Скачать презентацию Technology Overview Galaxy Speed Total Cost Скачать презентацию Technology Overview Galaxy Speed Total Cost


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Technology Overview. . . Galaxy Speed Total Cost of Ownership Availability Reliability Scalability Technology Overview. . . Galaxy Speed Total Cost of Ownership Availability Reliability Scalability

Customer Needs -- by category Consolidation Cost of ownership Avoid downtime Long-Term Viability Changing Customer Needs -- by category Consolidation Cost of ownership Avoid downtime Long-Term Viability Changing business environments Risk avoidance Data availability Application availability In-House Strategic Plans Service “one stop shopping” Manageability 3 Major Categories • Expansion • Business Flexibility • Consolidation Scalability Availability Flexibility Application life extension Mixed workload support 2

Different Approaches to Same Problem q. Isolationist n Multiple instances of operating system n Different Approaches to Same Problem q. Isolationist n Multiple instances of operating system n Hard partitioning q. Monolithic n Single instance of operating system n Soft or application partitioning q. Virtual machine monitor n Multiple instances of operating system n Only the monitor directly controls resources q. Open. VMS Galaxy: soft partitions, multiple cooperating instances, each directly controls hardware 3

Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture APMP with Galaxy Software Architecture will provide: CPUs 0 1 Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture APMP with Galaxy Software Architecture will provide: CPUs 0 1 2 3 Instance B CPUs 4 5 6 ü Dynamic resource balancing ü Improved availability over single instance ü Ability to consolidate distributed cluster applications ü 7 8 9 All existing Open. VMS applications can run unchanged ü CPUs High commercial application performance ü Instance C I/O q An Open. VMS Galaxy Instance A I/O Multi-Processing (APMP) I/O q Adaptive Partitioned Ability for mixed versions and rolling upgrades Instance A Private Memory Instance B Private Memory Instance C Private Memory Shared Memory q Galaxy solves High-End Server (multi-cpu, memory & I/O) scaling and cluster interconnect bottlenecks 4

Multiple Instances of Open. VMS in a Single Computer Adaptive Partitioned Multiprocessing (APMP) Application Multiple Instances of Open. VMS in a Single Computer Adaptive Partitioned Multiprocessing (APMP) Application Application Open. VMS 5

Inter-Instance Communication to Manage System Resources Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect I/O Instance A CPUs Inter-Instance Communication to Manage System Resources Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect I/O Instance A CPUs 0 1 2 3 Instance A Private Memory I/O Instance B I/O Instance C CPUs 4 5 6 7 8 9 Instance B Private Memory Instance C Private Memory “Shared Nothing” Computing with ability to reassign CPUs from one instance to another

Inter-Instance Communication to Manage System Resources Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect I/O Instance A CPUs Inter-Instance Communication to Manage System Resources Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect I/O Instance A CPUs 0 1 2 3 Instance A Private Memory I/O Instance B I/O Instance C CPUs 4 5 6 7 8 9 Instance B Private Memory Shared Memory Instance C Private Memory Galaxy-Wide Global Section “Shared Partial” Computing with ability to reassign CPUs from one instance to another and each instance has access to shared memory

Inter-Instance Communication to Manage System Resources Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect Cluster Interconnect I/O Instance Inter-Instance Communication to Manage System Resources Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect Cluster Interconnect I/O Instance A 0 1 2 3 Instance A Private Memory I/O Instance C CPUs I/O Instance B CPUs 4 5 6 7 8 9 Instance B Private Memory Shared Memory Instance C Private Memory Cluster Interconnect “Shared Everything” Computing with ability to reassign CPUs, shared memory, and all the attributes of Open. VMS Clusters in a single system

Adaptive Dynamic Resource Partitioning Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect Cluster Interconnect I/O Instance A 0 Adaptive Dynamic Resource Partitioning Network Interconnect Storage Interconnect Cluster Interconnect I/O Instance A 0 1 2 3 Instance A Private Memory I/O Instance C CPUs I/O Instance B CPUs 4 5 6 7 8 9 Instance B Private Memory Shared Memory Instance C Private Memory Cluster Interconnect System Resources Partitioned by Software

