Letters to the participates of the real expeditions Real manufactures, factories, works Choice of groups Popular children encyclopedia Almost nobody General resource Only 2 group only 2 groups nobody! 21

What next? n n n Telecommunicate project became a fact of the live in What next? n n n Telecommunicate project became a fact of the live in the ORT-space. We hope our product will get over difficult and will continue his exit. We hope it will go out space ORTCIS and will become world project. 22

Thank you for attention! Author of the presentation Dr. Jeanne V. Umanskaya 23 Thank you for attention! Author of the presentation Dr. Jeanne V. Umanskaya 23