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TEEN READ WEEK & BEYOND: Teen Reading Programming Throughout the Year #TRW 15
January: Teen Book & Media Awards l Every January YALSA announces the winners of its book and media awards ¡Alex, Edwards, Morris, Nonfiction, Odyssey, & Printz l Prepare for the awards announcement ¡Hold a mock Printz or Nonfiction Award election ¡Display previous or potential winners ¡Create an awards announcement countdown on the library web site
February & March: Celebrate! www. ala. org/yalsa/booklists l Celebrate the award winners ¡Displays ¡Book clubs ¡Contests ¡Author events l Update your collection and services ¡ Purchase the winners & titles on the selected lists ¡ Incorporate the titles into readers’ advisory l Spread the word ¡Download & reproduce bookmark templates ¡Letter to the editor ¡Links on your web site ¡Booktalks
April: National Library Week Held annually the second week of April l Teen Read Week launches at www. ala. org/teenread ¡ Apply for Teen Read Week &/or Teens’ Top Ten grants via the site ¡ Sign up for free webinars via the site l Promote libraries & reading in your community ¡ Create a display of Teens’ Top Ten nominees – www. ala. org/yalsa/teenstopten
May thru September: Teens’ Top Ten www. ala. org/teenstopten l It’s a teens’ choice award for the best YA books l Encourage your teens to read the TTT nominations all summer so they can vote for their favorites from Aug. through Teen Read Week ¡ Use the list for collection development ¡ Tie the TTT into summer reading – see the free TTT toolkit for ideas ¡ Share the list with school librarians and teachers ¡ Use in booktalks, book clubs and displays ¡ Feature the titles on the library web site
October: Teen Read Week www. ala. org/teenread l Encourages all teens to read for the fun of it & to use library resources to do so l All schools, libraries & bookstores can participate l Celebrated annually the 3 rd week in Oct. l Sign up on the web site for special perks l Celebrate in a way that works best for you
Get Away @ your library l Create a display featuring comics & graphic novels l Host a books-to-film, film festival featuring sci-fi or fantasy books that were made into movies l Host a career fair so teens can explore jobs in the travel and hospitality industry l Ask your Teen Advisory Group to create a map of the community featuring places where teens can go to get away from the everyday
Websites for More Information l www. ala. org/yalsa/booklists (awards & lists) l www. ala. org/teenstopten (Teens’ Top Ten) l www. ala. org/teenread (Teen Read Week) l www. ala. org/yalsa/reads 4 teens (recommended reading site for teens) l www. yalsa. ala. org/thehub/ (blog about library collections) l www. ala. org/yalsa/guidelines (teen programming guidelines)
Programming Resources from YALSA l Cool Teen Programs Under $100 (book) l List of YA Authors by State http: //ow. ly/u. Uvy 4 l M. A. E. Award for Best Lit Program for Teens, http: //tinyurl. com/MAEaward l Program Idea Wiki at http: //tinyurl. com/YAprograms l YA-YAAC, a listserv for library workers to share programming ideas, http: //lists. ala. org/sympa/info/ya-yaac l Young Adult Library Services (quarterly journal)
Continuing Education Resources l Stay current with the latest in teen services through YALSA’s webinars! l YALSA offers free monthly webinars to members on the third Thursday at 2 pm EST l Learn about our upcoming webinars here: http: //www. ala. org/yalsa/webinars l Nonmembers can buy webinars on demand www. ala. org/yalsa/webinarsondemand
Please contact YALSA if we can be of help! YALSA 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 1. 800. 545. 2433 x 4390 yalsa@ala. org www. ala. org/yalsa (web site) @yalsa (Twitter)
Who is YALSA? l YALSA stands for the Young Adult Library Services Association l Parent organization is the American Library Association (ALA) l Has over 5, 100 members who are school and public library workers, educators, grad students and library supporters l Mission: To expand strengthen library services for teens, aged 12 -18. Through its member-driven advocacy, research, and professional development initiatives, YALSA builds the capacity of libraries and librarians to engage, serve and empower teens.
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