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Technology Overview. . . Galaxy Speed Total Cost of Ownership Availability Reliability Scalability
Customer Needs -- by category Consolidation Cost of ownership Avoid downtime Long-Term Viability Changing business environments Risk avoidance Data availability Application availability In-House Strategic Plans Service “one stop shopping” Manageability 3 Major Categories • Expansion • Business Flexibility • Consolidation Scalability Availability Flexibility Application life extension Mixed workload support 2
Different Approaches to Same Problem q. Isolationist n Multiple instances of operating system n Hard partitioning q. Monolithic n Single instance of operating system n Soft or application partitioning q. Virtual machine monitor n Multiple instances of operating system n Only the monitor directly controls resources q. Open. VMS Galaxy: soft partitions, multiple cooperating instances, each directly controls hardware 3
Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture APMP with Galaxy Software Architecture will provide: CPUs 0 1 2 3 Instance B CPUs 4 5 6 ü Dynamic resource balancing ü Improved availability over single instance ü Ability to consolidate distributed cluster applications ü 7 8 9 All existing Open. VMS applications can run unchanged ü CPUs High commercial application performance ü Instance C I/O q An Open. VMS Galaxy Instance A I/O Multi-Processing (APMP) I/O q Adaptive Partitioned Ability for mixed versions and rolling upgrades Instance A Private Memory Instance B Private Memory Instance C Private Memory Shared Memory q Galaxy solves High-End Server (multi-cpu, memory & I/O) scaling and cluster interconnect bottlenecks 4
Multiple Instances of Open. VMS in a Single Computer Adaptive Partitioned Multiprocessing (APMP) Application Application Open. VMS 5
Inter-Instance Communication to Manage System Resources Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect I/O Instance A CPUs 0 1 2 3 Instance A Private Memory I/O Instance B I/O Instance C CPUs 4 5 6 7 8 9 Instance B Private Memory Instance C Private Memory “Shared Nothing” Computing with ability to reassign CPUs from one instance to another
Inter-Instance Communication to Manage System Resources Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect I/O Instance A CPUs 0 1 2 3 Instance A Private Memory I/O Instance B I/O Instance C CPUs 4 5 6 7 8 9 Instance B Private Memory Shared Memory Instance C Private Memory Galaxy-Wide Global Section “Shared Partial” Computing with ability to reassign CPUs from one instance to another and each instance has access to shared memory
Inter-Instance Communication to Manage System Resources Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect Cluster Interconnect I/O Instance A 0 1 2 3 Instance A Private Memory I/O Instance C CPUs I/O Instance B CPUs 4 5 6 7 8 9 Instance B Private Memory Shared Memory Instance C Private Memory Cluster Interconnect “Shared Everything” Computing with ability to reassign CPUs, shared memory, and all the attributes of Open. VMS Clusters in a single system
Adaptive Dynamic Resource Partitioning Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect Cluster Interconnect I/O Instance A 0 1 2 3 Instance A Private Memory I/O Instance C CPUs I/O Instance B CPUs 4 5 6 7 8 9 Instance B Private Memory Shared Memory Instance C Private Memory Cluster Interconnect System Resources Partitioned by Software
Galaxy Configuration Utility 10
Single-instance Open. VMS Galaxy q. On any Open. VMS Alpha system q. GCU creates a configuration file q. System parameter GALAXY set to 1 q. System boots as single-instance Open. VMS Galaxy complete with “shared memory” q. It is not a simulator: it is the real code q. Allows Open. VMS Galaxy application development and testing 11
Compatibility q No software changes are needed to run in an Open. VMS Galaxy instance q Existing command procedures run unchanged q Existing applications run unchanged 12
Availability q Instances can be rebooted independently n upgrade software versions n AUTOGEN n expand system capacity q The entire system never needs to be down 13
Scalability q multiple instances can make better use of the machine’s resources q CPUs - distribute the SMP overhead q I/O - distribute the interrupt processing 14
Adaptivity q physical resources are dynamically reassigned n CPUs n some memory 15
Cost of Ownership q multiple instances means fewer systems, reducing n management requirements n floor space n licenses 16