Galaxy Configuration Utility 10 Galaxy Configuration Utility 10

Single-instance Open. VMS Galaxy q. On any Open. VMS Alpha system q. GCU creates Single-instance Open. VMS Galaxy q. On any Open. VMS Alpha system q. GCU creates a configuration file q. System parameter GALAXY set to 1 q. System boots as single-instance Open. VMS Galaxy complete with “shared memory” q. It is not a simulator: it is the real code q. Allows Open. VMS Galaxy application development and testing 11

Compatibility q No software changes are needed to run in an Open. VMS Galaxy Compatibility q No software changes are needed to run in an Open. VMS Galaxy instance q Existing command procedures run unchanged q Existing applications run unchanged 12

Availability q Instances can be rebooted independently n upgrade software versions n AUTOGEN n Availability q Instances can be rebooted independently n upgrade software versions n AUTOGEN n expand system capacity q The entire system never needs to be down 13

Scalability q multiple instances can make better use of the machine’s resources q CPUs Scalability q multiple instances can make better use of the machine’s resources q CPUs - distribute the SMP overhead q I/O - distribute the interrupt processing 14

Adaptivity q physical resources are dynamically reassigned n CPUs n some memory 15 Adaptivity q physical resources are dynamically reassigned n CPUs n some memory 15

Cost of Ownership q multiple instances means fewer systems, reducing n management requirements n Cost of Ownership q multiple instances means fewer systems, reducing n management requirements n floor space n licenses 16

Open. VMS Version 7. 2 Galaxy Features q Alpha. Server 8400 (3 instances), 8200 Open. VMS Version 7. 2 Galaxy Features q Alpha. Server 8400 (3 instances), 8200 (2), 4100 (2) q Reassignment of CPUs (a. k. a. migration) q GUI for configuration management q Cluster interconnect over shared memory q Cluster instances with non-Galaxy systems q APIs: shared memory global sections, locking for synch, CPU management, event notification, configuration info q Single-instance Open. VMS Galaxy on any Alpha system q Open. VMS Galaxy Guide

Alpha. Server Platforms of Today Alpha. Server 8400 Alpha. Server 8200 Alpha. Server 4100 Alpha. Server Platforms of Today Alpha. Server 8400 Alpha. Server 8200 Alpha. Server 4100 18

The Best Keeps Getting Better Continued Enhancements to Mid-Range Technology Server Family Implementati on The Best Keeps Getting Better Continued Enhancements to Mid-Range Technology Server Family Implementati on Power EV 6 Technology Program MHz 600 Coverage Faster 533 MHz Cache New Memory New Rack EV 6 Upgrades & Systems EV 6 8 “ 00” EV 6 Early ‘ 99 Now 466 MHz CY’ 97 CY’ 98 CY’ 99 19

New Alpha. Server Product Concept CPUs Memories Range of Servers PCI Bus + 2 New Alpha. Server Product Concept CPUs Memories Range of Servers PCI Bus + 2 Backplanes Seamless Upgrades Common Components New HPTC and Enterprise Apps · Up to 72 ( to 120)CPUs · Up to 288 GB memory · Up to 144 PCI buses Existing Alpha. Server Applications · Up to 32 CPUs · Up to 128 GB memory · Up to 64 PCI buses · Up to 16 CPUs · Up to 64 GB memory · Up to 32 PCI buses New Scalable NT Enterprise Apps · Up to 8 CPUs · Up to 32 GB memory · Up to 16 PCI buses 20

Open. VMS Galculator 21 Open. VMS Galculator 21

Open. VMS Galaxy SW Licensing q License by Galaxy System not by each instance Open. VMS Galaxy SW Licensing q License by Galaxy System not by each instance q Which means: n One Open. VMS Base Operating System License required (BAU) n One SMP Extension License for each CPU after the first (BAU) NEW n One Open. VMS Galaxy License for each CPU n No change to how Compaq layered products are licensed q One capacity license per system (BAU) q One user license per use required (BAU) q So to create an Open. VMS Galaxy on an existing system: n Just add one Open. VMS Galaxy license for each CPU q Simple… 22

