Technoparks and Business incubators of RK “Strategy of

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Technoparks and Business incubators of RK “Strategy of industrial and innovational development of RK” Prepared by the student of 3 rd grade Talkanbay K. ,
Strategy In order to ensure sustainable development of Kazakhstan on the basis of diversification and modernization of the economy and create conditions for the production of competitive products and the growth of exports, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 17 May 2003, approved Strategy of Industrial and Innovation Development of Kazakhstan for 2003 -2015.
Strategy of Industrial and Innovation Development of Kazakhstan aimed at the formation of state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period up to 2015 and aims to achieve sustainable development through economic diversification and shifting from extraction to processing. The one of the main directions of the state policy in the sphere of science, technology and innovation is to create innovative infrastructure , including the creation of specialized subjects of innovative activity of the state, cross-sectoral, sectoral and regional issues.
Technology parks of RK The country formed a two-tier system of parks — national and regional technology parks. A distinctive feature is the presence of national parks branch orientation in their activities and conditions of the Special Economic Zone with preferential tax treatment.
The creation and further development of industrial parks in Kazakhstan is intended to solve the basic problem in the formation of a competitive manufacturing sector of the economy — strengthening the link between science and production, introduction of new technologies, increasing productivity in industry and as a result, the production of high-tech ¬ and competitive products.
Implementation and operation of technology parks in Kazakhstan is on the European model, which has the following features: • the availability of the building, designed to accommodate the tens of small firms (which contributes to the formation of a large number of new small and medium-sized innovative businesses using all the benefits of public services); • service system consisting of complex and simple service recruited from firms that make up the existing structure necessary for innovative businesses the service sector.
The summary of the mission and scope of the Kazakh industrial parks. 1. LLP «Technopark» Algorithm «, Uralsk. Established in 2004. Mission: To create an enabling environment for innovation in the western region of Kazakhstan, through the strengthening of close interaction between all participants of the innovation process, as well as the provision of the initiators of innovative physical infrastructure and support services. Business fields: mechanical engineering for the oil and gas industry, instrumentation, petrochemical, environmental protection technology. 2. Almaty regional industrial park, Almaty. Established in 2005. The mission: to raise the added value of enterprises and competitiveness, support for innovation activities of enterprises. Areas of activity: construction technology, building materials, chemical industry, metallurgy, mechanical engineering.
The summary of the mission and scope of the Kazakh industrial parks. (cont) 3. LLP «Technopark Uni. Scien. Tech» , Karaganda. Established in 2004. Mission: To create an enabling environment for innovation in Central Kazakhstan by providing the initiators of innovative physical infrastructure and specialized services. 4. LLP «Alatau Iy-City Management» , Almaty. Established in 2003. Mission: To create a strategic framework for the rapid development of the information technology industry in Kazakhstan. 5. Technopark Kaz. NTU named after Satpayev Almaty. Established in 2004. The mission: to create conditions for rapid development of high technology, the introduction of scientific, technical and technological developments in the industry, the commercialization of research outcomes.
The summary of the mission and scope of the Kazakh industrial parks. (cont) 6. LLP «Regional Technology Park of Astana». Established in 2007. Areas of activity: development of technologies in the construction and building materials, the development of technology in the field of mechanical engineering. 7. Technology park of «Altai», Ust-Kamenogorsk. Established in 2008. Areas of activity: production and processing of ferrous metals, information technology, engineering, environmental technology, the production of new materials. 8. LLP «East Kazakhstan regional park» Altai «, Ust-Kamenogorsk. Established in 2005. Areas of activity: production and processing of ferrous metals, information technology, engineering, environmental technology, the production of new materials.
The summary of the mission and scope of the Kazakh industrial parks. (cont) 9. LLP «Regional Technology Park in South Kazakhstan region», Shymkent. Established in 2008. Areas of activity: chemical technology of building materials, production and processing of agricultural products, hydrocarbon processing, environmental technology. 10. TOO «Regional industrial park» Aktobe «Aktobe. Established in 2006. Mission: To provide conditions for the sustainable development of a competitive economy based on the effective use of intellectual potential, generation, distribution and commercialization of new knowledge in the region, through the mechanism of public-private partnership. Areas of activity: mining, agriculture, oil and gas. 11. Technology park of Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi — it is rather a research division of the KNU.
One of the characteristics of Kazakhstan technological parks — located within a large enterprise, involving the work of leading universities and research institutes. As you know, three of the ten national parks are located in high schools, such as the execution of it. Al-Farabi, NEC them. Satpayev and EKSTU of D. Serikbaev. The remaining seven operating in the industrial and scientific centers. It is also necessary to point out that most of the parks in Kazakhstan are located in large cities and industrial centers, with the presence of academic institutions and qualified professionals. Even a cursory glance at the geography parks reveals that 60% of the industrial parks located in cities such as Almaty, Astana and Karaganda, others operate in medium and small cities, such as Ust-Kamenogorsk and Uralsk.
Business incubators Business incubation represents one of the most dramatically developing tools for innovative entrepreneurship support. Conditions of incubation essentially assist to overcome barriers when starting and developing small businesses. Business Incubator supports start-up enterprises by granting production and office spaces on favorable terms for business activity, office facilities and services which contribute to the business development.
There are 43 Business Incubators and Technology Parks in Kazakhstan. The Kazakhstan i Association of Business Incubators and Innovation Centers (KABIIC) was established in 2000. It unites 14 business incubators and technological parks from the different regions of Kazakhstan. The Central Asian Network of Business Incubators and Technology Parks (CABIN) was established in November of 2002; the Network coordinator is SODBI Business Incubator in Shymkent.
In Kazakhstan, the major share of customers’ business incubators are the companies involved in the production (food, garments, furniture, craft and souvenir production) and service providers (in the field of training, consulting, and construction and repair work, only 2% of the clients business technological incubators do business), whereas the main objective of the business incubator — «grow» high-tech companies from the earliest stages, with the inception of an idea.
Incubation: Facts* Business Incubators reduce risk of small business failures. NBIA member incubators report that 87% of all firms that graduated from their business incubators are still in business. For every 1$ of estimated annual public subsidy provided to the incubator, clients and graduates of incubators generate approximately 45$ in local tax revenue alone. 84% of incubator graduates stay in their communities and continue to provide a return to their investors. Publicly-financed incubators create jobs at a cost of about $1, 100 each, whereas other publicly supported job creation mechanisms commonly cost over $10, 000 per job created. North American incubators clients and graduates have created approximately 500, 000 jobs since 1980. Every two jobs created by an incubator client generated another one job in community.
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