Open. VMS Version 7. 2 Galaxy Features q Alpha. Server 8400 (3 instances), 8200 (2), 4100 (2) q Reassignment of CPUs (a. k. a. migration) q GUI for configuration management q Cluster interconnect over shared memory q Cluster instances with non-Galaxy systems q APIs: shared memory global sections, locking for synch, CPU management, event notification, configuration info q Single-instance Open. VMS Galaxy on any Alpha system q Open. VMS Galaxy Guide
Alpha. Server Platforms of Today Alpha. Server 8400 Alpha. Server 8200 Alpha. Server 4100 18
The Best Keeps Getting Better Continued Enhancements to Mid-Range Technology Server Family Implementati on Power EV 6 Technology Program MHz 600 Coverage Faster 533 MHz Cache New Memory New Rack EV 6 Upgrades & Systems EV 6 8 “ 00” EV 6 Early ‘ 99 Now 466 MHz CY’ 97 CY’ 98 CY’ 99 19
New Alpha. Server Product Concept CPUs Memories Range of Servers PCI Bus + 2 Backplanes Seamless Upgrades Common Components New HPTC and Enterprise Apps · Up to 72 ( to 120)CPUs · Up to 288 GB memory · Up to 144 PCI buses Existing Alpha. Server Applications · Up to 32 CPUs · Up to 128 GB memory · Up to 64 PCI buses · Up to 16 CPUs · Up to 64 GB memory · Up to 32 PCI buses New Scalable NT Enterprise Apps · Up to 8 CPUs · Up to 32 GB memory · Up to 16 PCI buses 20
Open. VMS Galculator 21
Open. VMS Galaxy SW Licensing q License by Galaxy System not by each instance q Which means: n One Open. VMS Base Operating System License required (BAU) n One SMP Extension License for each CPU after the first (BAU) NEW n One Open. VMS Galaxy License for each CPU n No change to how Compaq layered products are licensed q One capacity license per system (BAU) q One user license per use required (BAU) q So to create an Open. VMS Galaxy on an existing system: n Just add one Open. VMS Galaxy license for each CPU q Simple… 22
Open. VMS Galaxy Licensing 8400 Consolidation Example 3 10 Alpha. Server 8400 systems CPU’s 1 10 3 Open. VMS Base o/s Licenses 1 7 SMP Extension Licenses 9 3 Open. VMS Cluster Licenses 1 3 Compaq Layered Prod. Licenses 1 Galaxy Software Architecture Instance A Instance B CPUs 0 1 2 Open. VMS Galaxy Licenses 10 3 4 5 6 Instance C CPUs Private A Private B CPUs 7 8 9 Private C Shared Memory 23
Open. VMS Galaxy Pricing Open. VMS Galaxy License Price: $4500 per CPU!!! Order No. Description U. S. List QL-66 XAA-3 B Galaxy Open. VMS 1 CPU license $4, 500 QL-66 XAA-3 C Galaxy Open. VMS 2 CPU license $9, 000 QL-66 XAA-3 D Galaxy Open. VMS 4 CPU license $18, 000 QL-66 XAA-3 E Galaxy Open. VMS 8 CPU license $36, 000 q Economic… 24
Galaxy Cost of Ownership Example ISS System Cost 39% Lower ISS Costs Plus Lower Costs For: • Software • Services • Management 3 8400 s with 10 cpus VMS Cluster Software 1 8400 with 10 cpus Open. VMS Galaxy System Configuration 25
Open. VMS Galaxy Future Directions q Support Open. VMS Galaxy on new Alpha. Server platforms and new hardware features when introduced q Insure Open. VMS Galaxy will Scale as the size of the Open. VMS Alpha. Server systems increase q Allow additional Open. VMS Alpha components to take advantage of the Galaxy Software Architecture on Open. VMS q Allow existing applications to scale with Open. VMS Galaxy and the Alpha. Server platforms without changes 26
Open. VMS Galaxy Futures Roadmap Galaxy EFT Galaxy Phase I VMS 7. 2 support • 8400/8200/4100 • 2 -3 VMS Instances • CPU Reassignment • Shared Memory Cluster Interconnect Galaxy Phase III • 32 processor next generation hardware • CPU Hot Swap • Memory In-Swap • Up to 8 VMS instances • LAN over shared memory • RAMdisk in shared memory • Self healing tools ie: Memory reconfiguration • Distributed Lock Manager data in shared memory • More Instances
Target Applications q. Open. VMS Galaxy is ideal for commercial applications: n Database servers n Transaction processing systems n Data warehousing n Data mining n Internet servers 28
Some Examples of Open. VMS Galaxy q Stock Exchanges handling unexpected trading volumes - revenue opportunities q Unanticipated Telesales Order Volumes in a retail operation - revenue opportunities q Call Center Operations handling sudden demands for support - customer satisfaction q Hospital Emergency Admission Systems responding to unforeseeable events - saving lives 29
Getting More Information q. Open. VMS Alpha Galaxy Guide n Describes how to create, manage, and use an Open. VMS Galaxy computing environment q. See http: //www. openvms. digital. com for updates: 30
Compaq Computer Corporation © 1998 31