Open. VMS Galaxy Licensing 8400 Consolidation Example 3 10 Alpha. Server 8400 systems CPU’s Open. VMS Galaxy Licensing 8400 Consolidation Example 3 10 Alpha. Server 8400 systems CPU’s 1 10 3 Open. VMS Base o/s Licenses 1 7 SMP Extension Licenses 9 3 Open. VMS Cluster Licenses 1 3 Compaq Layered Prod. Licenses 1 Galaxy Software Architecture Instance A Instance B CPUs 0 1 2 Open. VMS Galaxy Licenses 10 3 4 5 6 Instance C CPUs Private A Private B CPUs 7 8 9 Private C Shared Memory 23

Open. VMS Galaxy Pricing Open. VMS Galaxy License Price: $4500 per CPU!!! Order No. Open. VMS Galaxy Pricing Open. VMS Galaxy License Price: $4500 per CPU!!! Order No. Description U. S. List QL-66 XAA-3 B Galaxy Open. VMS 1 CPU license $4, 500 QL-66 XAA-3 C Galaxy Open. VMS 2 CPU license $9, 000 QL-66 XAA-3 D Galaxy Open. VMS 4 CPU license $18, 000 QL-66 XAA-3 E Galaxy Open. VMS 8 CPU license $36, 000 q Economic… 24

Galaxy Cost of Ownership Example ISS System Cost 39% Lower ISS Costs Plus Lower Galaxy Cost of Ownership Example ISS System Cost 39% Lower ISS Costs Plus Lower Costs For: • Software • Services • Management 3 8400 s with 10 cpus VMS Cluster Software 1 8400 with 10 cpus Open. VMS Galaxy System Configuration 25

Open. VMS Galaxy Future Directions q Support Open. VMS Galaxy on new Alpha. Server Open. VMS Galaxy Future Directions q Support Open. VMS Galaxy on new Alpha. Server platforms and new hardware features when introduced q Insure Open. VMS Galaxy will Scale as the size of the Open. VMS Alpha. Server systems increase q Allow additional Open. VMS Alpha components to take advantage of the Galaxy Software Architecture on Open. VMS q Allow existing applications to scale with Open. VMS Galaxy and the Alpha. Server platforms without changes 26

Open. VMS Galaxy Futures Roadmap Galaxy EFT Galaxy Phase I VMS 7. 2 support Open. VMS Galaxy Futures Roadmap Galaxy EFT Galaxy Phase I VMS 7. 2 support • 8400/8200/4100 • 2 -3 VMS Instances • CPU Reassignment • Shared Memory Cluster Interconnect Galaxy Phase III • 32 processor next generation hardware • CPU Hot Swap • Memory In-Swap • Up to 8 VMS instances • LAN over shared memory • RAMdisk in shared memory • Self healing tools ie: Memory reconfiguration • Distributed Lock Manager data in shared memory • More Instances

Target Applications q. Open. VMS Galaxy is ideal for commercial applications: n Database servers Target Applications q. Open. VMS Galaxy is ideal for commercial applications: n Database servers n Transaction processing systems n Data warehousing n Data mining n Internet servers 28

Some Examples of Open. VMS Galaxy q Stock Exchanges handling unexpected trading volumes - Some Examples of Open. VMS Galaxy q Stock Exchanges handling unexpected trading volumes - revenue opportunities q Unanticipated Telesales Order Volumes in a retail operation - revenue opportunities q Call Center Operations handling sudden demands for support - customer satisfaction q Hospital Emergency Admission Systems responding to unforeseeable events - saving lives 29

Getting More Information q. Open. VMS Alpha Galaxy Guide n Describes how to create, Getting More Information q. Open. VMS Alpha Galaxy Guide n Describes how to create, manage, and use an Open. VMS Galaxy computing environment q. See http: //www. openvms. digital. com for updates: 30

Compaq Computer Corporation © 1998 31 Compaq Computer Corporation © 1998 31